Domestic Violence Press Release Violence

PR: SAVE Calls for Suspension of Hope Solo Following Domestic Violence Arrest

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Gina Lauterio Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: SAVE Calls for Suspension of Hope Solo Following Domestic Violence Arrest WASHINGTON / October 1, 2014 – SAVE, a national victim-advocacy organization, is today calling on the U.S. Soccer Federation to immediately suspend goaltender Hope Solo following her arrest on charges of domestic violence on June [...]
Campus Sexual Assault

PR: SAVE Calls on Gov. Brown to Veto Bill that Would Endanger Rape Victims and Trivialize Sexual Assault

Contact: Gina Lauterio Telephone: 908-783-3542 Email: SAVE Calls on Gov. Brown to Veto Bill that Would Endanger Rape Victims and Trivialize Sexual Assault WASHINGTON / September 25, 2014 – SAVE, a national victim-advocacy organization, is today calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to veto SB-967, which would impose an Affirmative Consent requirement on California colleges. [...]

Eighteen Groups Announce Opposition to Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Contact: Mac Walter Email: Phone: 301-525-2279 Eighteen Groups Announce Opposition to Campus Accountability and Safety Act WASHINGTON / September 10, 2014 – Eighteen organizations are today announcing their opposition to the proposed Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA), S. 2692 and H.R. 5354. The 18 groups represent a broad coalition including victim advocacy groups, [...]
Bills Campus Press Release Sexual Assault

PR: Turning the Criminal Justice System into an After-Thought: SAVE Announces Opposition to Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: Turning the Criminal Justice System into an After-Thought: SAVE Announces Opposition to Campus Accountability and Safety Act WASHINGTON / August 5, 2014 – Today Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is announcing its opposition to the Campus Accountability and Safety Act. The CASA bill was introduced last week [...]
Campus Civil Rights Sexual Assault Wrongful Convictions

PR: Campus Justice Coalition Seeks to Restore Fairness in Campus Sex Cases

Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: Campus Justice Coalition Seeks to Restore Fairness in Campus Sex Cases WASHINGTON / July 30, 2014 – Representatives of sexual assault victims, the accused, and universities have come together to establish the Campus Justice Coalition. The Coalition will seek to achieve legislative change to assure the proper handling [...]
Bills Campus Civil Rights DED Sexual Assault Directive Innocence Law Enforcement Press Release Sexual Assault

Safety of Our Students: SAVE Calls on Congress to Fix Broken System of Campus Rape Panels

Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: Safety of Our Students: SAVE Calls on Congress to Fix Broken System of Campus Rape Panels WASHINGTON / May 21, 2014 – Based on growing complaints by victims and accused students, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is calling on Congress to fix the current system of campus [...]
Accusing U. Campus Innocence Press Release Rape-Culture Hysteria Sexual Assault

PR: SAVE Deplores Orwellian Claims Surrounding California Campus Sex Bill

Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: SAVE Deplores Orwellian Claims Surrounding California Campus Sex Bill WASHINGTON / March 25, 2014 – Senate Bill 967, which would impose an “affirmative consent” standard on sexual activities at California colleges, has attracted national attention. SAVE believes that campus sexual assault is a problem that deserves greater attention. [...]
Accusing U. Bills Campus Innocence Press Release Sexual Assault

PR: Commentators Ridicule Campus Sex Bill, SAVE Says It Will Harm Victims

Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: Commentators Ridicule Campus Sex Bill, SAVE Says It Will Harm Victims WASHINGTON / March 11, 2014 – Editorial writers are criticizing Senate Bill 967 for removing due process protections and encouraging false allegations. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a victim advocacy group, says the bill’s broad definitions would [...]
Dating Violence Domestic Violence Press Release Research VAWA Inclusion Mandate Violence

PR: White House Dating Violence Proclamation Mocks the Truth, SAVE Charges

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: White House Dating Violence Proclamation Mocks the Truth, SAVE Charges WASHINGTON / February 21, 2014 – A leading victim-advocacy group charges a recent White House Proclamation provides a misleading and dishonest portrayal of the dating violence problem. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments calls on the Obama Administration [...]
Domestic Violence Press Release Sexual Assault

PR: SAVE Commends Groups for Debunking Super Bowl Abuse Myths

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Teri Stoddard Telephone: 301-801-0608 Email: SAVE Commends Groups for Debunking Super Bowl Abuse Myths WASHINGTON / February 7, 2014 – A leading victims-rights group is commending groups for speaking out to counter Super Bowl myths. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – believes misleading claims can promote faulty policies and [...]