Campus Due Process Sexual Harassment

Open Letter to the 18 Attorneys General Opposed to the New Title IX Regulation

Nicholas H. Wolfinger April 12, 2020 The long-awaited Department of Education regulations on adjudicating allegations of sexual misconduct on college campuses are poised for release. In response, the American Council on Education (ACE) (1) and eighteen state attorneys general (2) have sought to block the guidelines. I believe this effort is misguided. The regulations would

Sexual Assault Title IX Uncategorized

National Women’s Law Center’s Bag of Title IX Tricks

SAVE April 8, 2020 On September 22, 2017, the Office for Civil Rights announced its withdrawal of the flawed 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. This unlawfully issued policy has been documented to have disastrous effects for students, faculty, and university administrators. [1] Fourteen months later, the Department of Education released its proposed Title IX regulations. In a

Campus Sexual Assault Title IX

89 Percent of Colleges Reported Zero Incidents of Rape in 2015

American Association of University Women May 10, 2017 2015 Clery Act Numbers Newly updated data required by the Clery Act indicate that the annual statistics collected by colleges and universities still do not tell the full story of sexual violence on campus. Many studies have found that around 20 percent of women are targets of

Title IX

NAS Commends Secretary DeVos, Encourages Education Department to Issue New Title IX Regulations Soon NAS Commends Secretary DeVos, Encourages Education Department to Issue New Title IX Regulations Soon April 03, 2020 NAS commends Secretary DeVos for her attention to Title IX, the federal law which bans sex discrimination at schools receiving federal funds. We especially applaud the Secretary for rescinding Obama-era directives, which mandated recipient schools create Title

Campus Sexual Assault Title IX

PR: Chaos on Campus: Lawmakers Seek Answers for Failure of Sexual Assault Policies

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Rebecca Stewart Telephone: 513-479-3335 Email: Chaos on Campus: Lawmakers Seek Answers for Failure of Sexual Assault Policies WASHINGTON / April 7, 2020 – Lawmakers are increasingly impatient over the failure of new campus policies to make a dent in the problem of sexual assault. The concerns have come into focus following

Title IX

Can The “Single Investigator” Model Ever Be Fundamentally Fair? Can The “Single Investigator” Model Ever Be Fundamentally Fair? At oral argument in Doe v. University of Sciences before the Third Circuit, an issue that gets only tangential consideration was front and center: Can the schools using the “single investigator” model for Title IX sexual determinations suffice as a fundamentally fair method? KC Johnson provides

Title IX

The Department of Education should not delay releasing the Title IX regulations The Department of Education should not delay releasing the Title IX regulations by Joe Cohn April 6, 2020 On March 27, the Office for Management and Budget completed its roughly five-month review of the Department of Education’s proposed regulations on Title IX, paving the way for the regulations to be finalized. Unsurprisingly, prominent opponents of the regulations, who have opposed the proposal at each and every step, have

Campus Sexual Assault Title IX

89 Percent of Colleges Reported Zero Incidents of Rape in 2015

American Association of University Women May 10, 2017 2015 Clery Act Numbers Newly updated data required by the Clery Act indicate that the annual statistics collected by colleges and universities still do not tell the full story of sexual violence on campus. Many studies have found that around 20 percent of women are targets of [...]
Campus Civil Rights Due Process False Allegations Press Release Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Victims

To Senators Murray, Warren and Gillibrand: Secretary DeVos CAN Multi-task

SAVE April 2, 2020 For over two years, U.S. Senators Patty Murray (D-WA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) urged Secretary DeVos and the Department of Education to not create new Title IX regulations, fallaciously claiming victims will be further harmed. The trio jumped on the crowded coronavirus excuse train, and now claim it

Title IX

Democratic student groups call for investigation into Biden for sexual assault allegation Democratic student groups call for investigation into Biden for sexual assault allegation GREG PIPER – ASSOCIATE EDITOR •APRIL 1, 2020 Unlike ‘wall-to-wall coverage for Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’ Leading Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made his name in the past decade as a tireless champion of denying due process to students accused of sexual misconduct, devising the