
SAVE Invites Persons to Become Local Watchdogs to Assure Title IX Compliance


Robert D. Thompson: 301-801-0608

SAVE Invites Persons to Become Local Watchdogs to Assure Title IX Compliance

WASHINGTON / August 5, 2024 – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) today is announcing a new Citizen Watchdog initiative to assure Title IX compliance in 26 states in which judges have ruled against the Biden Administration’s controversial Title IX regulation, and to push back against the Gender Agenda in the other 24 states. (1) 

Over the last two months, federal judges issued a series of strongly worded rulings that blocked the implementation of the Title IX regulation, which redefines sex to include “gender identity.” The judicial decisions currently apply to 26 states around the country: LA, MS, MT, ID, TN, KY, OH, IN, VA, WV, KS, AK, UT, WY, TX. AR, MO, IA, NE, ND, SD, AL, OK, FL, GA and SC. (2) 

In addition, the Kansas ruling exempts over 2,000 schools from the Title IX regulation. (3)  Here is the list of Schools. (4)

On August 1, 2024, the controversial Title IX regulation went into effect in the 24 states not covered by the judicial decisions.  The Department of Education released a statement claiming the new regulation is designed to “ensure that Title IX promotes educational equity and opportunity for all.”  This statement is disingenuous because the new regulation actually serves to remove fundamental civil rights from women competing in athletic events, from students who wish to exercise their free speech rights, and from falsely accused male students who expect to enjoy 14th Amendment due process protections.

While the injunctions handed down against the Title IX rule have been encouraging, some schools are expected to attempt to sidestep the decisions. For example, schools in the 26 states may claim to be following the letter of the law, but individual teachers or counselors may continue their efforts to indoctrinate vulnerable students into Gender Ideology, while school administrators turn a blind eye.

A recent report from the Heritage Foundation reveals that schools in over 1,000 districts are allowed to hide a child’s gender identity from the child’s parents. (5) 

Aaron Lacey, a partner at Thompson Coburn, recently claimed said institutions affected by the injunctions could choose to adopt only certain elements of the new Title IX rule, as long as they remain in compliance with the 2020 Title IX regulation – an approach that could be described as a “disruptive nightmare.” (6) 

In response, SAVE is in the process of identifying hundreds of Citizen Watchdogs around the country who are willing to monitor their schools to assure compliance with the judicial decisions and counter the Gender Agenda. (7) 

If a Citizen Watchdog discovers non-compliance in their local school(s), they should take steps to stop the problem. These approaches include:

  1. Meet with the school principal and/or education superintendent
  2. Speak out at meetings of the local school board
  3. Refer the non-compliance to the state Attorney General office.    

To volunteer for the Watchdog program, persons should send a message to Please indicate your city and state, and your area of concern, such as women’s sports, due process, etc. To learn about the Citizen Watchdog program, visit:  

The Title IX Network consists of 233 organizational members who are working to stop the new Title IX regulation and end the gender agenda.


4.  Following is the list of Schools:



Continued String of Legal Victories Over Deceptive Title IX Rule

Robert D. Thompson: 301-801-0608

Continued String of Legal Victories Over Deceptive Title IX Rule 

WASHINGTON / July 24, 2024 – On April 19 of this year, the Biden Department of Education issued its final Title IX rule that expanded the meaning of sex to include “gender identity.” (1) While the new regulation promised to bring new protections to LGBTQ students, in fact it infringed on parental rights, eviscerated fairness from female athletics, violated Congressional prerogatives, and sidelined constitutional due process guarantees. 

Literally within days, state Attorneys General and others began to file lawsuits seeking to overturn the policy (2).  To date, 10 lawsuits have been filed, including a complaint filed just last week by the Washington Parents Network. (3)
Thus far, judges have issued rulings on five cases. Remarkably, every one of decisions imposed a temporary injunction for their respective states on the “arbitrary and capricious” Title IX rule:
  • June 13: Judge Terry Doughty for the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho (4).
  • June 17: Judge Danny Reeves for Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia (5).
  • July 2: Judge John Broomes for Kansas, Alabama, Utah, and Wyoming, plus all schools attended by the children of Moms for Liberty and by members of the Young America’s Foundation (6). A listing of the affected schools is available online. (7)
  • July 11: Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk for the state of Texas. In addition, the judge noted he is considering extending his injunction to all 50 states in the nation (8).
  • July 11: Judge Reed O’Connor for the Carroll Independent School District in Texas (9).
For two of these decisions, the Department of Education filed an appeal. In both cases, the appellate courts promptly denied the request:
  • July 17:  District Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit (10)
  • July 17: District Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. (11)
Seldom in American jurisprudence have a series of federal courts acted so swiftly and so decisively to overturn a new Executive Branch regulation. 
With the August 1, 2024, deadline fast approaching before the Biden administration’s new Title IX Final Rule takes effect, additional court decisions are expected to be issued soon.

As these lawsuits continue to be litigated, the 232 organizational members of the Title IX Network will continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate action (12). Interested organizations that wish to join the Title IX Network should contact Robert D. Thompson at







52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End Weaponization of the Department of Education


Contact: Rebecca Hain
Telephone: 513-479-3335

52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education

WASHINGTON / May 16, 2024 – Members of the Title IX Network are releasing a letter [1] today calling for Speaker Mike Johnson to establish a House task force to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.  

On May 9, representatives from several organizations of the Title IX Network [2] held meetings with Congressional staffers of 18 Members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the meetings was to recommend the establishment of a Task Force of key House Members to confer on strategies to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.  
The American people are taking a stand concerning the Administration’s new Title IX regulation as evidenced by the growing number of state lawsuits. [3], [4], [5], [6]. Specifically,
  • Eight lawsuits from 22 states have been filed in federal courts to block the regulation. [7]
  • On Tuesday the eight lawsuit was filed by the Attorneys Generals from Kansas, Wyoming, Utah and Alaska [8]
  • Impressively, one of the lawsuits features 17 school districts in Louisiana as plaintiffs. [9]
  • Numerous states already have declared they will not follow the new policy, including AR, FL, LA, NE, OK, and SC. [10]
The Heritage Foundation’s proposal for the Department of Education in its Mandate for Leadership 2025 has a chapter (Chapter 11) on how to reform the Department of Education: [11]  
The Heritage Foundation proposal would:
  • Make Block grants for selected functions to the state
  • Transfer selected functions to the Department of the Treasury, Department of Justice, etc.
  • Discontinue the other functions
In response to the Biden administration’s Title IX regulation, SAVE has set up a Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan. We encourage you to sign the Candidate Pledge. [12] If interested, contact Bob Thompson at

52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education


Contact: Rebecca Hain
Telephone: 513-479-3335

52 Organizations Call on Speaker Mike Johnson to Establish House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education

WASHINGTON / May 16, 2024 – Members of the Title IX Network are releasing a letter [1] today calling for Speaker Mike Johnson to establish a House task force to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.  

On May 9, representatives from several organizations of the Title IX Network [2] held meetings with Congressional staffers of 18 Members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the meetings was to recommend the establishment of a Task Force of key House Members to confer on strategies to end the weaponization of the Department of Education. 

This opposition seen not only in the U.S. Congress, but the overall response from the American public has been highly negative. [3], [4],[5],[6] Specifically, 
  • Eight lawsuits from 22 states have been filed in federal courts to block the regulation. [7]
  • On Tuesday the eight lawsuit was filed by the Attorneys Generals from Kansas, Wyoming, Utah and Alaska [8]
  • Impressively, one of the lawsuits features 17 school districts in Louisiana as plaintiffs. [9]
  • Numerous states already have declared they will not follow the new policy, including AR, FL, LA, NE, OK, and SC. [10]

The Heritage Foundation’s proposal for the Department of Education in its Mandate for Leadership 2025 has a chapter (Chapter 11) on how to reform the Department of Education: [11]  

The Heritage Foundation proposal would: 
  • Make Block grants for selected functions to the states
  • Transfer selected functions to the Department of the Treasury, Department of Justice, etc.
  • Discontinue the other functions

In response to the Biden administration’s Title IX regulation, SAVE has set up a Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan. We encourage you to sign the Candidate Pledge. [12] If interested, contact Bob Thompson at

American’s will not allow the Department of Education to continue to weaponize its Congressional mandate for partisan or ideological purposes.









Females Tend to be Risk-Adverse. Is This Why Women Often Support Totalitarian Policies?

Females Tend to be Risk-Adverse. Is This Why Women Often Support Totalitarian Policies?


April 3, 2024

Dozens of studies over the last 30 years have consistently found that women are more risk-averse than men. These are three of many examples:

Daring Differently: Gender Differences in Risk-Taking Behavior, NeuroScience News (May 2023):

“The research reveals women are more averse to risk than men due to heightened sensitivity to potential losses. Conversely, men, exhibiting greater optimism, are more willing to engage in risk-taking.”

Gary Charness and Uri Gneezy, Strong Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk Taking, J. Economics, Behavior & Organizations (June 2012):

“Are men more willing to take financial risks than women?…We find a very consistent result that women invest less, and thus appear to be more financially risk averse than men.”

Chris Dawson, Gender differences in optimism, loss aversion and attitudes towards risk, British J. of Pyschology (June 9, 2023):

“Systematic differences in the attitudes of men and women towards risk is well established.  … Exploiting large-scale panel data from the United Kingdom, we find that gender differences in financial optimism and financial loss aversion – the stronger psychological response to monetary losses than monetary gains – explain a substantial proportion of the parallel gender difference in willingness to take risks.”

These proclivities are reflected in sex-specific differences regarding attitudes towards censorship and free speech, as well as compliance with COVID mandates.

Censorship and Free Speech

Cory Clark, The Gender Gap in Censorship Support: Research Suggests Women Favor Inclusivity over Academic Freedom. Psychology Today (April 28, 2021). “Two recent studies of online adults revealed that women were more censorious than men.”

Knight Foundation, Free Expression on College Campuses, (May 2019). A 2019 survey found that 59% of women said protecting free speech was less important than promoting an inclusive society, while 71% of men believed the opposite.

COVID Mandates

Virginia Commonwealth University, Poll: Majority of Virginians Support Mask Mandates, (September 27, 2021): “Female respondents were more supportive of a mask mandate than male respondents (62% to 51%).”

MedScape, Men and Women Differ on Masks During, After COVID-19: Survey, (April 6, 2021): “A much higher percentage of women plan to wear a mask because of COVID-19 as long as public health experts such as those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend it — 73%, compared with 63% of men.”

PBS Wisconsin, (November 30, 2021):  “What’s causing a gender gap in Wisconsin’s covid vaccinations?  More women are getting COVID-19 vaccinations than men around the state, and factors like age, job, politics and attitude toward health care each play a role in this persistent phenomenon.”

Attitudes Towards Totalitarian Governments

More provocative are analyzes of women’s support for totalitarian governments that promised “safety” to its citizens.

The Holocaust Encyclopedia’s account of “The Nazi Rise to Power” reveals that the years leading up to Hitler’s election in 1932-33 were a period of widespread violence in Germany as paramilitary organizations aligned with different political factions, especially the Communists and the Nazis, fought in the streets. Indeed, it is well documented that fear of a Communist takeover prompted the more establishment political parties, especially the center-right Christian Democratic Party, to suppress their strong distaste for the Nazis and form a government with them as the least-worst alternative to a Communist takeover.

A documentary that recently aired on the American Heroes Channel chronicled how Hitler’s rise to power relied heavily on the support of women.

Richard J. Evans (German Women and the Triumph of Hitler, 48 J. Mod. Hist. 123 (1976)) once noted, ‘It was the women’s vote’, remarked Hermann Rauschning in 1939, ‘that brought Hitler to triumph.’  Like Rauschning, many commentators have seen a connection between the achievement of the vote for women in 1918 and the victories of the Nazis at the polls in 1932.

Scholars have struggled for years to explain why women supported the Nazis in such high numbers. Richard Evans recounts,

“Yet this connection has also struck observers as paradoxical. The Weimar Republic is popularly regarded as the heyday of the emancipated woman. Many social groups had good reason to be anxious and resentful in Germany between 1918 and 1933, but the female half of the population, newly equipped with the vote and reveling in the new atmosphere of sexual liberation and constitutionally guaranteed equality, was surely not among them. All the more remarkable, then, that it should vote in such numbers for the Republic’s demise. The paradox, however, is deeper still than this. For the Nazi party was undoubtedly a dedicated opponent of female emancipation, the ultimate in male chauvinism, firmly committed to a view of women as inferior beings whose main task in life was to bear children and look after the home. Thus the emancipated women of Weimar Germany, it seems, voted quite happily in 1932-3 for their own enslavement. Here, then is a paradox; a paradox, moreover, of very considerable significance, especially in view of the fact that women formed the majority of the German electorate in the years in question.”

In the face of this widespread violence and unrest, could the risk aversion of German women have contributed to their strong support for Hitler?

More recently, Jordan Peterson commented on the expanded participation of females in the political sphere and the potential rise of totalitarianism. In the name of curbing online harassment, feminist groups such as UN Women are now supporting policies to rein in free speech in Germany, the United States, New Zealand, Scotland, and elsewhere around the world.


Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, and Title IX

Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, and Title IX

Elected by the House of Representatives on October 25, 2023,

by a party-line vote of 220 Republicans to 209 Democrats [1]

By Betsy Armstrong,[2] November 8, 2023

Speaker Johnson takes over at a contentious time in American politics, especially for the Republican party, but not a whole lot is known about him by the general public. However, reviewing his legislative bills gives us a good idea of his outlook regarding our six Title IX Network areas of concern, which are gender transitioning, parental rights, women’s sports, due process, domestic violence, and free speech.[3] He has been very consistent in his voting record for conservative causes. That is due to his strong personal and publicly professed Christian faith and decades-long conservative public stand on social issues.

Speaker Johnson is “a Christian, a husband, a father, a life-long conservative, constitutional law attorney and a small business owner in that order.”[4]. He is best known for his defense of former President Donald Trump’s challenging the results of the 2020 election.[5] In his acceptance speech he listed a number of his priorities, including border security, cutting federal spending and establishing a bipartisan debt commission “immediately.” Right now, he is absorbed in avoiding a possible November 17 government shutdown and securing funding for Israel in its battle with Hamas. So, there isn’t much time at present for him to be involved in our Title IX issues, but I feel confident we have an ally in the Title IX fight.

Here is a little more background information about him: Mike Johnson, 51, first served in the Louisiana State Legislature in 2015 and was then elected to represent the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana in 2016. Prior to his political career, he was an attorney in private practice, and also worked as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) where he advocated for anti-sodomy laws and criminalizing homosexuality. His staunchly conservative views are verified by his chairmanship of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus of conservatives in Congress, from 2019 to 2021; he was vice chair of the House Republican Conference from 2021 to 2023; he was also a deputy whip for House Republicans, and a member of the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees. He has worked closely with the Christian groups Answers in Genesis, Louisiana Family Forum, and Focus on the Family.

In 2004, he defended Amendment 1 to the Louisiana Constitution, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman, against legal challenges. From 2004 to 2012 he served on the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. In September 2016, he summarized his legal career as “defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they’ve been under assault”.[6]

The Equality Act (H.R.5) was introduced in Congress in March 2019. It sought to update the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed race discrimination, to add sexual orientation and gender identity.[7] In May 2019, Johnson proposed an amendment to the bill to neutralize “poison pills” that it contained which threatened to undermine parental and conscience rights. He told National Review,

. . . the so-called ‘Equality’ Act would actually eliminate sex-based protections for women by forcing rape crisis centers, lady’s locker rooms, female prisons, women’s sports leagues and other sex-based organizations to admit biological males. Additionally, this bill would eviscerate constitutionally protected rights by empowering the federal government to force employers, medical professionals, parents, business owners and all Americans to act in violation of their conscience. The federal government should not be able to dictate a belief system.[8]

The legislation passed the House in 2019 but not the Senate. It was previously introduced in 2015 and 2017, then again in 2021.[9] The Equality Act was introduced as S. 5 on June 21, 2023, as a bill to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes, but is considered to have less than a 1% chance of being enacted.[10]

In March 2023, Johnson co-sponsored, along with many Republican colleagues, H.R. 734, the ‘‘Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023.’’ This seeks to prohibit transgender women and girls from participating in female athletic programs by recognizing sex which is “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” This is the first standalone bill to restrict the rights of transgender people considered in the House.[11]

On July 27, 2023, House Republicans on a panel for limited federal government argued that parents should not be allowed to let their transgender children have access to gender-affirming care.

At a hearing on transgender youth, Johnson, the chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government, said that “A parent has no right to sexually transition a young child … Our American legal system recognizes the important public interest in protecting children from abuse and physical harm. No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children.”

Johnson, and several other Republicans, floated the idea that the federal government should get involved, but did not offer specifics on potential legislation. They argued that gender-affirming surgery should not be allowed for transgender minors.[12]

Johnson’s advocacy for The Protection of Women and Girls Sports Act and limitations on transgender affirmative care for minors demonstrate his views on human dignity, as set out on his Congressional website, show him to be a man we can count on to help lead the way against the US Dept. of Education’s Title IX revisions.

Additional 2023 sponsored legislation corresponding to the six areas of interest for the Title IX Network [13] include;

·         H.R. 5Parents Bill of Rights Act, March 2023, to ensure the rights of parents are honored and protected in the Nation’s public schools (Crossed over 3/27/23 and received in the Senate, read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on 03/27/2023) [14];

·         H.R. 1399Protect Children’s Innocence Act, March 2023, to amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit gender-affirming care on minors, and for other purposes (Referred to the Subcommittee on Health on 03/17/2023)[15];

·         H.R. 4776Protecting Free Speech Act, July 2023, to terminate the Disinformation Governance Board of the Department of Homeland Security and to prohibit the use of Federal funds to establish any other similar Board, and for other purposes (Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability on 07/20/2023)[16];

·         H.R. 4791Free Speech Protection Act, July 2023, to prohibit Federal employees and contractors from directing online platforms to censor any speech that is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other purposes (Referred to the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection on 07/20/2023) [17] and

·         H.R. 5636, September 2023, a second Protect Children’s Innocence Act, September 2023, to amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit gender affirming care on minors (Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary on 09/21/2023). [18]

I feel confident we can count on our new Speaker to support the goals of our Network.

[2], aka, Elizabeth J. Oyster, Esq., also affiliated with Child Protection League of Minnesota


Title IX Legislation Co-sponsored by House Speaker Mike Johnson in 2023

By Betsy Armstrong,[1] November 8, 2023

Title IX Network areas of concern: gender transitioning, parental rights, women’s sports, due process, domestic violence, and free speech.[2]

• H.R. 734Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023,[3] March 2023, to prohibit transgender women and girls from participating in female athletic programs by recognizing sex “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” This is the first standalone bill to restrict the claimed rights of transgender people introduced in the House.[4]

• H.R. 5Parents Bill of Rights Act,[5]­ March 2023, to ensure the rights of parents are honored and protected in the Nation’s public schools.

• H.R. 1399Protect Children’s Innocence Act,[6] March 2023, to amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit gender-affirming care on minors, and for other purposes.

• H.R. 4776Protecting Free Speech Act,[7] July 2023, to terminate the Disinformation Governance Board of the Department of Homeland Security and to prohibit the use of Federal funds to establish any other similar Board, and for other purposes.

• H.R. 4791Free Speech Protection Act,[8] July 2023, to prohibit Federal employees and contractors from directing online platforms to censor any speech that is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other purposes.

• H.R. 5636Protect Children’s Innocence Act,[9] September 2023, to amend chapter 110 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit gender affirming care on minors.

Note: The Equality Act (H.R.5) was introduced in Congress in March, 2019. It sought to update the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed race discrimination, to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics.[10] In May 2019, Johnson proposed an amendment to neutralize “poison pills” that it contained which threatened to undermine parental and conscience rights. He told National Review,

. . . the so-called ‘Equality’ Act would actually eliminate sex-based protections for women by forcing rape crisis centers, lady’s locker rooms, female prisons, women’s sports leagues and other sex-based organizations to admit biological males. Additionally, this bill would eviscerate constitutionally protected rights by empowering the federal government to force employers, medical professionals, parents, business owners and all Americans to act in violation of their conscience. The federal government should not be able to dictate a belief system.[11]

The legislation passed the House in 2019 but not the Senate. It had been previously introduced in the House in 2015 and 2017 and was reintroduced in 2021.[12] It was introduced in the Senate as S.5 on June 21, 2023, but is considered to have less than a 1% chance of being enacted.[13]

On July 27, 2023, House Republicans on a panel for limited federal government argued that parents should not be allowed to let their transgender children have access to gender-affirming care. [14]

At a hearing on transgender youth, Johnson, chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government, said “A parent has no right to sexually transition a young child … Our American legal system recognizes the important public interest in protecting children from abuse and physical harm. No parent has a constitutional right to injure their children.”

Johnson, and several other Republicans, floated the idea that the federal government should get involved, but did not offer specifics on potential legislation. They argued that gender-affirming surgery should not be allowed for transgender minors.[15]



[1], aka, Elizabeth J. Oyster, Esq., also affiliated with Child Protection League of Minnesota

[15] Id.


Bias-Watch: Why Does UN Women’s Public Messaging Appear To Back Palestine/Hamas Over Israel?

Bias-Watch: Why Does UN Women’s Public Messaging Appear To Back Palestine/Hamas Over Israel?

Sean Parker

October 20, 2023

Pinned to the top of UN Women’s X (formerly Twitter) public account is a post reading: ‘UN Women condemns the attacks on civilians in Israel & the Occupied Palestinian Territories, & is deeply alarmed by the devastating impact on civilians including women & girls. International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Law must be respected & upheld.’

UN Women has 2.2 million followers, and its bio reads: ‘UN Women is the United Nations entity for gender equality and women’s empowerment.’ It is understood that UN Women is the gendered arm of the United Nations organisation, but any ‘UN Men’ account is less well documented. UNW’s Twitter/X account is legendary for infantile, repetitive posts, such as would be made by a perpetually aggrieved teenager. It’s almost as if the org’s higher management had no idea what was happening in its brave new social media department.

So far, so politically feminist. While equality feminism can hardly lay claim to any residual leftism, with most of its beneficiaries being power-suited woman bankers and the like, political feminism remains resolutely rooted in the Marxist tradition. Grievance intersectionality is strong in these people, feeling the pain of the trans community, the Mexicans, illegal immigrants to the UK and the Palestinians.

The difference between the Palestinians who voted in the proscribed terrorist organisation Hamas and the barbaric acts meted out in south Israel on October 7th 2023 may be unclear to them, but its brightly delineated to the less indoctrinated. The murder of hundreds of young festival-goers near the Gaza border, taking of hundreds more hostages, and harrowing reports/pictures of decapitated babies doesn’t seem enough to even add pause to the support of some. There are online divisions, there are culture wars, and then there is the ancient Arabs vs Jews faultline. If you didn’t think things could get more divisive than Donald Trump, Brexit and the pros and cons of the Covid jab, that was before the resurgence of this particular conflict of the ages.

UN Women, like most political feminism, will tacitly equate Israel with dominant, authoritarian masculinity, and Palestine with long-suffering, put-upon women. So a little terrorism is justified in breaking free of the shackles, surely? That is the binary thinking of much fourth-wave feminism (4WF) voiced by presentable media types all over the West: what’s one wrongfully convicted man if ten women get to be ‘heard’?

It’s a relatively undefined new morality, based on the ‘move fast and break things’ model of a young Mark Zuckerberg (and fellow Silicon valley types). The ends justify the means for the underdog, even when international Equality Acts guarantee equity across the West, and women are doing better in every metric – still grievance is claimed, and criticism/reality swerved. This is why UN Women support Palestine in its media messaging; and in the same way they won’t so much criticise Israel or the Jews explicitly for the brutal murder of its own citizens, it will immediately criticise its incendiary response.

This is a reflection of the ‘don’t mention the problems of men’ stance of 4FW’s, in a craven avoidance of difficult equities of another sort, not to mention unhelpful to the eternal cause. When will the stonewalling and deliberate divisionism ever be enough? Probably when men themselves are a tiny, marginalised minority – and Israel is too.

Sean Parker is an academic editor and writer on justice reform and cultural studies.


Men and Masculinity

Men and Masculinity




‘While this sort of thinking had been hitherto relegated to bitter eccentrics in unloved corners of academia, suddenly it was grafted into the souls of attractive young heteronormative types, ready to tweet’


‘A post-#MeToo Men’s Amnesty could be possible, where males are open about what they want, what they deserve, and what is fair, expressed without fear or favour, and also without having to be looked at through the prism of feminism’

By Sean Parker

September 25, 2023

Men and masculinity has been under attack across the West for much of the 21st century so far. The hundred year-long struggle for equal rights under feminism culminated in the Equality Act 2010 in the UK, when the war was in essence won. Niggles such as intra-cultural pay gaps remained, let alone traditional and religious attitudes to gendered roles, but by and large equity had been achieved.

Following contemporaneous Title IX sex laws being fully commercialised in the US punishing sexual discrimination, harassment and assault on campuses (and beyond), #MeToo arrived around 2017 to decimate the entertainment industry, for better or worse. From tiny, positive acorns, massive mixed-blessing oaks can grow, and a 1970s version of radical feminism – ‘all men are rapists, thus must be minimised’ – became amplified by the binary-attraction model of internet algorithms.

While this sort of thinking had been hitherto relegated to bitter eccentrics in unloved corners of academia, suddenly it was grafted into the souls of attractive young heteronormative types, ready to tweet. The myth that women were still ignored in a patriarchal society seemed hard to give up, even as the matriarchy took over every lever of power from publishing to government, sliding messaging out anonymously through social media departments.

In poll after poll feminism as an identity to be supported or with which to identify could not surpass 10% prevalence with the public, while domestic violence and sexual assault statistics were re-written in ways favourable to the RadFem cause. High profile men such as Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen and Jeffrey Epstein found themselves posthumously cancelled or in prison due to sexual allegations various. Others, such as Cliff Richard, Paul Gambaccini and Kevin Spacey found themselves falsely accused but facing massive legal hurdles, and no small degree of post-traumatic stress disorder.

The younger the man in question as time went on, the more problematic the allegations, as the contexts became greyer and greyer. Whether it was law student Liam Allan being falsely accused of rape by a disgruntled ex girlfriend, goth rocker Marilyn Manson facing down numerous lawsuits, or both ex-US president Donald Trump being found liable for sexual assault and incumbent Joe Biden – he who had signed off the Title IX-enacting ‘Dear Colleague’ letter in the first place – being accused of ‘digital penetration’, the gloves were off.

The more public mouthpieces such as family court barrister Charlotte Proudman, academic Jess Taylor and MP Jess Philips were facilitated in increasingly shrill discourse, the more gerrymandered the statistics became. Non-politicised figures such as Cheryl Thomas KC, Canadian academic Janice Fiamengo and Australian journalist Bettina Arndt calmly pointed out the reality behind the headlines, thus enraging the legions of hitherto dormant power-fembots lined up ready to slay rhetorical across the algorithms.

Men’s disquiet with what felt like completely one-sided sexual politic propaganda was growing – and their concern became increasingly echoed in more traditionally-minded women. This traditional-mindedness simply meant those who believed that men and women were at their best when working together, rather than trying to destroy each other in an intersectional, indoctrinated power game.

Andrew Tate brandished his pecs, Masarati, cigars and aviators, and amassed an army of disenfranchised young men (and women) before being put under house arrest in Romania on suspicion of rape and human trafficking. Saifullah Khan took Yale University to court for improperly carried out sexual assault investigations, claiming false allegations had stolen his future – and won. Comedian and neo-political activist Russell Brand had his communication channels cancelled due to coordinated allegations made against his sexual past via Channel 4 and The Sunday Times, a decade after a similar trick had been successfully pulled on WikiLeaker Julian Assange (whose extradition woes rumble on).

Men’s rights activists, often portrayed as far-rightists by the power-feminists, have generally done their best to look after the state of increasingly done-down men and boys, as mothers found their husbands and sons falsely accused and fathers forbidden from seeing their children by an almost completely captured family court system. The XY Crew in the US and the Justice for Men and Boys organisation in the UK try to sneak out their exasperated message via (occasionally) Piers Morgan on Talk TV or YouTube personality Pearl Davis, but the discourse remains decidedly ‘counter’.

While legal dominance and power-feminists capitalise on every inter-personal sexual-political news story, online MRAs will repeatedly point to white working class boys being the worst performing demographic in society, turning to Incel (involuntary celibate) culture as a result. MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) has  become a movement in itself: including Passport Bros, who are western males travelling abroad to look for or to be with women who aren’t preoccupied with power dynamics, and are more interested in a peaceful, cooperative, unindoctrinated life.

While it often feels like third and/or fourth wave feminism is in a permanent state of arrested development adolescence, collective masculinity has of late been tiring of being the patient adult in the room, being quietly tolerant as the disruptive delinquent smashes up the kitchen. It’s fully understandable that a new form of post-MeToo male assertion is possible: needing no hate, resentment or even conflict.

Those already in long-term relationships are no doubt happy with their situations, but those terrified of the new pitfalls of modern dating and relationships would be forgiven for turning their backs on the whole shebang. This doesn’t mean turning gay, or becoming addicted to porn; it means focussing creative and adventurous energy on other things, about reassessing aims beyond the indoctrination to nest: how can anyone nest when it’s so full of risk, and mostly for men? If the feminists wanted the end of heteronormativity, they might have almost achieved it.

A male view on the act of sex has been entirely ignored in culture (when that culture isn’t too squeamish to even go there). Emasculated, feminised gyneocentrism is the only sexual conversation in town, even though any mutually satisfactory experience takes two to meaningfully tango. In moving forward from the current chronically biased situation, a Minister for Men in the UK – since there has been a Minister for Women since 1997 – would be a useful voice in UK Parliament. Beyond that, a post-#MeToo Men’s Amnesty could be possible, where males are open about what they want, what they deserve, and what is fair, expressed without fear or favour, and also without having to be looked at through the prism of feminism.

The term ‘toxic masculinity’ needs to be expunged from common discourse in the way that have been racial slurs, and identity theories as they are currently weaponised need to be recognised as the psychological abuse they are. The progressive left shibboleth ‘have fewer babies to save your independence and the Earth’ could be being achieved by stealth through this ‘men walking away’, quietly and surreptitiously, as the psycho-spiritual pressure increases, and so the ideological replacement strategy continues. This replacement theory is a political tactic of removing powerful people by whatever means, and replacing them with approved, on-message characters.

Beyond conflict there must be resolution, even when that conflict becomes intra-national rather than international. Whether that happens by males setting aside romantic or domestic ambitions while aiming their unique energies in less risky directions should be less a matter of bleak desperation rather than one of enlightened choice.


What ‘Privilege’? On a Minister for Men

What ‘Privilege’? On a Minister for Men

 By Sean Bw Parker

September 8, 2023

‘Over the last century we’ve worked hard with equality to put women at the table along with men which is super important. But we can do two things at once’ — Nick Fletcher MP

Do boys and men at last have a hero in the UK House of Commons? Softly spoken northern MP Nick Fletcher is proposing a Minister for Men (MfM), and this seemingly radical idea has prompted lively debate on BBC Radio Four’s Woman’s Hour. The fact that Minister for Women Caroline Nokes has been an strident rhetorical attacker of men, in word or in tone, in recent years might surely have played into Fletcher’s thinking on this initiative.

Debate on Women’s Hour threads tended to circle back to the craven point that happier men would be also better for women. No doubt, but is the proposal simply some sort of levelling-up? The fact that there wasn’t a Minister for Men automatically created when the women’s position was created is already injustice enough. Justice for men and boys has to neither genuflect to the justifiably won rights of women, nor somehow apologise for its own existence.

Twenty-five-plus years after the Westminster demographic shift of Blair’s Babes (and their male facilitators) passing policies virtually unopposed, ‘affirmative action’ has been exposed as the imbalanced prejudice it always was, as democratic representation of the people’s choice has gradually returned. In an advanced liberal democratic society members of parliament should be elected solely by the residents of their constituencies, regardless of sex. It’s not up to civil service wonks to socially engineer them out of their wrong-choice.

The apparently terrifying figure of ‘self-declared misogynist’ Andrew Tate is invoked in every other line on the MfM subject, rather than being the cartoon cut-out idea of machismo that most see him as. One of the duties of the incoming MP will presumably be to make sure school pupils stop asking awkward questions about Tate’s brand of unapologetic masculinity (Romanian human trafficking and rape charges notwithstanding). Tate has his nemesis however in Charlotte Proudman, a similarly attention-hungry online force, a self-declared ‘c*nt’ who tweets almost hourly against men in any story into which she can spanner her undergraduate rage-musings. Great look for a family court barrister, you might think.

Regarding the “The Misogyny Myth,” John Tierney writes:

“This instinct to protect women has been essential for societies to survive, but it has also made us easy prey for a modern industry of academics, journalists, activists, lobbyists, and bureaucrats who falsely blame sexism for any gender gap that doesn’t favor women.”

Back on Women’s Hour, following robust early points made by Mike Buchanan of Justice for Men and Boys, female callers were mixed in their reception of the idea of a MfM. ‘Male privilege’ was repeatedly mentioned without challenge by the host. What privilege is this? The privilege to be the most likely to die by suicide, at work, or years earlier than women? The privilege to be more likely to be the victim of violence, false allegations or massive prejudicial bias in the family courts? Or the privilege to be denied work or opportunities due to diversity of ‘positive discrimination’ policies that preclude them on the basis of the immutable characteristic of their born sex?

The truth is that privilege in the west is (still) based on class and wealth; rich men and women are privileged, the poor somewhat less so – while the risible 2010 Equality Act insists all outcomes be the same, in a horrendous real-time race to the bottom, played out in an increasingly incredulous media. The theory that the angry reaction that many males are expressing in response to the current blanket misandry across mainstream culture stems from ‘fear’ was also repeated. Anger about injustice is not fear – it’s anger about injustice.

Endless messaging about the ‘patriarchy’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ – both theories that have been massively damaged since the Depp-Heard trial and exposes about #MeToo-era corruption in the media – have left males of all ages feeling shut out of a society built by their forefathers. Ideological activists, emerging from gender studies indoctrination for the last thirty-plus years, have metastasized from academia to publishing, to television and the civil service, and now every message channel is full of relentless ‘with us or against us’ rhetoric.

This has become a silent political extremism, and that is why Nick Fletcher is correct, and brave, and very very necessary.


The Myth of Female Under-Representation in STEM

The Myth of Female Under-Representation in STEM


September 7, 2023

Higher education leaders often claim that women are underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.  Like so much else in higher ed, this claim is false. A recent series of posts explains why.

Ever wondered why you hear ‘35% of stem graduates are women’, when HESAs own data show actually 54% of STEM graduates are women? Here’s the hidden secret of “STEM:”

‘STEM’ is a carefully crafted political term that removes the sciences in which women are over represented.

Biology (where women dominate) is not considered to be “STEM”… medicine… psychology… veterinary science… neuroscience… none of these are considered to be “STEM.”

Breakdowns by Sex of Several Science Fields that are Excluded from the STEM Definition

Field Female Share Reference (listed at end of article)
Nursing 82% (1)
Veterinary Medicine 81% (2)
Psychology 79.1% (3)
Biology 63.2% (3)
Medicine 53.8% (4)

Case Study: Veterinary Medicine

As seen in the table above, women account for 81% of veterinary students nationwide.  This female share is one of the highest sex disparities among professional programs.  In light of this discrepancy, you’d think veterinary medicine leaders would be starting outreach programs to encourage more male students.

Instead of correcting the imbalance, they’ve allowed it to become significantly worse.  Below are data from Iowa State’s veterinary medicine program.

Before 2017, the male share of the class ranged between 22% and 30%. Starting about eight years ago, however, the share of male students has been cut almost in half and held steady (with two exceptions) at 17%:

Male Student Enrollments at Iowa State Veterinary Medicine Program

Grad Class Male %
2026 17.6%
2025 18.2%
2024 17.8%
2023 17.5%
2022 13.4%
2021 17.4%
2020 22.6%
2019 17.5%
2018 20.0%
2017 24.0%
2016 24.2%
2015 25.5%
2014 28.8%
2013 31.5%
2012 26.4%
2011 24.0%
2010 22.5%
2009 23.3%

These numbers are even more inexplicable when you consider there is a substantial shortage of large animal vets nationwide.

Women Vets Shun Work on the Farm

Female veterinarians generally prefer small animal practices over large animal practices, which has contributed to shortages of large animal vets:

The growing ranks of female vets prefer a career looking after pets than pigs or cattle

Wanted: More large-animal veterinarians.

In conclusion, the claim that females are underrepresented in science fields is a myth.


(1)    “What Percentage of Student Nurses Are Female,” available at

(2)   “The Gender Divide — Truth be told, misogyny is a problem in veterinary medicine. Our increasingly female profession can take constructive steps to even the playing field,” available at (“According to data from the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, women comprise 81% of DVM students.”)

(3)   “Chart of the Day: Female Shares of Bachelor’s Degrees by Field, 1971 to 2019, available at (“In 2019, women [earned] more than 62% of the bachelor’s degrees in 9 out of the 16 academic fields: Health Professions (84.3% and the greatest gender imbalance for either sex for the 16 majors), Public Administration (82.7% and the field with the second-highest gender imbalance), Education (82.0% and the field with the third-highest female share and the greatest share ever), Psychology (79.1% and a record high female share), English (71.3% and a record female share), Foreign Languages (69.1%), Communication and Journalism (65.6%, a new record high), Biology (63.2%, a new record high)”).  (emphasis added)

(4)   “The nation’s medical schools grow more diverse,” available at (“Women again accounted for the majority of applicants (56.5%), matriculants (55.6%), and total enrollment (53.8%) — the fourth consecutive year that women made up the majority of all three groups.”)