
Overcoming a Climate of Fear on Campus: SAVE Statement on the Coronavirus Threat

March 25, 2020 On November 17, the first case of coronavirus was reported in Wuhan, China. The virus began to spread in China and then internationally. A mere four months later, most college campuses in the United States are physically closed. Many states have shut down non-essential businesses. Americans are fearful for their own health

Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

Colleges Plead for More Time to Implement New Title IX Regulations

Overwhelmed Colleges Worry About Title IX Rule’s Release Kery Murakami March 20, 5:45 p.m. Colleges and universities have their hands full dealing with the coronavirus outbreak, as they transition to online classes, close campuses and worrying about the health and housing of their students. But many are worried they may soon have to implement a controversial rule by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy


6th Circuit: Suspend First Or Else

By Scott Greenfield A few months earlier, a Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals panel in an opinion by Judge Alice Batchelder held that a female accuser did not have a cause of action against the college for allowing the accused to remain on campus. Or to put it bluntly, not suspending or expelling the male student did

Campus Sexual Assault Trauma Informed

PR: Impartial and Fair Investigations at Risk in Four States Eyeing ‘Trauma-Informed’ Methods

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Rebecca Stewart Telephone: 513-479-3335 Email: Impartial and Fair Investigations at Risk in Four States Eyeing ‘Trauma-Informed’ Methods WASHINGTON / March 25, 2020 – Proposed legislation in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, California, and Hawaii would require universities to use controversial “trauma-informed” methods for investigations of allegations of campus sexual assault. Investigative reporter Emily

Title IX

National Association of Scholars. Title IX Tool Kit National Association of Scholars. Title IX Tool Kit March 19, 2020 Collegiality or Harrassment? Two Sides of the PC Coin What is Title IX? Why is Title IX controversial? Why should Title IX concern NAS members? Where does Title IX stand now? What is Title IX? Title IX refers to the 1972 Educational Amendments

Title IX

Tenth Circuit: There’s nothing we can do about accused student’s ‘railroading’ Tenth Circuit: There’s nothing we can do about accused student’s ‘railroading’ by Samantha Harris March 18, 2020 An appellate court decision last week illustrates the uphill battle that often faces students who seek relief from unfair campus disciplinary proceedings in court — but several other recent decisions suggest a potential path forward for these students

Campus False Allegations Title IX

The Accusations Were Lies. But Could We Prove It?

By Sarah Viren March 18, 2020 We were at a friend’s doctoral graduation party on a Friday night at the end of March. I had a glass of wine in one hand and our toddler on my hip when Marta found me. “I got a really weird email,” she said. The moon hung full over our

False Allegations

False Allegations Harm True Victims

SAVE March 20, 2020 False allegations have become a major barrier to victims of sexual assault getting the help they need. As trivial and false claims clog the system and consume scarce resources: Victims are less likely to report the crime because they worry they won’t be believed Police are less likely to investigate Jurors

Campus Sexual Assault Title IX

OCR Is About to Rock Our Worlds

By Brett A. Sokolow January 15, 2020 ATIXA, the association of Title IX administrators I serve as president, anticipates publication of the final Title IX regulations in the Federal Register within the coming weeks. The federal government last issued Title IX regulations in 1975, so this is somewhat unprecedented. The proposed changes are far more sweeping than the 2011 Dear Colleague

Campus Sexual Assault

Right to counsel, right to confrontation among due process rights afforded to Arizona students under 2018 legislation

By Joe Cohn February 26, 2020 In 2018, Arizona enacted HB 2563 (now Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 15-1866), a bill on campus free speech that FIRE criticized for missing the mark in some key respects. FIRE’s analysis of the bill focused exclusively on the aspects of the legislation that affected students’ free speech rights. We recently revisited the bill’s language and found that