Domestic Violence Violence Against Women Act

Open Letter to Sen. Joni Ernst Regarding Her VAWA-Coronavirus Letter

April 22, 2020 Dear Senator Ernst: I recently donated $50 toward your re-election campaign, so I was especially disappointed that you co-signed the letter demanding that coronavirus bills provide funding for Violence Against Women Act programs: VAWA is a biased and unproductive program that Joe Biden pushed through while specifically excluding testimony from

Campus Due Process Sexual Harassment

Title IX Coordinators Should Embrace New Regulation to Reduce Liability Risks

SAVE April 23, 2020 2020 will be a year in which institutions of higher education (IHEs) suffer heavy financial losses. The COVID-19 shutdown is costing them many millions of dollars in lost revenues. Significant losses due to mounting litigation are also at an all-time high. Never before have costs been higher for IHEs to defend

Action Alert Campus Due Process

Release the Regs! Release the Regs!

SAVE April 21, 2020 The civil rights of K-12 students, and university students and faculty, continue to be trampled on as each day passes. It is past time for the Department of Education to publish the new Title IX regulations, because “Justice delayed is justice denied.” [1] We need your help. Apparently Secretary DeVos and

Title IX

Callisto Campus, tool for documenting sexual assault at colleges, discontinued Callisto Campus, tool for documenting sexual assault at colleges, discontinued Callisto reverses decision to delete account data following user concerns In an announcement on the services website, Callisto users found out that their data of sexual violence reports would be deleted in June. Callisto eventually changed its decision. (Photo: MICHAEL ESPINOSA/The Stanford Daily) By Esha

Title IX

COVID-19 Must Not Delay Enactment of New Title IX Regulations U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (Credit: Gage Skidmore) COVID-19 Must Not Delay Enactment of New Title IX Regulations April 16, 2020 by Patricia Hamill and Samantha Harris Sixteen months ago, the Department of Education proposed Title IX regulations that take seriously the rights of both victims and the accused in campus sexual misconduct

Due Process Sexual Assault Title IX

Reform Title IX Now

by Wendy McElroy April 14, 2020 The Department of Education’s (DOE) reform of Title IX—the law that bans discrimination based on sex at federally-funded schools—has been a long time coming. For three Senators, it has not been long enough. They strenuously object to the impact on how colleges handle accusations of sexual misconduct. No longer

Title IX

Let’s Not Delay Due Process On Campus Let’s Not Delay Due Process On Campus Department of Education shouldn’t use COVID-19 as an excuse to delay due process rights of students. Jennifer C. Braceras | April 14, 2020 Under Title IX, colleges have an obligation to address sexual assault on campus. Colleges have a corresponding obligation to treat all students fairly. Unfortunately, many colleges

Title IX

Civil Liberties Groups Push Title IX Rule Release Civil Liberties Groups Push Title IX Rule Release By Greta Anderson April 10, 2020 Two civil liberties groups have urged the U.S. Department of Education not to delay the release of proposed regulations under Title IX, the law prohibiting sex discrimination in institutions that receive federal funding, despite institutions’ occupation with the coronavirus pandemic


‘Time’s up to restore due process’: Groups urge DeVos to ignore coronavirus stalling tactics for Title IX reform ‘Time’s up to restore due process’: Groups urge DeVos to ignore coronavirus stalling tactics for Title IX reform CHRISTIAN LUBKE – CARTHAGE COLLEGE •APRIL 14, 2020 Title IX coordinator spills the beans on ‘delay strategy’ Activist groups who opposed the Trump administration’s proposed Title IX regulations from the start are now citing the outbreak of COVID-19 as

Title IX

USA Today claims the NCAA enables a ‘predator pipeline.’ Its evidence is thin. USA Today claims the NCAA enables a ‘predator pipeline.’ Its evidence is thin. WENDY MCELROY – GUEST COLUMN •APRIL 13, 2020 Damning conclusions in spite of many caveats A week after USA Today published a four-part series on student athletes who transfer freely between NCAA schools despite sexual misconduct claims, a university president-turned-lawmaker threatened to cut off