SAVE’s mission is simple: Assure due process, fairness, and equal opportunities for men. These are SAVE’s current priorities:
- Men’s Equality Network: SAVE sponsors the Network, which is working to address the 12 areas of male disadvantage.
- Media: SAVE works to increase public awareness of the need for #GenderEqualityForMen, relying on press releases, editorials, radio interviews, social media, text messaging, and more.
- Legislative and Advocacy: SAVE communicates with federal and state lawmakers by means of direct lobbying and periodic press releases.
- Litigation Support: SAVE has filed a number of Amicus briefs in support of the 2020 Title IX regulation.
- Title IX Equity Project: SAVE reviews university websites to assure sex-specific scholarships do not discriminate against male students, and to assess compliance with the 2020 Title IX due process regulation.