Campus Department of Education Scholarships Title IX Equity Project

PR: The 85 Worst Universities in the Nation Offering Scholarships that Discriminate on the Basis of Sex

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Rebecca Stewart Telephone: 513-479-3335 Email: The 85 Worst Universities in the Nation Offering Scholarships that Discriminate on the Basis of Sex WASHINGTON / March 16, 2020 – The Title IX Equity Project today is releasing a list of 85 colleges and universities in the nation with severe violations of the federal

Sexual Assault

The Title IX Travesty

New Civil Liberties Alliance March 11, 2020 | Lunch & Law Speaker Series NCLA Senior Litigation Counsel Harriet Hageman hosts Lunch & Law with Jennifer Braceras, the Director of the Independent Women’s Forum Law Center, Hanna Stotland, an admissions consultant, and Caleb Kruckenberg, NCLA Litigation Counsel who is handling Vengalattore v. Cornell University and the U.S. Department of

Sexual Assault Start By Believing Victim-Centered Investigations

Too Little, Too Late: Review of EVAWI’s Updated Report on ‘Effective Report Writing’

Center for Prosecutor Integrity March 13, 2020 In 2006, End Violence Against Women, Inc. (EVAWI) published a report titled, “Effective Report Writing: Using the Language of Non-Consensual Sex.” This report was deeply concerning, given its specific guidance that investigators begin their probe with an “initial presumption” of guilt for the prime suspect. Noting numerous other concerns

Sexual Assault

The CDC’s Rape Numbers Are Misleading

BY CATHY YOUNG SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 Cathy Young is a contributing editor at Reason magazine. “CDC: Nearly 1 in 5 Women Raped.” “One in Five U.S. Women Has Been Raped: CDC Survey.” These alarming headlines were typical of the coverage of last week’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on sexual and intimate violence in the United States. The

Start By Believing Trauma Informed

Commentary on EVAWI’s Revised Report on the Neurobiology of Trauma

Susan Brandon March 9, 2020 In 2016, End Violence Against Women, Inc. (EVAWI) published a report titled, “Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma and Implications for Interviewing Victims.”[1] Noting several scientific flaws, Dr. Sujeeta Bhatt and I published a detailed critique of the EVAWI report last September.[2] In response, EVAWI made numerous revisions to their report,

Title IX

Secretary DeVos Announces New Civil Rights Initiative to Combat Sexual Assault in K-12 Public Schools Secretary DeVos Announces New Civil Rights Initiative to Combat Sexual Assault in K-12 Public Schools U.S. Department of Education sent this bulletin at 02/26/2020 01:09 PM EST Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. February 26, 2020 Dear Superintendent: I am pleased to share the following information with you regarding an

Title IX

University of Virginia puts accused students through triple jeopardy University of Virginia puts accused students through triple jeopardy GREG PIPER – ASSOCIATE EDITOR •MARCH 5, 2020 New Honor Committee bylaw is not a ‘failsafe option’ The U.S. Constitution bans double jeopardy in trials. When it comes to campus sexual misconduct proceedings, though, the federal government actually orders double jeopardy when schools already have an appeals process

Title IX

Joe Biden’s Record on Campus Due Process Has Been Abysmal. Is It a Preview of His Presidency? Joe Biden’s Record on Campus Due Process Has Been Abysmal. Is It a Preview of His Presidency? The 2020 hopeful used bogus statistics to change the way colleges treat students accused of sexual assault. EMILY YOFFE | 11.12.2019 1:00 AM (Preston Ehrler/ZUMA Press/Newscom) The rationale for the 2020 candidacy of former Vice President Joe Biden, a


The Time Is Now: Restorative Justice for Sexual Misconduct SPECIAL REPORTS The Time Is Now: Restorative Justice for Sexual Misconduct By Mary P. Koss and Kate Chisholm FEBRUARY 16, 2020 PREMIUM Martin Leon Barreto for The Chronicle For too long, campuses have limited the scope of options for survivors who report sexual misconduct. Colleges are obligated to respond to the reports, which can lead to

Violence Against Women Act

Violence Against Women Act: 10 Facts Reveal this Law Has Lost its Bearings

Violence Against Women Act: 10 Facts Reveal this Law Has Lost its Bearings Coalition to End Domestic Violence March 4, 2020 There is a growing sense among Republicans and Democrats alike that the various bills to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act – H.R. 1585, S. 2843, and S. 2920 – have lost their focus