Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Lawmakers Need to Restore Presumption of Innocence in Campus Sex Cases to Avoid ‘Frightening Consequences’

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Lawmakers Need to Restore Presumption of Innocence in Campus Sex Cases to Avoid ‘Frightening Consequences’ WASHINGTON / April 9, 2015 – Following release of a report detailing the many mistakes of a Rolling Stone article that had alleged a gang-rape at a University of Virginia fraternity, SAVE is now calling [...]
Sexual Assault

PR: SAVE Calls for Removal of Bogus ‘One-in-Five’ Rape Statistic from The Hunting Ground

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: SAVE Calls for Removal of Bogus ‘One-in-Five’ Rape Statistic from The Hunting Ground WASHINGTON / April 2, 2015 – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a national organization working to end campus sexual assault, is calling on producers of The Hunting Ground to remove a rape statistic featured in the movie [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: Panelists Call for End to Second-Class Justice in Campus Sex Cases

Panelists Call for End to Second-Class Justice in Campus Sex Cases WASHINGTON / March 18, 2015 – Panelists at a recent media briefing called for major changes to the federally mandated system of campus disciplinary committees, which are now required to hear all allegations of campus sexual assault. The six presentations were made during a [...]
Sexual Assault

PR: Joshua Strange, Falsely-Accused of Campus Rape, and His Mother Tell Their Story

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Joshua Strange, Falsely-Accused of Campus Rape, and His Mother Tell Their Story WASHINGTON / March 5, 2015 – In a compelling video testimonial, former Auburn University student Joshua Strange and his mother Allison recount their ordeal arising from false accusations of rape and physical assault. The video reveals that when [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: ‘Fundamentally Dishonest:’ Hunting Ground Movie Distorts the Truth and Shortchanges Victims, SAVE Charges

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: ‘Fundamentally Dishonest:’ Hunting Ground Movie Distorts the Truth and Shortchanges Victims, SAVE Charges WASHINGTON / March 3, 2015 – SAVE, a national organization working to end sexual assault, is criticizing the recently released movie The Hunting Ground for presenting false statistics, offering a one-side portrayal of the problem, and failing [...]

PR: Lesson from the UVA Gang-Rape ‘Disaster:’ Due Process Must be Restored for Campus Sex Cases

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: Lesson from the UVA Gang-Rape ‘Disaster:’ Due Process Must be Restored for Campus Sex Cases WASHINGTON / March 26, 2015 – In the aftermath of the recent Charlottesville, Virginia police report of “no evidence” of an alleged gang-rape of “Jackie” during a University of Virginia fraternity party, commentators on all points [...]

PR: SAVE Applauds Penn Law Professors for Principled Civil Rights Stance

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: SAVE Applauds Penn Law Professors for Principled Civil Rights Stance WASHINGTON / February 20, 2015 – SAVE, a national sexual assault organization, is highlighting the courageous action of 16 University of Pennsylvania law professors for protesting a new campus sexual assault policy. The Open Letter charges the new university policy [...]
Domestic Violence Media Press Release

PR: SAVE Denounces President Obama’s Misleading Portrayal of Domestic Violence

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: SAVE Denounces President Obama’s Misleading Portrayal of Domestic Violence WASHINGTON / February 10, 2015 – A leading domestic violence organization is criticizing President Obama for use of highly misleading claims on domestic violence. In a taped message to viewers of the Grammy awards Sunday night, President Obama called [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: ‘One in Five, It’s a Lie:’ SAVE Launches Campaign to Restore Truth to Sexual Assault Debate

Contact: Gina Lauterio Email: ‘One in Five, It’s a Lie:’ SAVE Launches Campaign to Restore Truth to Sexual Assault Debate WASHINGTON / January 7, 2015 – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments is today launching a national campaign to expose common myths and false claims about campus sexual assault. The 12 myths, along with the factual [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: SAVE Commends Senators Whitehouse and Grassley for Taking Lead to End ‘Second-Class Justice’ in Campus Sexual Assault Cases

Contact: Gina Lauterio Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: SAVE Commends Senators Whitehouse and Grassley for Taking Lead to End ‘Second-Class Justice’ in Campus Sexual Assault Cases WASHINGTON / December 12, 2014 – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments applauds Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Chuck Grassley for taking the initiative to strengthen the involvement of criminal justice authorities [...]