
Title IX professionals warn colleges to be wary of ‘trauma-informed’ ideology

Title IX professionals warn colleges to be wary of ‘trauma-informed’ ideology
‘Several cases on our desk were catalysts to release a statement’
An organization that represents Title IX officials has a surprising recommendation for its members: Stop relying on unproven scientific claims.
The Association of Title IX Administrators issued a position statement last month on “Trauma-Informed Training and the Neurobiology of Trauma,” warning that training for the field is going in an “unhealthy direction.”
Many ATIXA members are involved in sexual-misconduct proceedings on college campuses, and their training materials may direct them to show bias in favor of accusers, the statement explains.
It cited a common statement in training at schools across the country:
Trauma leaves tracks on its victims. It is very difficult to fake or “act” the sorts of symptoms [of trauma]. When someone displays these symptoms, this alone is evidence that they have been victimized.
Using such materials in training can endanger the integrity of proceedings, prompting ATIXA’s position statement, the group wrote. “To assert that trauma cannot be faked is as flagrantly false a claim as asserting that trauma is proof of assault.”
Pushing back against trauma-informed training will be an uphill battle. An influential nonprofit that pioneered the training re-released a 2016 bulletin on the neurobiology of trauma in July, prompting a lengthy rebuttal by a due-process group this month.
ATIXA supplies trainings to “thousands of administrators each year” and then watches to see how the training is implemented, President Brett Sokolow told The College Fix in an email last week.
“In this case, our trainings were not producing the desired effect, as other trainings were counter-manding the content we were offering,” the veteran Title IX consultant said. “Several cases on our desk, plus the Syracuse case ruling on the motion to dismiss, were catalysts to release a statement.”
Sokolow was referring to a May court ruling that allowed a Title IX lawsuit against Syracuse University to continue. The Syracuse conduct board received trauma-informed training that led it to see an accuser’s inconsistent and contradictory statements as evidence of a “traumatic event” like she described.
The court said this training, which is mandated by New York law, is plausible evidence of gender bias. The parties settled a week after ATIXA released its statement.
Some are ‘politically motivated to extrapolate well beyond’ the science
Sokolow admitted that “due process was not a top ‘radar screen’” for ATIXA when the organization started in 2011, the same year the Obama administration released its “Dear Colleague” letter on campus sexual-misconduct investigations.
ATIXA believed that due process was important but “we assumed members were getting solid due process training content elsewhere,” he said.
“We were focused on building Title IX know-how because we sensed that was what was lacking in the field, and we only had so much time to cover that content in trainings,” Sokolow said.
The group would remind members to get due process training elsewhere, but decided in 2013 to start providing more of that content in its own trainings. The due process trainings are not popular, Sokolow said, but they are “important” so ATIXA will continue to offer them.
While noting its statement could be “controversial,” ATIXA gives credit to journalist Emily Yoffe for sounding the alarm about trauma-informed training in The Atlantic two years ago.
She said popular theories about the “neurobiology of trauma” were “junk science,” and while ATIXA doesn’t completely agree with Yoffe, “her points needed to be made.”
Practitioners in the Title IX field, including coordinators, investigators, and administrators, have “gotten way ahead of the actual science,” according to the Aug. 16 statement by ATIXA’s board of advisors.
Some have been incorrectly applying the science that is out there, and are “politically motivated to extrapolate well beyond any reasonable empirical conclusions currently supported by the science.”
Don’t put ‘non-empirical, biased training on your resume’
Although ATIXA thinks the research could support trauma-informed theories one day, right now “much of what people think they now know about trauma is far more conjectural than empirical.” People in the field need to “take a collective step back” and not cite some of the training sources as “gospel,” according to the statement.
To avoid bias, the group recommends that administrators get their trainings from a “balanced source” or a program funded by a federal grant. “You need to assess whether you can afford to have a non-empirical, biased training on your resume in this age of litigation,” the statement warns.
Trauma can not be used to replace evidence, ATIXA said, urging members to find “reputable trauma-informed investigation and interviewing practices and techniques.” They need to resist “the temptation to allow evidence to be influenced by conclusions about the neurobiology of trauma that are not empirically-supported.”
Sokolow told The Fix many members are concerned that trauma-informed theories are endangering Title IX investigations “both in their professional practices, and with respect to court challenge.”
Despite “various articles and publications” decrying some aspects of trauma-informed theory, many in the field seem “overly influenced by the trauma-informed freight train,” he said, explaining the “strongly-worded caution” from ATIXA.
ATIXA offers trauma-informed tracks that focus “on both the neurobiology and the trauma-informed interview practice,” but they should “not be taken as evidence in investigations,” according to Sokolow.
“[W]e’re not perfect, but we’ve tried early on to recognize trends and issues in the field as they emerge, and to adjust our current trainings and develop new trainings as the field evolves,” he concluded.
‘The impacts of trauma on memories and recall are widely variable’
When End Violence Against Women International, known for its Start by Believing campaign, re-released its document on neurobiology of trauma and interviewing techniques, a group that promotes due process in criminal justice was ready to take it apart.
The Center for Prosecutor Integrity published a rebuttal written by two behavioral neuroscientists, Sujeeta Bhatt of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and Susan Brandon, formerly of Yale University’s psychology department.
“The impacts of trauma on memories and recall are widely variable,” the rebuttal reads: It is possible for trauma to cause vivid memories, no memories, distorted memories, or incorrect memories.
This counters the claim of trauma-informed advocates that people who are unable to recall events, or who have inconsistencies in their story, should be evidence that the incident occurred, according to the press release by the center.
“We do not assert that a victim should be treated as if he or she is lying,” but rather, the accuser and accused should be approached in “an unbiased manner,” the rebuttal says.
Bhatt and Brandon found that victims of sexual assault “may be traumatized in ways similar to victims of other kinds of potentially traumatic events,” like domestic abuse:
Examination of studies across these domains did not reveal any evidence to support the notion that victims of potentially traumatic events require interview methods that are different from those that have been shown to be most effective for accounts of events that are presumably not traumatic.
The best way to get an accurate account of the event from a person, Bhatt and Brandon write, “is to create a situation where the individual can best tell their own story, in their own words, and at their own pace.”
Brandon, one of the authors of the rebuttal, told The Fix that ATIXA’s position statement was “quite good” and she agrees “with much” of it.
ATIXA’s warning to not substitute the neurobiology of trauma for evidence “was quite apt,” the consultant on investigative interview techniques wrote in an email.
“I would add that we should avoid the use of information on the neurobiology of trauma also to substitute for showing empathy,” Brandon said.
When neurobiology is used to explain inconsistencies and make “victims look more plausible,” she said, it creates another risk of bias: that investigators will expect “victims to exhibit certain symptoms and behaviors.”

Chippewa Falls woman arrested in murder-for-hire scheme

CHIPPEWA FALLS — A Chippewa Falls woman who was arrested in an alleged murder-for-hire

scheme will remain in jail on a $250,000 cash bond.

Melanie S. Schrader, 47, 438 Olive St., appeared for a bond hearing Friday morning on a possible

charge of conspiracy to commit murder.

“Ms. Schrader and Derek Gerke are involved in a child custody matter,” Chippewa County District

Attorney Wade Newell explained at the hearing. “She reached out to a friend who she thought knew

bikers who could take care of Mr. Gerke.”

The friend initially ignored Schrader’s comments. But when she asked a second time, the friend

alerted law enforcement, Newell said.

An agent with the Department of Criminal Investigation posed as a hit man, he said.

“They had a telephone conversation set up, with details of the hit,” Newell said. “She went to make a

down payment of the hit, and she went and gave him a picture of the person.”

Newell requested the $250,000 cash bond, calling it a serious matter.

“The state has concerns about the safety of Mr. Gerke as well as his family, and the child in the

middle of the child custody issue,” Newell said. “The concern is if Ms. Schrader gets out of

custody, that she will flee with the child and we’ll never see her again. Obviously, something has

made her think this is the best way to deal with a child custody matter.”

Defense attorney Francesco Balistrieri pointed out that Schrader is a life-long area resident and has

no criminal record. Balisteri said he doesn’t consider her a flight risk. He requested she be released

on a signature bond.

However, Judge Steve Cray followed Newell’s recommendation and ordered the $250,000 cash bond,

with the requirement she have no contact with Gerke or his family if she is released. Cray set a return

date for Tuesday.

Schrader was taken into custody at 11 a.m. Thursday. She appeared in court via video from the jail,

looked down, never raising her head, throughout the hearing.

The Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation is assisting the Chippewa County Sheriff’s

Department and the Chippewa Falls Police Department in investigating the case.



Universities should not reward gender

Editors Note: The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Tropolitan or its staff members. Address responses and critiques to

Last week, the L.A. Times reported that the U.S. Department of Education opened more than two dozen different investigations around gender discrimination in universities such as Rice and Yale. The basis of these investigations comes from studies that show gender inequality in scholarship offers. One such survey was recently released by the nonprofit organization Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE). The survey points out that most single gender scholarships are granted to women. 

The study examined more than 200 colleges across the United States and found that the total number of single gender scholarships vastly favored women over men. In our state of Alabama alone, there are 87 women-only scholarships compared to only three for men. Here at Troy, there are five scholarships only for women and one scholarship only for men. Auburn University has one of the most egregious gender scholarship gaps in the entire country. There, women are offered 67 scholarships compared to a measly one for men. 

Title IX, a federal law that applies to any school that receives federal money, makes discrimination based on sex in education programs illegal. Single gender scholarships are permitted under this rule if the “overall effect” of scholarships is equitable. In other words, the scholarships are legal if the opportunities offered to one gender are equal to the other. This recent study from SAVE shows that the overall effect of these gender-specific scholarships is not equitable. Therefore, the universities offering these scholarships in such lopsided proportions should be investigated, as they are quite possibly violating title IX rules. 

The reason for these possible violations isn’t the fact that universities offer only women or only men scholarships. Each individual scholarship on its own is and should be respected and uncontested. The problem is when the disproportionate numbers offered to women over men is taken into account. At Troy for instance, if the university offered five scholarships that were only to women and five that were only to men, that would have an overall equitable effect since both genders would be given the same number of exclusive opportunities. Instead, women are given a larger amount more than men, and thus the effect is not equitable. 

Now, if there are more men receiving gender neutral scholarships, that might change the balance enough for the existence of such a gender specific scholarship gap. However, I was unable to find specific numbers of distribution of general scholarships based on gender. I did find that more women attend and graduate college compared to their male counterparts. Women make up roughly 57% of college students and earn more bachelors and doctoral degrees annually than men. 

I think that men should have at least an equal amount of gender specific scholarships. 


Study finds more than half of colleges ‘facially violate’ Title IX with women-only scholarships

Arizona has more scholarships for women than 36 states combined have for men


Men who want more scholarship money might try a novel tactic: Identify themselves as women.

A review of more than 200 American colleges and universities reveals that they favor women over men by a wide margin in sex-specific scholarships.

The most stark disparities are found at the University of Phoenix (106 female scholarships to 2 male), Auburn University (67 to 1) and Oregon State (51 to 5).

The actual disparities could be higher: The study by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, best known for defending students accused of sexual misconduct, only covered 36 states.

Erin Buzuvis, a Title IX expert and law professor at Western New England University, recently told the Los Angeles Times that sex-specific programs should be reviewed as “segregation projects” that may promote stereotypes.

But she also wants to increase the number of men in female-heavy fields such as nursing and K-12 education.

Buzuvis told The College Fix in an email that she doesn’t “have any examples” of academic programs that are mainly geared toward male students, despite spending her academic career studying sex-based discrimination and blogging on Title IX.

Another law professor told The Fix that students excluded from scholarships because of their sex should consider suing, citing the plain language of Title IX itself.

Women get $641 more at Kent State

The top three states for female-only scholarships among the 36 reviewed by SAVE: Arizona (161), California (117) and Florida (112). The male-only numbers: 3, 4 and 7.

Five of the next seven are reliably red states: Oregon (93), Utah (90), Alabama (87), Indiana and Wyoming (86 each), Wisconsin (77) and Texas (73). The only one of those with double-digit male scholarships was Texas.

Arizona has more women-only scholarships than the 36 states combined have for men, according to the tally, which is based on SAVE’s review of college websites.

Male students thinking of applying to Kent State University in Ohio can quantify the difference in scholarship money.

SAVE said the public university’s associate counsel told the group this month that it offers 11 scholarships for women and two for men. The average women-only scholarship in the prior academic year was $2,208, compared to $1,567 for the average men-only scholarship.

This was a direct violation of Title IX’s implementing regulations, according to SAVE, which limit sex-restricted financial assistance to those forms whose “overall effect” does not discriminate on the basis of sex.

The study found “widespread discriminatory practices” against men: 57 percent of reviewed colleges “facially violate” Title IX with their array of scholarships (a difference of five or more between the sexes), while 27 percent are “borderline” (2-4) and 16 are “non-discriminatory” (0-1).

Female professor files complaint to protest unfair treatment of men

It’s not just scholarships that overwhelmingly favor women. SAVE said more than two dozen schools are already under investigation by the U.S. Department of Education for limiting programs to women, such as women-only engineering, science and technology programs.

They include Brown, Yale and Princeton, plus several prominent public universities, including UCLA, the University of California-Berkeley and University of Michigan.

UCLA can thank one of its female professors for its federal investigation.

She told the Los Angeles Times that she filed a Title IX complaint because she objected to the gender-exclusive nature of two workshops hosted by the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics. The feds told her it was investigating the workshops, which received federal funds.

Fliers for the January workshop on “Women in Mathematics and Public Policy” were frank: “only women will be invited to participate,” according to the Times. A flier for the “Collaborative Workshop for Women in Mathematical Biology,” hosted this June, only welcomed female grad students, PhDs, and researchers.

The female professor, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said she was motivated to complain by increasing favoritism toward women in the sciences and resulting disillusionment among male students.

MORESchools offering woman-only scholarships may be in violation of Title IX

A UCLA spokesperson told the Times that it “did not exclude men from participating in the two workshops despite the focus on women,” but did not specify whether any males attended the events. It is also unclear if any transgender women attended either workshop.

Regulatory complaints about the exclusion of men have gotten results in the past few years.

Most recently, Clemson University opened its female-only programs to everyone to end a federal investigation. Mark Perry, an economist at the University of Michigan-Flint, helped kick off the trend three years ago with a successful complaint against the University of Michigan’s 91-year-old women-only lounge.

Perry has since filed gender discrimination complaints against against more than 50 institutions, including the University of California-Davis for its STEM programs for middle and high school girls, according to the Times.

Last week he gave an update of his efforts on his American Enterprise Institute blog, after Clemson revised its programs.

“Given the fact that most universities have large and growing diversity staffs (150 at Yale, nearly 100 at Michigan),” he wrote, it’s disappointing that “external complainants like myself” have to file complaints against sex-discrimination practices. This “really should be done internally by universities’ own Title IX and diversity offices.”

‘We cannot have Female Economics 101 and Male Economics 101’

John Banzhaf, a George Washington University law professor who has fought for “potty parity” for women in public restrooms, goes even further than his peer Erin Buzuvis at Western New England University.

Regardless of the initial motivation for female-only opportunities in the academy – to reverse gender inequity, “male privilege” and a pattern of higher male enrollment in STEM fields – the practice is not legal, he said in an email.

While male-only opportunities are vastly disproportionate to those for women on campus, the imbalance is less relevant than the sheer separation of educational opportunity by sex, according to Banzhaf.

Title IX language provides that students cannot “be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination” in federally funded education “on the basis of sex.”

Banzhaf concludes that the “words certainly suggest that any person excluded from a program solely because of gender would have a legal cause of action, even if offered a program arguably ‘equivalent.’”

This is the gender equivalent of the Supreme Court’s rejection of “separate but equal” facilities by race in 1954’s Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Without considering Title IX regulatory exceptions for athletic competition and facilities where students disrobe, even equal footing for sex-restricted programs would violate the law under this theory.

Broadly speaking, “we cannot have Female Economics 101 and Male Economics 101 because we can teach both genders in one class,” Banzhaf wrote.

MORE92% of sex-specific scholarships are for women

MOREDid Tulane agree to ‘stop discriminating against men’ to satisfy OCR?


American Bar Association Considers Defining All Sexual Contact as Rape

The American Bar Association (ABA) will be voting on a resolution that would urge state legislatures to adopt the controversial “affirmative consent” as the criminal definition of sexual consent at its annual meeting this week. Such a resolution is not merely symbolic, as the ABA sets academic standards for law schools and recommends legislation, prompting concerns from some legal experts.

The resolution reads,

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges legislatures and courts to define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact, to provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances, and to reject any requirement that sexual assault victims have a legal burden of verbal or physical resistance.

Critics are troubled by the resolution. Samantha Harris of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education asserts that the resolution virtually assumes all sex is nonconsensual unless consent can be proven. Legally, this would mean the burden of proof would fall on the accused. As observed by the Daily Wire, this is exceptional within the American legal system, as “no other crime requires the defense to prove a negative.”

Harris contends it would be “disastrous for due process” if the ABA passes the resolution.

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has also raised issue with the resolution. “NACDL opposes ABA Resolution 114 because it shifts the burden of proof by requiring an accused person to prove affirmative consent to each sexual act rather than requiring the prosecution to prove lack of consent,” the group wrote. “The resolution assumes guilt in the absence of any evidence regarding consent. This radical change in the law would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and the Presumption of Innocence.”

According to criminal defense lawyer Scott Greenfield, this flipping of the burden of proof creates another legal quandary. He writes,

In flipping the burden of proof the resolution essentially renders sexual assault statutes to be strict liability crimes that focus only the victim and disregard the mental state of the accused. Criminal liability should rarely be based upon an act without considering the mental state of the accused. See Elonis v. United States, 575 US ____, 135 S.Ct. 2001 (2015). The affirmative consent doctrine focuses on the actions and mental state of the complainant without regard for the mental state of the accused.

The notion of “affirmative consent” is not new, as the state of California passed legislation setting “affirmative consent” as the standard on college campuses in 2014, prompting a number of other colleges and universities to follow suit. Affirmative consent laws and policies are continuing to make their way through states, according to this site.

California’s Senate Bill No. 967, dubbed the “yes means yes” law, reads,

An affirmative consent standard in the determination of whether consent was given by both parties to sexual activity. “Affirmative consent” means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is the responsibility of each person involved in the sexual activity to ensure that he or she has the affirmative consent of the other or others to engage in the sexual activity. Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent. Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. The existence of a dating relationship between the persons involved, or the fact of past sexual relations between them, should never by itself be assumed to be an indicator of consent.

Some colleges have taken “affirmative consent” policies so far as to classify kissing as sexual activity that can constitute sexual assault. Many of these policies have deemed non-verbal cues such as leaning forward opening one’s mouth, etc., as inadequate to affirm consent. And adding to the confusion, college student codes of sexual conduct differ from campus to campus, Timemagazine observed in 2014.

Predictably, the “affirmative consent” standard has resulted in a number of due process lawsuits from individuals wrongly accused of sexual misconduct.

Legal experts have taken issue with the standard as it criminalizes romantic touching and non-violent sex in the absence of affirmative consent in advance and fails to appropriately determine how accused persons can defend themselves. In 2015, the American Law Institute debated adopting the standard as a new section of the model penal code — noted by the Washington Examiner as “a highly influential document that has been adopted in whole or in part by many states’ legislatures — but concerns over the burden of proof and the documentation of true consent forced the group to table discussions.” It was revisited in 2016 and again in 2017, but received strong backlash within the organization. By 2018, it was no longer an agenda item for the Institute.

Yet the American Bar Association commission cited the American Law Institute proposal at length to justify its proposal, despite the fact that ALI’s proposal failed when it became clear it was not legally viable.

Greenfield contends that at the core of ABA’s proposal is hatred for men. “There’s no reason to remind the ABA that this gibberish resolution will result in the conviction of innocent men. That’s just the price of believing the woman, and they are totally willing to pay that price with other, innocent men’s lives,” he wrote in a blog post.


Sex Without A Notarized Document Of Consent Is Teetering On Becoming A Thing Of The Past

Of course, even a notarized document doesn’t protect you, as the person you’re having sex with could say they withdrew consent mid-act, and you don’t have proof that you had consent to continue.

In short, this proposed new law is how to fuck any man over — because it’s mostly men who will get ensnared by the revision that’s being proposed, moving over “affirmative consent” from college campuses to the rest of the adult world.

Samantha Harris blogs for

In just a few days, the American Bar Association will consider whether to adopt a resolution urging state legislatures to adopt a criminal-law definition of consent similar to the “affirmative consent” standard increasingly popular on college campuses. Given the ABA’s reputation and influence, it would be disastrous for due process if this resolution were to pass.Here is the resolution (emphasis added):

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges legislatures and courts to define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact, to provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances, and to reject any requirement that sexual assault victims have a legal burden of verbal or physical resistance.

By making sex presumptively nonconsensual unless and until someone can produce evidence of consent, affirmative consent standards effectively shift the burden of proof to accused parties to prove themselves innocent.

From The College Fix’s Greg Piper on the guilty until proven innocent tack of this resolution and some of the groups that oppose it on that count:

Among the groups opposing the resolution is the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, which says it would prove an offense occurred “merely upon evidence of a sex act with nothing more.”The resolution shifts the burden of proof to the accused for each act, undefined, within a larger sexual encounter, and “assumes guilt in the absence of any evidence regarding consent,” the association wrote last month.

“This radical change in the law would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and
Fourteenth Amendments and the Presumption of Innocence,” the group argues. “The resolution will often force the defendant to testify in order to present evidence that consent was expressed.”

An essential bit from the NACDL link:

1. Burden-Shifting in Violation of Due Process and Presumption of Innocence: NACDL opposes ABA Resolution 114 because it shifts the burden of proof by requiring an accused person to prove affirmative consent to each sexual act rather than requiring the prosecution to prove lack of consent. The resolution assumes guilt in the absence of any evidence regarding consent. This radical change in the law would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and the Presumption of Innocence. It offends fundamental and well-established notions of justice.

From Sam Harris’s excellent piece at FIRE:

Affirmative consent standards are already common in campus disciplinary proceedings. On campus, not only has affirmative consent proven confusing, but the state of due process and fair procedure is so bad that over the past eight years, more than 500 accused students have filed lawsuits alleging that they were not afforded even the most basic procedural protections before being found responsible for sexual misconduct. As high as the stakes are on campus — where students found responsible face the loss of educational and job opportunities as well as permanent stigma — they are higher still in the criminal context, where those found guilty face imprisonment.We hope that the ABA’s House of Delegates will reject this resolution as a grave threat to the due process rights of those accused of one of society’s most serious crimes.


Top Legal Organization About To Adopt Dangerous ‘Affirmative Consent’ Resolution That Defines All Sex As Rape Unless Otherwise Proven

The wording changes from state to state and from school to school, but it all boils down to narrowly defining consent in such a way that it is impossible for anyone to actually have – and prove – consensual sex. These policies inevitably shift the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused, meaning the accused has to provethey obtained consent for an encounter that they saw at the time as consensual.

Proponents of the policies have never said how accused persons would be able to defend themselves from an accusation under “affirmative consent.” Without video evidence that one obtained consent throughout every physical and sexual interaction, the accused would have no way to defend themselves. Even that would be risky, since someone who claims they were too drunk to consent to sex could also say they were too drunk to consent to being recorded. Given how much weight an accusation holds in today’s “believe all women” society, a case of he said/she said would most likely default in favor of the accuser.

Legal groups, law professors, and attorneys were critical of the “affirmative consent” standard, yet schools and states adopted it anyway.

In 2015, the American Law Institute at its annual meeting debated the standardahead of what was supposed to be a vote on adopting a new section of the model penal code. The criticism against the standard outweighed the support, and the vote was delayed. A year later, ALI again attempted to hold a vote on a revised draft, yet further criticism delayed the vote again. In 2017, opposition precluded the group from adopting the standard once again. The draft was not included in ALI’s agenda in 2018.

But now the American Bar Association (ABA) appears to be picking up where ALI failed. At their annual meeting this week, the ABA will vote on a resolution that would urge state legislatures to adopt “affirmative consent” as the criminal definition of consent. Here’s the resolution:

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges legislatures and courts to define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact, to provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances, and to reject any requirement that sexual assault victims have a legal burden of verbal or physical resistance.

As Samantha Harris of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education noted, the resolution essentially makes “sex presumptively nonconsensual unless and until someone can produce evidence of consent.” This pushes the burden of proof onto the accused, who likely believed they had consensual sex and therefore did not need to keep documentation to prove it.

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers condemned the ABA’s resolution for this very reason.

The NACDL also opposed ALI’s efforts, which are cited in the ABA’s resolution.

It is only sexual assault where the burden of proof has been flipped in recent years. No other crime requires the defense to prove a negative.


Title IX a Sticking Point in Talks Over New Higher Ed Law

For the past two years, Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the chairman of the Senate education committee, has set ambitious goals for producing new landmark higher ed legislation.

But lawmakers never came close to reaching an agreement on reauthorization of the Higher Education Act last year. And as the August recess begins this week, there’s little sign of a deal coming together soon.

One of the biggest sticking points in negotiations, according to several individuals with knowledge of discussions, is addressing how colleges should handle complaints of sexual misconduct on campus. Specifically, members of the committee are discussing how language addressing live hearings for campus proceedings and cross-examination rights for accused students should figure into a bill. Federal guidance under the Obama administration discouraged cross-examination of complainants, but a proposal from the Trump administration would require colleges to allow it.

The issue has been among the most explosive pieces of the debate over federal policy on campus sexual assault. And how Congress should address it through legislation has become one of the most troubling parts of negotiations over a new HEA law.

A Democratic committee aide acknowledged that campus sexual misconduct is one of the biggest challenges to reaching a deal on HEA reauthorization. The aide said the focus of Washington senator Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on the education committee, was finding creating a fair process that wouldn’t re-traumatize survivors.

“Any proposal, any solution that has the potential to re-traumatize survivors is not something she’s going to support,” the aide said.

That could mean a number of options involving live hearings, although the aide acknowledged that Title IX is one of the areas where Republicans and Democrats are furthest apart.

Looming over those talks are federal regulations on campus handling of sexual misconduct that are expected to be finalized by the Trump administration later this fall. Recent court rulings, meanwhile, have faulted colleges for not following due process standards in Title IX proceedings.

A proposed rule released by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos last year would require that colleges allow students, through an advocate, to cross-examine their accusers. Ensuring accused students have an opportunity to question the allegations made against them has been a top priority of many due process champions. Advocates for sexual assault survivors, though, argue that cross-examination could discourage complainants from coming forward. And college groups have warnedthat imposing a requirement for live hearings for all misconduct cases would create a quasi-legal system on campuses and create a “cottage industry” of student advisers to assist in those hearings.

A ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit found last year that colleges must allow students accused of sexual assault, or their representatives, the chance to question their accusers. Some survivor advocates argue that other court rulings are clear that students accused of misconduct don’t have the right to a process modeled on the criminal justice system. But the ruling has added impetus to groups arguing for more due process protections.

Alexander’s office didn’t comment on the HEA discussions. But he made due process requirements, including cross-examination, a chief focus of a hearing on campus sexual misconduct policies in April.

Title IX isn’t the only major challenge for negotiators. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have indicated they’re eager to add new accountability standards for colleges. What those look like is far from settled, though. Alexander has proposed holding all higher ed programs to the same loan repayment standards. Democrats like Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy have argued for rules that account for the low-income populations served by colleges.

Negotiators will also have to settle how a new higher ed law will address college affordability. Murray said earlier this year she wanted a new law to include a state-federal partnership to boost funding for higher ed institutions.

But individuals plugged in to HEA discussions say Title IX could be the biggest obstacle for a deal. In a move that appeared to signal the difficulties surrounding the issue, Alexander and Murray earlier this summer formed a bipartisan Title IX working group, a development first reported by Bloomberg Government.

Shiwali Patel, senior counsel for education at the National Women’s Law Center, said the group has serious concerns about HEA legislation mandating a single process for all campuses to resolve complaints of sexual misconduct.

“These aren’t courtrooms,” she said. “How are schools going to ensure there are meaningful protections against inappropriate or victim-blaming questions?”

Patel said live hearings on misconduct allegations can be conducted properly with certain safeguards. Some, for example, have argued that allowing a third party to ask questions — as allowed in the proposed regulations — could address fears of re-traumatizing survivors. But Patel said not all colleges have the resources or capacity to effectively hold live hearings.

The Obama administration told colleges in federal guidance that they could opt to use a single-investigator model for Title IX cases, in which one official interviews both parties involved and collects other evidence before either making a decision about the alleged misconduct or presenting findings to a panel of campus officials. The proposed DeVos rule would ban that model and mandate live hearings.

Joe Cohn, legislative and policy director at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, one of the biggest proponents of cross-examination rights for accused students, said lawmakers will have to reckon with recent court rulings on due process issues.

“Courts have been recognizing the importance of more procedural protections than has been the norm on college campuses,” he said.


American Bar Association mulls campus sex rules for criminal code

‘Disastrous for due process’ if resolution passes


On college campuses, accused students often must prove they obtained “affirmative consent” from their partners before and throughout sexual activity. In a few states, it’s the law for college students.

The American Bar Association, which sets academic standards for law schools and recommends legislation, is deciding whether it should be the law for everyone.

Criminal lawyers and advocates of due process are urging the ABA to reject a resolution that they say would flip the burden of proof from the government to the accused in criminal cases.

Mandating affirmative consent would functionally mean the end of the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, they argue, by requiring the accused to testify of their innocence.

Resolution 114 is under consideration by the ABA House of Delegates at its annual meetingin San Francisco this week. It would urge legislatures and courts to “define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact.”

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It would further provide that “consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances.” The resolution asks courts to instruct juries that an alleged victim did not consent simply because that person “did not resist, verbally or physically, to a specific act.”

Neither the resolution nor the accompanying report define “sexual contact.” The vagueness of the definition could empower the government to prosecute defendants for failing to get explicit permission from their spouses before adjusting sexual positions, even if the spouse physically cooperates, for example.

“Given the ABA’s reputation and influence, it would be disastrous for due process if this resolution were to pass,” Samantha Harris, vice president for procedural advocacy at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, wrote in a blog post Monday.

Opponents of the resolution have history on their side: Another prominent legal group voted down a similar resolution three years ago.

Cites heavily disputed theories of neurobiological response

While affirmative consent is a popular concept on campus and is often promoted in mandatory sexual-consent training, it is hard to define in a legal sense.

Like other definitions, the resolution and report devised by the ABA’s Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence affirms that consent can be conveyed through actions as well as words. But the furthest the report goes to specify actions that demonstrate consent is to cite two vague state criminal definitions.

In Wisconsin, consent can be shown through “overt actions” that indicate “a freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact.” California’s code requires “positive cooperation in act or attitude pursuant to an exercise of free will.”

Due process lawsuits stemming from Title IX adjudications often explain at length how an accuser showed consent through overt actions or positive cooperation, but later disputed that the encounter was consensual throughout.

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The report suggests that without affirmative consent in the criminal law, potential victims will be required to physically fight their aggressors in order to demonstrate their lack of consent.

It cites heavily disputed theories, sometimes compared to the “repressed memory” movement, that victims may seize up during sexual assault, physically unable to vocalize or demonstrate their lack of consent. The report approvingly cites Michigan State University psychologist Rebecca Campbell as an expert in the “neurobiology of trauma as it relates to sexual violence.” Campbell is not a neuroscientist.

“A history of sexual violence, and of the status of women as the sexual property of men, still informs the law governing sexual assault, and that should stop,” concludes the report, written by the chair of the commission, Mark Schickman, and the chair of the ABA’s Criminal Justice Section, Lucian Dervan. “The proposed definition is a step in that direction.”

Cynthia P Garrett@cgarrett101

ABA’s proposed definition of consent, which “reject[s] any requirement that sexual assault victims have a legal burden of verbal or physical resistance,” will require an accused to prove consent & dispense with the need to show bad intent.
From @NACDL: 

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Guilty ‘merely upon evidence of a sex act with nothing more’

Among the groups opposing the resolution is the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, which says it would prove an offense occurred “merely upon evidence of a sex act with nothing more.”

The resolution shifts the burden of proof to the accused for each act, undefined, within a larger sexual encounter, and “assumes guilt in the absence of any evidence regarding consent,” the association wrote last month.

“This radical change in the law would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and
Fourteenth Amendments and the Presumption of Innocence,” the group argues. “The resolution will often force the defendant to testify in order to present evidence that consent was expressed.”

More technically, the ABA resolution would turn sexual assault into a “strict liability” crime that ignores “the mental state of the accused,” putting it out of whack with criminal liability in general.

The association accuses the ABA report authors of misrepresenting the American Law Institute’s consideration of the affirmative consent standard for its “model penal code” in 2016.

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To justify its own proposal, the ABA commission cites the ALI proposal at length, saying only that the ALI version is “not yet final.”

The association retorted that “it is final as far as affirmative consent goes – the concept was rejected in a landslide vote” by ALI members, an elite group that includes professors, attorneys, judges and other legal professionals.

The ALI instead adopted a broader definition of consent that includes “willingness” – rather than the contractual “assent” – and says it can be “inferred from behavior,” including “inaction.”

The ABA resolution would “impose novel social legislation designed to dictate social mores” into criminal law, according to the association. It “seeks to impose uncommon requirements in the volatile area of human sexual relations.”

The group also questioned the science proffered by the ABA, saying that “tonic immobility or tonic collapse” is associated with a “traumatic event” such as a “brutal rape with force. The vast majority of consent cases do not include such traumatic events.”

‘This gibberish resolution will result in the conviction of innocent men’

Criminal defense lawyer Scott Greenfield was less restrained in his opposition to the ABA resolution.

“ALI’s proposal to change the model penal code failed, largely because not everyone there has shit for brains,” he wrote in a blog post. He mocked the House of Delegates as “consisting of the last three full-paying members and lots of third-wave-feminist academics.”

The point of the resolution is “turning law on its head and assuring that any ‘survivor,’ any woman who accuses a man of rape, will prevail,” Greenfield wrote:

Her accusation will be believed. He will be defenseless. She will get her vengeance and he will be punished. …

There’s no reason to remind the ABA that this gibberish resolution will result in the conviction of innocent men. That’s just the price of believing the woman, and they are totally willing to pay that price with other, innocent men’s lives.

The resolution makes all sexual activity “presumptively nonconsensual,” according to FIRE’s Harris. She asks ABA members to consider how affirmative consent has worked on campus, pointing to FIRE’s man-on-the-street interviews with students (below).

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“As high as the stakes are on campus — where students found responsible face the loss of educational and job opportunities as well as permanent stigma — they are higher still in the criminal context, where those found guilty face imprisonment,” Harris wrote.

The president of the due-process group Stop Abusive and Violent Environments seems more sanguine about the prospects of defeating the resolution, or at least mitigating its impact.

“You may recall that from 2014 to 2016, many state legislatures considered affirmative consent bills – almost all of which we succeeded in defeating,” Ed Bartlett told The College Fixin an email.

His group maintains a through resources page on the dangers of affirmative consent. The concept makes it easy for accusers to “retroactively revoke consent” by claiming they consented to one but not another act, but at its core, affirmative consent simply “infantilizes women.”

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American Bar Association must reject guilty-until-proven-innocent affirmative consent resolution

In just a few days, the American Bar Association will consider whether to adopt a resolution urging state legislatures to adopt a criminal-law definition of consent similar to the “affirmative consent” standard increasingly popular on college campuses. Given the ABA’s reputation and influence, it would be disastrous for due process if this resolution were to pass.

Here is the resolution (emphasis added):

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges legislatures and courts to define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact, to provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances, and to reject any requirement that sexual assault victims have a legal burden of verbal or physical resistance.

By making sex presumptively nonconsensual unless and until someone can produce evidence of consent, affirmative consent standards effectively shift the burden of proof to accused parties to prove themselves innocent. For this reason (among others), the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers vigorously opposed the resolution in a statement issued on July 25. NACDL writes:

NACDL opposes ABA Resolution 114 because it shifts the burden of proof by requiring an accused person to prove affirmative consent to each sexual act rather than requiring the prosecution to prove lack of consent. The resolution assumes guilt in the absence of any evidence regarding consent. This radical change in the law would violate the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and the Presumption of Innocence.

The NACDL also points out that this definition would necessarily undermine the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, since “[t]he resolution will often force the defendant to testify in order to present evidence that consent was expressed.”

Three years ago, the prestigious American Law Institute considered revising its influential Model Penal Code to include an affirmative consent standard. The ALI’s membership overwhelmingly rejected that proposal. The proposed ABA resolution glosses right over that fact, noting simply that “the ALI revision of the [Model Penal Code] is not yet final” — despite the fact that, as the NACDL notes, “it is final as far as affirmative consent goes — the concept was rejected in a landslide vote.”

Affirmative consent standards are already common in campus disciplinary proceedings. On campus, not only has affirmative consent proven confusing, but the state of due process and fair procedure is so bad that over the past eight years, more than 500 accused students have filed lawsuits alleging that they were not afforded even the most basic procedural protections before being found responsible for sexual misconduct. As high as the stakes are on campus — where students found responsible face the loss of educational and job opportunities as well as permanent stigma — they are higher still in the criminal context, where those found guilty face imprisonment.

We hope that the ABA’s House of Delegates will reject this resolution as a grave threat to the due process rights of those accused of one of society’s most serious crimes. FIRE will keep you updated on this developing story.