Title IX

Away at school. How COVID-19 is affecting Title IX hearings with college campuses deserted

Away at school

Andrew Miltenberg spent his morning on the phone with a Princeton University father. His son had been accused of sexual assault—wrongly, he believed—and was the respondent in a Title IX matter on campus.

The hearing was coming up, and the father was concerned: What if the Title IX panel, made up of school faculty, didn’t believe his son? What if his side of the story wasn’t really heard? If he’s not heard, and if he gets sanctioned, what happens to med school?

It was a typical call for the Bergen County-based lawyer, whose Manhattan office handles around 75 of these cases at a time. But this isn’t a typical time, students across the state and country are off campus due to the COVID-19 health crisis, and these Title IX hearings are happening the same way as every other meeting: Zoom or conference call.

Andrew Miltenberg

Andrew Miltenberg

“For someone who is already accused, to not be able to be in person and connect with the panel, and for the panel to not be able to seize upon certain credibility markers—nonverbal cues, things we pick up speaking to someone that help us determine if someone is or isn’t telling the truth—isn’t fair,” Miltenberg said. “Credibility is so critical, because the right to openly confront your accuser is so critical, and to hear what an accuser says about you in person, and the ability to face the person making decisions is so critical.”

Miltenberg has handled hearings at colleges across New Jersey and around the country. By the end of this week, he’ll have attended 20 Zoom meetings between investigative interviews and the hearings themselves, from the University of Maine to Providence College to Virginia Polytechnic. For many of the hearings going on now, the complainant and all the complainant’s witnesses were interviewed in person before school closed, and the respondent and respondent’s witnesses are being interviewed by phone or video chat.

“Have you been on a seven or eight person Zoom call? Like any conference call, someone’s speaking, their voice gets cut off, someone else interrupts,” Miltenberg said. “It’s much harder than an in-person conversation. Right now, there’s an unlevel playing field. If it was your kid, you’d want the benefit from every possible tool and inferences we have as human beings.”

New Title IX regulations are expected to be announced any day now. The rules reportedly will raise the standard of evidence or allow schools to make that change on their own, and they may allow some type of real-time cross examination, Miltenberg said.

“The new regulations will increase the opportunity for schools to engage in an informal resolution, meaning the parties agreed between themselves as to how they’re going to deal with this going forward, as opposed to the school dictating it. Right now, if the complaint involves penetration of any sort, informal resolution isn’t available, meaning there has to be a hearing. There’s also some thought that if someone makes a complaint and wants to withdraw it, they should be allowed to withdraw it,”

Miltenberg said. “Right now, once you make a complaint, you lose the ability to stop the process, so you see situations where a couple [gets back together], where the complainant wants to stop the process, or they recant, or they say ‘wait I didn’t mean for all this to happen to them.’ But they take on a life of their own once the school gets involved.”

The new regulations will reportedly make sanctions more restorative than punitive, opting away from expulsion and toward criteria like community service and mandated therapy.

“You can turn these events into teachable moments. That’s not to say – I have two daughters, one’s in college, and there are rapes that happen. There are sexual assaults that happen. This is not to say that those should not be dealt with aggressively. Part of that is making sure they’re dealt with fairly and that the process and policy is equitable and transparent,” Miltenberg said.

Jemi Goulian Lucey

Jemi Goulian Lucey

“There’s two sides of the issue. With the separation of everyone it sort of moots the issue with everyone initially, but the fact that there are more virtual campuses, it doesn’t mean they can forever hold this in abeyance,” said Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP Partner Jemi Goulian Lucey, who represents universities sued by victims of sexual violence in Title IX cases. “From the complainant’s standpoint, I think there’s some issue of finality, to have this behind them. I don’t think anybody wants this to go out for six months or a year and have to drum it all back up again. There’s a lot of interests considered here, making sure there’s a stable university environment and that on campus, whether in person or virtually, they feel safe. And there’s the rights of the complainant and respondent.”

Originally, Miltenberg said, some schools were open to holding off on Title IX hearings for a handful of weeks until COVID-19 subsided later this spring. But now, as COVID-19 campus closures could extend well beyond the current semester and Title IX offices remain open, schools like Syracuse University in New York are deciding to go forward with them.

“I think to myself, it’s a self-perpetuating job for Title IX offices. No one needs a Title IX office if you’re not having hearings. Most schools when this started six or seven years ago had one or two deans that did conduct violations. Now most schools, even smaller ones, have several dedicated in-house lawyers and in some cases a dozen in-house investigators,” Miltenberg said. “Columbia University has like 30 lawyers and 40 investigators that deal with these issues now. This has become a cottage industry. Of course, I’ve benefited from it, but I’m asking not to be [benefitting from it] right now.”

Miltenberg represented Paul Nungesser, the respondent in the widely publicized “Mattress Girl” case. Emma Sulkowicz accused Nungesser of rape in 2013, and after Nungesser was found not responsible by a Columbia University inquiry, Sulkowicz produced a work of performance art called Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight) as her senior thesis in protest of what she described as the university’s mishandling of her sexual assault complaint. The protest involved Sulkowicz carrying a mattress around on campus to represent the burden rape victims carry in day-to-day life.

As Lucey sees it, from the perspective of college and universities, to the extent that the parties agree to allow for the matter to be held in abeyance until there is a return to campus, it would appear that holding off on the hearings is the preferred course of action.

“Unless the parties don’t agree or unless there is some time-sensitive issue that must be attended to, and that the determination of the Title IX hearing [affects] that step,” Lucey said. “If the respondent is a graduating senior so there’s a need to have the matter resolved so that the determination can be made as to whether or not they can graduate, that could be a matter where the situation would have to go forward toward a hearing.”

Lucey noted that litigators such as herself are having to deal with those issues now as well, where all parties involved must agree to treat the online meeting as a live, in-person hearing.

“You make best efforts in a tough situation,” she said.

Gabrielle Saulsbery
Albany, N.Y. native Gabrielle Saulsbery is a staff writer for NJBIZ and the newest thing in New Jersey. You can contact her at g
Title IX

Callisto Campus, tool for documenting sexual assault at colleges, discontinued

Callisto reverses decision to delete account data following user concerns



Callisto Campus, a tool available for Stanford students to document and report sexual and relationship violence, will be discontinued on June 30 and replaced with another version of the program.

Callisto is a third-party online platform that allows students to document and time stamp experiences with unwanted sexual conduct. If a student is not ready to submit a report to the University, their report is saved in the system, with the option for it to be submitted later.

“One of the unique features about Callisto was the ability to have your report be submitted to the Title IX office in the event that the perpetrator that you had listed also matched the perpetrator another survivor listed,” wrote former ASSU President Shanta Katipamula ’19 M.S. ’20 in an email to The Daily. While chair of the Undergraduate Senate, Katipamula also authored the bill proposing the three-year pilot of Callisto in 2016.

While Callisto Campus will be discontinued, this year Callisto will launch a new product that connects victims of sexual misconduct to attorneys who help them understand actions they can take, according to the Callisto website. Stanford students will have free access to this platform, but the University is still deciding whether to initiate a new partnership with Callisto, according to ASSU Co-Director of Sexual Violence Prevention Krithika Iyer ’21.

“We are investigating what a potential partnership would entail, and whether a new Stanford-Callisto partnership would be beneficial for survivors,” Iyer wrote. “We will be seeking input from the student community.”
“Callisto is transitioning some of its services over the summer and it will no longer be based on a partnership model with individual schools,” wrote Senior Associate Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Access Lauren Schoenthaler in a statement to The Daily.

An update on the Callisto Campus website initially read that the service would be replaced with a new version of Callisto and that all account data would be deleted, quickly leading some to raise concerns.

“This would undermine the ability of the platform to identify repeat perpetrators on campus,” Iyer wrote.
Stanford Law professor Michele Dauber was one of the individuals who reached out to Callisto to share her concerns. One of her concerns was Callisto’s inability to inform users that their data would be deleted.

“Because there are no records kept of who the users are, Callisto doesn’t stay in contact with their end-users,” Dauber said. “In other words, if you were someone who had made such a report, you wouldn’t get an email from Callisto saying, ‘we’re changing our business model.’”

She spoke to the trauma that this could create for survivors who had placed their trust in the platform.

“They had trusted this entity because it was created by survivors and then found that all of their information had been deleted when they didn’t know it,” she said.

Callisto has since reversed its decision to delete the data.

“With respect to the feedback we have received from our partners and the extraordinary challenges posed by COVID-19, we are not deleting this data,” wrote interim Callisto CEO Tina Robilotto in an email to The Daily. “We will maintain the record data even after Callisto Campus is decommissioned and the new product is launched to our partner campuses.”

“While I understand that they’ve now understood the error of this decision and are no longer going to be deleting records, the initial decision to do so was poorly communicated and breached the trust survivors had placed in their system,” wrote Katipamula.

Dauber complimented Callisto’s “willingness to admit a mistake and reverse it.”

Schoenthaler said that Callisto had informed the University on Thursday morning that it no longer had plans to delete the records, calling it “great news.”

Dauber urged students to download reports they had made to Callisto to ensure they are preserved, and Iyer made a similar recommendation.

“While Callisto has committed to not deleting any records, the ASSU recommends that students download their report if they want to be absolutely sure that they retain a permanent copy,” Iyer said.

Despite Callisto Campus’s unique function, Iyer told The Daily that the platform has not been sufficiently advertised to students and that she hopes to increase awareness about it in following years.

“Data from the AAU survey indicate that only 9% of Stanford students are aware that Callisto Campus is an available resource,” she said. Iyer also reported efforts to ensure that Callisto is included in New Student Orientation information sessions next fall.

Dauber called the episode a “cautionary tale” about Silicon Valley’s tendency to rely on technology to solve problems.

“I think Callisto came from the best of intentions but also was riding that wave of easy assumptions about technical fixes for a very hard social problem,” she said. “There is no shortcut, in my opinion, to fixing the problem of campus sexual assault.”

This article has been updated to include a clarification from Iyer on the tool to be included in New Student Orientation information sessions.

Contact Esha Dhawan at edhawan ‘at’ 

Title IX

COVID-19 Must Not Delay Enactment of New Title IX Regulations

COVID-19 Must Not Delay Enactment of New Title IX Regulations
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (Credit: Gage Skidmore)

COVID-19 Must Not Delay Enactment of New Title IX Regulations

Sixteen months ago, the Department of Education proposed Title IX regulations that take seriously the rights of both victims and the accused in campus sexual misconduct proceedings.

Since then, the department has reviewed more than 100,000 public comments on those regulations, incorporating feedback from diverse stakeholders.

Despite this opportunity for robust public comment, opponents of these regulations have made clear from day one that they will do everything they can to ensure they are never enacted — including, recently, sending four letters asking the department to defer the rulemaking until after the COVID-19 crisis has passed.

The department must not give in to these opportunistic and disingenuous efforts to thwart regulations that would bring desperately needed balance to campus sexual misconduct adjudications.

Campus sexual misconduct proceedings have been seriously out of balance since the department issued a Title IX “Dear Colleague” letter that transformed the way universities adjudicated sexual misconduct cases.

The letter eviscerated due-process protections for accused students and kicked off an era of aggressive Title IX enforcement that led many universities to hold proceedings rigged against the accused in order to appear serious about combating sexual assault.

As soon as Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced in September 2017 that the department was withdrawing the 2011 Dear Colleague letter in favor of a more balanced approach to Title IX rulemaking, supporters of the previous guidance made clear that they would do everything in their power to stop the new rules.

When the department issued interim guidance, the new guidance was immediately challenged in court by a coalition of organizations — including three of the groups now calling on the department to suspend Title IX rulemaking due to COVID-19.

After the department issued its proposed Title IX regulations in November 2018, it opened a notice-and-comment period during which it received an unprecedented number of public comments.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro immediately threatened legal action to block the rules’ implementation and organized a coalition of state attorneys general who wrote to the department objecting to the regulations.

Many of these attorneys general, Shapiro included, also signed on to one of the letters now citing COVID-19 as the reason the regulations should not go into effect.

In November 2019, the regulations moved to the final step before enactment: review by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. OMB review is not intended to be a second notice-and-comment period, but rather a final opportunity to raise concerns that may have been overlooked.

Immediately, opponents of the rule — despite already having participated in the notice-and-comment process — began scheduling OMB meetings out as far as possible, in what appears to be another effort to delay adoption of the regulations.

The final two meetings scheduled were by the Women’s Law Project and Equal Rights Advocates, both signatories on one of the COVID-19 letters.

Many of the groups now asking the department to suspend rulemaking are associations of college administrators.

These same administrators have also been publicly touting the need, and their ability, to continue with Title IX adjudications during the crisis by using videoconferencing and other technology.

If administrators can use these technologies to conduct investigations and hearings, they can certainly use the same technologies — not to mention the additional time on their hands — to prepare to make changes to their policies under regulations about which they have known for the past 16 months.

These recent efforts to capitalize on the pandemic should be seen for what they are — the last in a long and consistent line of efforts to ultimately delay the regulations’ adoption until the next election in the hope that they will never take effect.

Accused students have waited long enough for even a modicum of basic fairness. The new rules must be enacted now.

Publication of the regulations does not mean that they must be implemented instantaneously: there is always a grace period for schools to come into compliance, a period that could theoretically be extended, if necessary, in the face of exigent circumstances.

Universities have been on notice of these proposed changes for 16 months now.

If they have failed to plan and are not ready to provide these basic procedural protections, they have only themselves to blame.

Due Process Sexual Assault Title IX

Reform Title IX Now

The Department of Education’s (DOE) reform of Title IX—the law that bans discrimination based on sex at federally-funded schools—has been a long time coming. For three Senators, it has not been long enough. They strenuously object to the impact on how colleges handle accusations of sexual misconduct. No longer will an accused be presumed guilty until proven innocent. Instead, he will be accorded due process.

On March 31, Patty Murray—the leading Democrat on the Senate education committee—Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand sent a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to express their opposition to finalizing the reform. “We urge you not to release the final Title IX rule at this time,” they argued, “and instead to focus on helping schools navigate the urgent issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

This is an odd argument. Now seems to be the perfect time for colleges to work on policy and administrative matters. Campuses are empty. No sexual misconduct hearings will be interrupted; students will be spared the confusion of a mid-semester policy change; administrators can implement regulations before the new academic year.

Colleges are hardly caught off guard. The reform began on September 22, 2017 when the DOE withdrew the controversial Dear Colleague Letter (2011) that governed the treatment of sexual misconduct accusations on campus. The Obama-era Letter was widely criticized for mandating a low standard of proof for findings of guilt and encouraging the denial of due process, such as a defendant’s right to a lawyer. The DOE’s replacement guideline was officially made public on November 29, 2018 when the Federal Register published “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance.

The proposed reform received vast attention and backlash in this time of #MeToo that demands automatic belief of women’s accusations. in January 2018, three national public interest organizations, including the highly influential National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), sued DeVos and the DOE to block the Title IX reform. The lawsuit claimed that the “new and extreme Title IX policy…was issued unlawfully and based on discriminatory beliefs about women and girls as survivors of sexual violence, in violation of the Constitution.” The lawsuit was eventually dismissed.

Senator Murray has also attacked the Title IX proposals. A news release from her office reported on Murray’s statements at a Senate hearing on campus sexual assault. “I stand with you [accusers] and I’m going to keep fighting to stop what happened to you.” Murray accused the DOE of being “callous” and ignoring “the experiences of survivors,” which would “discourage students from coming forward after being sexually assaulted.” Gillibrand has decried DeVos as favoring “predators over survivors.” Warren has stated, “There’s no greater example of how we’re failing students and teachers than Betsy DeVos, the worst Secretary of Education we’ve seen.” These statements do not argue for the delay but for the derailment of DOE’s plans.

Liberals view the new rules as a shift to the right and an abandonment of Obama-era policies. Consider two definitions of a key term, “sexual harassment.” According to the Dear Colleague Letter, “Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.” This broad characterization includes bad jokes and leering glances. By contrast, DeVos uses the reigning Supreme Court definition of “unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school’s education program or activity.” This is a far more limited definition.

Why, then, are the 3 Senators calling for delay rather than dismantlement? The coronavirus is unlikely to disappear as an issue before the 2020 election. And, if Joe Biden wins, he has promised the reform would be withdrawn. This process would be be easier, however, if policy changes were not already implemented.

Stalling the DOE reform seems to be a conscious strategy of its opponents. According to Tulane University Title IX coordinator, Meredith Smith, the NWLC orchestrated a sequence of delays with various victims rights groups. Smith stated, “So there was this delay strategy happening. We would hear that the Department of Education was about to release the regulations and then the National Women’s Law Center and all these other groups would parachute in and get more and more meetings on the calendar which push [the release date] back.” They requested a long series of meetings with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), for example. During the final public commentary on a regulation, individuals can meet in person or over the phone with OMB officials to share concerns; this process usually takes a couple of days, With the DOE regulation, the first meeting was November 13, 2019, and the process ended on March 27, 2020. It stretched over 4 months.

A recent article in the National Review, entitled “Coronavirus Is No Excuse to Delay the Education Department’s New Title IX Regulations,” declared, “Those making this argument [for postponement] are taking advantage of a crisis to try to keep due process out of college campuses.” They are gaming the system.

The DOE reform returns due process to campuses. It also offers relief to lawsuit-prone schools that now function as police, judge and jury in handling students and faculty accused of sexual misconduct. Increasingly, colleges are sued in federal court by those who were found guilty without a fair hearing. As a headline in the Detroit Free Press stated. “Courts ruling on side of students accused of sexual assault. Here’s why.” The “why” is the violation of their due process rights.

Justice delayed is justice denied. And Justice must not be further denied.


Title IX

Let’s Not Delay Due Process On Campus

Under Title IX, colleges have an obligation to address sexual assault on campus.

Colleges have a corresponding obligation to treat all students fairly. Unfortunately, many colleges have created secret sex tribunals that stack the deck against accused students in order to increase discipline rates.

The tribunals often dispense with the presumption of innocence; deny students the right to see the specific charges or evidence against them; and deny accused students the opportunity to present evidence that might demonstrate consent, such as text messages.

Such procedures violate basic standards of fairness and have led to many miscarriages of justice.

Hundreds of students have successfully sued their colleges for unfair treatment.

But few colleges have altered their policies in response to such rulings.

It’s time for the Department of Education to issue regulations requiring schools to adopt fair and unbiased procedures.

Because without due process, there can be no justice.

Title IX

Civil Liberties Groups Push Title IX Rule Release

Two civil liberties groups have urged the U.S. Department of Education not to delay the release of proposed regulations under Title IX, the law prohibiting sex discrimination in institutions that receive federal funding, despite institutions’ occupation with the coronavirus pandemic.

The shift of colleges to primarily online operations means it is “an ideal time” for officials to change their policies to be in compliance with new Title IX regulations, the leaders of Speech First, a campus free speech organization, and the Independent Women’s Law Center, which advocates for reduced government control, wrote in a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Assistant Secretary Kenneth Marcus. The letter called attempts to delay the final regulations, which were proposed in November 2018, “a disingenuous attempt to put off indefinitely the implementation of rules that certain senators and special interest groups oppose on the merits.”

Several members of Congress and state attorneys general have called on DeVos to delay the final rule, suggesting that institutions are putting all efforts toward the basic needs of students during the coronavirus pandemic. But waiting on the rule would mean “biased investigatory procedures that stack the deck against the accused” will continue for students in the Title IX process at colleges, the letter said.

“All stakeholders in America’s institutions of higher education — from students and parents to faculty and administrators — deserve a just system, and they deserve it now,” Nicole Neily, president and founder of Speech First, said in a release. “At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has created much uncertainty in the education community, the department can provide clarity with respect to Title IX by issuing the regulations as soon as possible.”

Title IX

USA Today claims the NCAA enables a ‘predator pipeline.’ Its evidence is thin.

Damning conclusions in spite of many caveats


A week after USA Today published a four-part series on student athletes who transfer freely between NCAA schools despite sexual misconduct claims, a university president-turned-lawmaker threatened to cut off the federal spigot to schools that don’t properly address violence.

The scrutiny from the media and Capitol Hill got the attention of the NCAA, which had formerly resisted government pressure. Now it claims to be “actively working” with Congress “to modernize our rules.”

Before we applaud this rush toward supposed accountability for the NCAA and its members, however, we must carefully vet the assertions in the “Predator Pipeline” series by USA Today’s investigative team. Has it actually documented a predator pipeline with NCAA involvement that requires congressional intervention?

The NCAA regulates more than 480,000 student athletes from 1,268 North American institutions. It is being accused of complicity in the pipeline, at the very least.

Freshman Democratic Rep. Donna Shalala, a former Clinton administration official and University of Miami president, introduced the Congressional Advisory Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics Act in December.

The bill creates a congressional commission to oversee college sports, and review how federal funding is spent on related programs. While HR-5528 is silent on the commission’s authority, Shalala herself implied that federal funding may be at stake.

“Our higher education institutions receive a substantial amount of federal student support funding,” Shalala told Florida Daily when she introduced the bill. “There is little oversight, and as a result, we have little insight into how the funding is being spent and if the students’ best interests are being prioritized. This commission would fill that gap.”

The USA Today investigation found that since 2014, at least 28 current and former athletes had transferred and continued to play sports despite being administratively disciplined for a sexual offense. One article’s subtitle says the NCAA “looks other way as athletes punished for sex offenses play on.”

MOREMichigan State settles with Keith Mumphery after ruining his NFL career

A 17-member congressional commission with 2 years to examine every aspect of NCAA college athletics — and make recommendations. One congresswoman has proposed it. 

Can Congress remake college athletics? Shalala proposes 2-year commission on NCAA

Can a committee remake college athletics in two years?

To vet its claims, we must start with methodology, which is published separately from the largely anecdotal articles in the series.

Of more than 1,100 American colleges with NCAA programs, the 226 with teams competing at a  Division I level were surveyed. Just 35 provided data on sexual violence, of which one was excluded, representing about 15 percent of surveyed colleges and about 3 percent of the total.

The small size of the sampling is a problem. For one thing, conclusions based on a small sampling of a large population must be random to be credible. Otherwise, the data could reflect selection bias on the part of USA Today or the colleges themselves.

The responding colleges reported 531 cases of student sexual misconduct, 47 of which were NCAA athletes—all male. Questions arise again. Does this rate reflect the increased scrutiny athletes may receive? If a student is part of a another group that overlaps with athletes, which group is used?

In fairness, USA Today admits its data are “not necessarily representative.” It also acknowledges that some surveys appeared to report the same offender multiple times, and it is impossible for a reader to assess how effectively the duplicates were filtered out.

Despite advancing many caveats, however, USA Today goes on to draw damning conclusions. One concerns the non-responding colleges. “That’s 191 schools,” an article in the series states, “that shielded the identities of alleged abusers at the expense of women’s safety and the public’s right to know.”

There could be many reasons for a non-response, however. The college might resent the deadline imposed or the cost of assembling extensive data; USA Today admits a reluctance to pay some requested fees. The college could doubt the motives of the news organization. Or, perhaps, it felt constrained by state privacy laws or the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Definitional problems also exist. Universities use terms both vaguely and differently. Terms like “sexual misconduct” are elastic and stretch to cover everything from rape to a lover’s quarrel. One defense attorney told me that in half of her cases, there wasn’t any actual sex but allegations such as “he kissed me without permission.”

MORELiberty U expelled football player for rape hours before he was cleared

A congressional review of offenses is problematic as well, because it is not likely to include a review of the procedures used to adjudicate a case.

For years, sexual misconduct hearings have been defined by the so-called Dear Colleague letter to colleges from the Obama administration in April 2011. It admonished colleges flatly to believe an accuser and to refuse due process rights, such as cross-examination or the presence of a lawyer, to an accused student.

The neglect of due process continues to this day, and the problem of wrongful convictions that result is well documented. Some “convictions” have been overturned in the court system. Jack Montague (below), former captain of the Yale University basketball team, is an example.

A great tension also exists between USA Today’s statement of methodology and the four articles. The statement concludes with a call for “further investigation and analysis,” which is reasonable.

But the articles present lurid details of rape and express rage at specific athletes, and one of those articles may have put pressure on Rep. Shalala to file her bill.

“NCAA Board of Governors to review policies regarding sexual assault amid congressional pressure on ‘predator pipeline’,” for example, features a University of Miami football player “accused of gang rape” in 2014, when Shalala was president.

Alex Figueroa was expelled, and he later “accepted a deferred prosecution agreement for felony sexual battery with multiple perpetrators.” By failing to explain “deferred prosecution,” which means the system determined not to prosecute, USA Today implies that Figueroa was criminally disciplined.

Even though deferred prosecution cannot be conflated with guilt, the article uses Figueroa to illustrate the predator pipeline: He transferred to another NCAA college that independently assessed him as “an exemplary student-athlete.”

The need to address sexual violence will not go away, nor should it. But it must be approached with facts, not sensationalism, and with fairness to both the accuser and the accused. USA Today has not successfully documented a predator pipeline, and its articles should not be the basis of law.

Wendy McElroy is the author/editor of five books on individualist feminism, and several others on political topics. Her most recent book is “The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations.” McElroy has written hundreds of articles that have appeared in such wide-raging publications as Penthouse, The Hill, and

Sexual Assault Title IX Uncategorized

National Women’s Law Center’s Bag of Title IX Tricks

On September 22, 2017, the Office for Civil Rights announced its withdrawal of the flawed 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. This unlawfully issued policy has been documented to have disastrous effects for students, faculty, and university administrators. [1] Fourteen months later, the Department of Education released its proposed Title IX regulations.

In a country grounded on democratic principles, all parties are certainly entitled to  debate a proposed rule. Almost everyone seemed to be playing nice in the sandbox. But the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) and their consortium of supporters devised and executed a plot to delay, delay, and delay.

First, in January 2018, NWLC filed suit against the Trump Administration to block the “new and extreme Title IX policy”, alleging it was unlawfully based on discriminatory stereotypes about women and girls as survivors of sexual violence. [2]  The court eventually dismissed the lawsuit.[3]

Second, during the Notice and Comment period that began November 29, 2018, the NWLC requested Secretary DeVos to extend the “Notice and Comment” period for 60 more days because, in their words, “The proposed 60-day period comes in the midst of the holiday season. This is a particularly busy time for students, who are juggling final exams, preparations for winter break, and traveling home for the holidays. Teachers and school administrators are similarly overburdened.” [4]

That’s right, we don’t want to inconvenience students’ holiday shopping plans, do we?

The Department of Education prudently rejected the NWLC request.

By the end of January 2019, the Department received over 100,000 comments [5], and according to their website, plenty of those comments came from the NWLC who told Betsy DeVos to “keep her hands off Title IX”. [6] NPR radio revealed, “Survivors’ advocates especially have been running these big campaigns on social media and hosting comment-writing events, especially on college campuses.” [7]

Wondering who organized these “big campaigns”? Read on….

Next came the opportunity for final public commentary on the regulation to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in which persons can meet in person or on the phone with OMB officials to share any lingering concerns.  The first meeting was held November 13, 2019. [8] Normally this step takes a couple days, certainly less than a week. But this time, the process stretched out over months, recently ending March 27.

In an Instagram video posted on April 3, Tulane University Title IX coordinator, Meredith Smith, spilled the beans. She revealed that the National Women’s Law Center orchestrated a strategy with various victim rights groups to request a seemingly endless string of meetings with the OMB, with the objective of delaying the release of the regulations. [9]

Smith explained: “So there was this delay strategy happening. We would hear that the Department of Education was about to release the regulations and then the National Women’s Law Center and all these other groups would parachute in and get more and more meetings on the calendar which push [the release date] back.”

The goal was to push the release date of the regulations to after the November 3 presidential election. Front-runner Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has vowed to restore the Obama era 2011 Dear Colleague letter guidance [10].

Even more recently the NWLC used the corona virus pandemic as an excuse, claiming “Now is hardly the right time to push forward with this fundamentally flawed rule.” [11]

The NWLC has utilized multiple tactics from their bag of tricks to strategically attempt to delay the release of the new regulations grounded in fairness and due process for now. And now, the cat is out of the bag!













Campus Sexual Assault Title IX

89 Percent of Colleges Reported Zero Incidents of Rape in 2015

American Association of University Women

May 10, 2017

2015 Clery Act Numbers

Newly updated data required by the Clery Act indicate that the annual statistics collected by colleges and universities still do not tell the full story of sexual violence on campus. Many studies have found that around 20 percent of women are targets of attempted or completed sexual assault while they are college students, but less well known is that more than one in five college women experiences physical abuse, sexual abuse, or threats of physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner. AAUW’s analysis of the 2015 Clery data revealed the following:

  • Eighty-nine percent of college campuses disclosed zero reported incidences of rape in 2015. With about 11,000 campuses providing annual crime data, an overwhelming majority of schools certified that in 2015 they did not receive a single report of rape.
  • For the second year, we have access to new data regarding dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking incidents on campuses nationwide. For 2015, about 9 percent of campuses disclosed a reported incident of domestic violence, around 10 percent disclosed a reported incident of dating violence, and about 13 percent of campuses disclosed a report incident of stalking. So in each of these categories as well, most campuses did not disclose any reported incidents in 2015.
  • Among the main or primary campuses of colleges and universities with enrollment of at least 250 students, 73 percent disclosed zero rape reports in 2015.
  • The 2016 numbers show that campuses that reported one type of sexual violence often disclosed reports of other types. This suggests that some schools have built the necessary systems to welcome and handle reports, support survivors, and disclose accurate statistics — and others have not.

NOTE: This article was originally posted at 

Title IX

NAS Commends Secretary DeVos, Encourages Education Department to Issue New Title IX Regulations Soon

We especially applaud the Secretary for rescinding Obama-era directives, which mandated recipient schools create Title IX bureaucracies to process sexual misconduct complaints. These offices had no courtroom experience, which resulted in miscarriages of justice for complainants and respondents alike. Most egregious were the due process violations for those accused of misconduct: Many were denied the presumption of innocence, forbidden from responding to allegations, and even summarily removed from campus, interrupting academic and career paths.

Title IX Offices are now known as both kangaroo courts and the campus sex police. Secretary DeVos is right to fix this broken system.

What’s more, in November of 2018, Secretary DeVos proceeded lawfully and respectfully by proposing new regulations to implement Title IX, unlike the controversial guidance instruments of her predecessors. All those affected have had time to participate in the process and comment on the proposals, both during the public comment period to the Office of Civil Rights directly and more recently to the Office of Management and Budget.

It is now time to issue these long-awaited regulations.

In fact, the time is ideal: With most students off campus due to the coronavirus crisis, Title IX administrators have time to revise their policies to comply with the new regulations and return to Supreme Court standards of sex discrimination. If the regulations come out now, chances are that most schools will be able to have revised policies in place by next semester, the start of the new academic year.

Many schools have probably already reviewed policies in anticipation of the new regulations; one hopes they paid particular attention to definitions of the type of conduct that qualifies as discrimination under Title IX. Many school definitions have become overly broad and vague, giving Title IX offices more power than Supreme Court precedent allows – for example, some schools say that any sexual misconduct is ipso facto Title IX discrimination. That’s wrong. Sexual misconduct is a crime and belongs in the criminal justice system, not in campus Title IX offices.

Sexual misconduct becomes discriminatory and therefore triggers Title IX only when it denies educational access. The proposed regulations and the Supreme Court agree on this and school policies must reflect that.

School policies should also now make explicit basic due process protections for those accused of discrimination, including that they are presumed innocent, have a right to know and respond to charges against them, and that they have a right to question witnesses and accusers, through counsel if necessary.

During this downtime, Title IX Offices can also turn their attention to women-only or girls-only programs on their campuses, which are illegal under Title IX and which must be opened to men and boys. For many years now, female students and graduates have outnumbered males. And yet, schools continue to sponsor illegal, single-sex initiatives for women-only – scholarships, faculty awards, summer camps, business programs, and even women’s lounges or women-only gym hours. These all violate Title IX and should keep Title IX Offices busy quite apart from the contentious area of sexual misconduct.