
Chippewa Falls woman arrested in murder-for-hire scheme Chippewa Falls woman arrested in murder-for-hire scheme By Chris Vetter Leader-Telegram staff Sep 13, 2019 CHIPPEWA FALLS — A Chippewa Falls woman who was arrested in an alleged murder-for-hire scheme will remain in jail on a $250,000 cash bond. Melanie S. Schrader, 47, 438 Olive St., appeared for a bond hearing Friday morning

Domestic Violence Violence Against Women Act

Stop Treating Domestic Violence Differently From Other Crimes

By Leigh Goodmark Ms. Goodmark is a professor and an anti-violence activist. July 23, 2019 All of a sudden, it seems like criminal justice reform is on everyone’s policy agenda. Politicians across the political spectrum in the United States are finally thinking about policies to reverse the decades-long expansion of the criminal system, and the mass

Title IX Equity Project

OCR Has Now Reached Favorable Resolutions in 10 Cases

SAVE September 11, 2019 The Office for Civil Rights publishes a listing of all resolutions issued since October 1, 2013. The OCR has concluded Title IX investigations affirming complaints by male students at the following institutions, which are listed in alphabetical order: Clemson University, Clemson, SC (2019) (sex-specific programs) Initial Complaint Dismissal Letter Jeremiah Poff: Clemson opens


Universities should not reward gender Universities should not reward gender September 4, 2019 Sam Stroud Staff Writer Editors Note: The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Tropolitan or its staff members. Address responses and critiques to Last week, the L.A. Times reported that

Investigations Trauma Informed

‘Trauma-Informed’ Bulletin Is Replete with Misrepresentations and Mistakes: CPI Report

PRESS RELEASE Rebecca Stewart: 513-479-3335 Email: ‘Trauma-Informed’ Bulletin Is Replete with Misrepresentations and Mistakes: CPI Report WASHINGTON / September 3, 2019 – A new Center for Prosecutor Integrity report documents factual errors and faulty conclusions contained in a 2019 bulletin published by End Violence Against Women International. Titled, “Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma and

Domestic Violence False Allegations

Do False Allegations Represent a Form of Domestic Violence? A Delaware Judge Said ‘Yes.’

Gordon Smith Ten years ago my marriage began to dissolve. My ex-wife soon discovered the “magic bullet” that would assure custody of our children. Her determination to “win at all costs” came very close to destroying my life. From 2009 to 2012, I was subjected to five protection orders and nine arrests, resulting in a

Believe the Victim Trauma Informed

Highlights of New Special Report on the Neurobiology of Trauma

Center for Prosecutor Integrity September 1, 2019 Recently the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) published a Position Paper on “Trauma-Informed Training and Neurobiology of Trauma” that sharply criticizes the assumptions, precepts, and methods of trauma-informed proponents. Now, the Center for Prosecutor Integrity has published a separate report that takes a deep-dive into the science


Study finds more than half of colleges ‘facially violate’ Title IX with women-only scholarships Study finds more than half of colleges ‘facially violate’ Title IX with women-only scholarships ALEXANDER PEASE – UMASS BOSTON •AUGUST 27, 2019 Arizona has more scholarships for women than 36 states combined have for men Men who want more scholarship money might try a novel tactic: Identify themselves as women. A review of more than 200

Title IX

Women-Only STEM Programs Target the Gender Gap. Now the Education Dept. Is Investigating Them for Bias.

By Steven Johnson AUGUST 22, 2019 Women have long been underrepresented across science, technology, engineering, and math majors, leading colleges to start hundreds of programs — scholarships, summer camps, and societies — to draw them in. But in recent years, a handful of activists have complained that those programs, and gender-specific programs more broadly, discriminate

Campus Trauma Informed Violence Against Women Act

Highlights from the ATIXA Position Statement on Trauma-Informed Methods

SAVE August 23, 2019 On August 22, the Association of Title IX Administrators – ATIXA – issued a Position Statement on Trauma-Informed Training and the Neurobiology of Trauma that exposes the many fallacies of “trauma-informed” concepts and methods: The Statement begins by quoting a claim that is often cited in trauma-informed training materials: “Trauma