News and Commentary

Why do We Need to Curb False Allegations of Domestic Violence?

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False allegations of domestic violence have become widespread in our society. Persons who make false accusations begin to impose requests for free legal assistance, counseling services, shelter resources, and protections from the criminal justice system.

The effect of these false allegations is to:

  • Take away services, resources, and police protections from true victims
  • Diminish the credibility of victims in the eyes of police, prosecutors, judges, and juries
  • Clog the criminal justice system
  • Waste taxpayer dollars
  • Unfairly tarnish the reputations of the falsely accused

Every false allegation of domestic violence represents a victim who is less likely to get help.

Judge Rucker Smith of Georgia was falsely accused of assault by his girlfriend. A jury acquitted the judge of all charges. Judge Smith later opined, “For someone to falsely accuse another out of anger and vengeance silences the voices of the many real victims.”


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