Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Law Professors Voice Concerns Over ‘Affirmative Consent’ Policies for Sex

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Law Professors Voice Concerns Over ‘Affirmative Consent’ Policies for Sex WASHINGTON / September 9, 2015 – A growing number of legal scholars are expressing concerns over affirmative consent policies that some universities are considering for implementation. The concerns follow recent passage of laws in California and New York mandating such policies [...]
Sexual Assault

PR: Due Process Gains Momentum, Moves to Center Stage in Campus Sexual Assault Debate

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email:    Due Process Gains Momentum, Moves to Center Stage in Campus Sexual Assault Debate   WASHINGTON / September 1, 2015 – A renewed focus on due process for students accused of sexual assault has emerged in recent months, as indicated by expressions of concern by law professors, a new federal legislative [...]
Affirmative Consent

PR: Univ. of Minnesota Administrators Advance Controversial Sex Policy Without Full Review By Regents And Students

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Univ. of Minnesota Administrators Advance Controversial Sex Policy Without Full Review By Regents And Students WASHINGTON / August 28, 2015 – Despite opposition from the campus community, University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler announced he will be implementing an affirmative consent sexual assault policy this upcoming school year.  SAVE urges the [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Four Rulings, Four Reversals: Judges Give ‘Thumbs Down’ on Campus Sex Tribunals

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Four Rulings, Four Reversals: Judges Give ‘Thumbs Down’ on Campus Sex Tribunals WASHINGTON / August 25, 2015 – In four recent cases, judges have overturned sexual assault findings by campus disciplinary committees. In each case, the judges ruled the college proceedings lacked necessary due process protections. As the new academic year [...]
Affirmative Consent Sexual Assault

PR: Judge Raps Knuckles of University Over Affirmative Consent Rule for Sexual Assault

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Judge Raps Knuckles of University Over Affirmative Consent Rule for Sexual Assault WASHINGTON / August 12, 2015 – A Tennessee judge has just ruled that the affirmative consent standard used by the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga was unfair because the rule “erroneously shifted the burden of proof” to the defendant, robbing the [...]
Affirmative Consent

PR: SAVE Calls for the University of Minnesota to Abandon Proposed Affirmative Consent Policy for Sexual Assault

Contact: Gina Lauterio Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email:   SAVE Calls for the University of Minnesota to Abandon Proposed Affirmative Consent Policy for Sexual Assault WASHINGTON / August 4, 2015 – SAVE, a national organization working to end campus sexual assault, is today calling on the University of Minnesota Board of Regents to reject the affirmative consent [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Sexual Assault Ruling at UCSD Could Ripple Across U.S.

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email:   Sexual Assault Ruling at UCSD Could Ripple Across U.S. WASHINGTON / July 23, 2015 – A recent judicial ruling in favor of a California student accused of sexual assault could have an impact on colleges and universities across the country. The ruling could have “tremendous pervasive influence on other courts,” [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Affirmative Consent Policies Eliminate the Presumption of Innocence, Critics Charge

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email:   Affirmative Consent Policies Eliminate the Presumption of Innocence, Critics Charge WASHINGTON / July 14, 2015 – Following recent passage of a law in New York on campus sexual assault, Affirmative Consent policies are coming under fire from civil rights and legal experts. The New York law will require that “clear [...]
Sexual Assault

PR: ‘Sexual Police State:’ NY Times Editorial Highlights Concerns with Expansion of Sexual Assault Laws

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: ‘Sexual Police State:’ NY Times Editorial Highlights Concerns with Expansion of Sexual Assault Laws WASHINGTON / July 1, 2015 – A recent New York Times editorial highlights legal changes that are placing millions of Americans at-risk of running afoul of sexual assault laws. The article warns against the criminalization of sexual activities that [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Revelations of Campus ‘Inquisition’ Stir Outrage

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Revelations of Campus ‘Inquisition’ Stir Outrage WASHINGTON / June 2, 2015 – A recent article by a Northwestern University professor about flawed campus sexual assault policies has triggered sharp criticism and calls for reform. Professor Laura Kipnis detailed how campus policies designed to address sexual assault have deprived the accused of [...]