Department of Justice Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Press Release

DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Stabbed Her Husband, Then Engaged in a Five-Year Cover-Up


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


DOJ’s Kristen Clarke Stabbed Her Husband, Then Engaged in a Five-Year Cover-Up

WASHINGTON / May 2, 2024 – The Centers for Disease Control reports that more men than women are victims of domestic violence. Each year, 6.5 million men, compared to 5.7 million women, fall prey to intimate partner aggression (1).

Consistent with these findings, a new report reveals a high-level female official at the U.S. Department of Justice attacked her husband, evaded prosecution, and sought to remove the incident from the public record.

A recent Daily Signal exposé reveals the following (2):

  1. On July 4, 2006, Kristen Clarke attacked her husband, Reginald Avery, slicing his finger to the bone. Maryland police arrested Clarke that night. A criminal case against Clarke was initiated in the District Court of Maryland.
  2. On Oct. 17, 2006, a Maryland state attorney entered a request of “nolle prosequi,” effectively dismissing the charge without a trial.
  3. On January 10, 2008, Clarke obtained an “Order for Expungement of Police and Court Records” for the arrest, thereby obscuring the incident from the public record.
  4. On January 7, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden nominated Clarke to serve as the head of the Department of Justice’s high-profile Civil Rights Division.
  5. During her April 21 confirmation hearing, Sen. Tom Cotton asked nominee Clarke, “Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person?” Clarke dishonestly answered, “No.”

The weakening and dissolution of the nuclear family has long been a central objective of Marxist activists (3). Accordingly, feminists have created numerous domestic violence myths that are designed to divert attention from the reality of female-initiated violence (4).

For example, Gloria Steinem famously claimed that “Patriarchy requires violence, or the subliminal threat of violence, in order to maintain itself” (5). Such falsehoods have served to frighten women and vilify men, eventually undermining the institution of marriage.

Basic notions of fairness and justice have been compromised, as well. Even though a majority of abuse perpetrators are female, the Department of Justice reports that inexplicably, 81% of intimate partner violence arrestees are male (6).

Indeed, female-perpetrated violence is a hidden epidemic in our society (7). Last week, the media reported on a Kansas mother who cut off the head of her 6-year-old son (8). One week before that, an Arizona woman pled guilty to poisoning her husband by pouring bleach into his coffee (9).

SAVE urges lawmakers to undertake a thorough re-evaluation of the domestic violence laws within their jurisdiction, to assure these policies are based on principles of science and justice, not Marxist ideology. And chivalrous judges and law enforcement personnel need to stop giving female abusers a free pass.


  1. Tables 9 and 11.
  6. , Table 5.9.
Campus Department of Education Due Process Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

‘DO NOT COMPLY. FIGHT.’ Americans Revolt Against New Title IX Rule


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


‘DO NOT COMPLY. FIGHT.’ Americans Revolt Against New Title IX Rule

WASHINGTON / April 29, 2024 – Release of the final Title IX regulation on April 19 has triggered a wave of protests against the policy, which seeks to transform our schools, reshape the family, and redefine the Constitution (1). That same day, media personality Megyn Kelly captured the national mood with this social media post: “DO NOT COMPLY. FIGHT.” (2)

In response to the new rule, state superintendents of education around the country issued directives to their schools:

Florida: Noting that the “Biden Administration maims the [Title IX] statute beyond recognition in an attempt to gaslight the country,” Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz instructed Florida schools, “At Governor Ron DeSantis’ direction, no educational institution should begin implementing any changes.” [bolding in the original] (3)

Louisiana: Superintendent Cade Brumley wrote to all school boards in the state, “The Title IX rule changes recklessly endanger students and seek to dismantle equal opportunities for females….Further, it remains my position that schools should not alter policies or procedures at this time.” (4)

Oklahoma: Charging the new rule would turn “not using preferred pronouns into a Title IX violation,” instructed schools, Superintendent Ryan Walters advised Oklahoma schools, “Please do not make any district policy changes based on the new Title IX regulations. These federal rule changes are illegal.” (5)

South Carolina: Superintendent Ellen Weaver warned schools, “By redefining the class of people that Title IX intends to protect, the Biden administration’s rule seeks to change the meaning and purpose of the underlying law.” Weaver then advised, “Therefore, we recommend districts not implement the new rule at this time. It is possible—even likely—that a court will enjoin the rule prior to its effective date.” [underlining in the original] (6)

Wyoming: State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder promised, “I will fight back against this federal overreach… and work to partner with my counterparts across the country to stand up to the Biden administration’s harmful regulations.” (7)

Within days of the release of the new regulation, denunciations were issued by organizations such as the Heritage Foundation (8), Defense of Freedom Institute (9), and the National Association of Scholars (10). Attorney Justin Dillon catalogued 16 ways that the new policy will decimate fairness and due process for falsely accused male students (11).

And strongly worded articles were published by the American Spectator (12), Get Bright (13), Reason (14), New York Post (15), The Free Press (16), and elsewhere.

Two organizations announced their plans to challenge the regulation in court: Independent Women’s Forum (17) and Alliance Defending Freedom (18), with a raft of additional lawsuits currently being drafted.

Such developments recall the mood that preceded the Boston Tea Party in 1773.


Campus Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Gender Agenda Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

‘See you in court, @POTUS:’ Conservatives and Liberals Livid Over New Title IX Rule


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


‘See you in court, @POTUS:’ Conservatives and Liberals Livid Over New Title IX Rule

WASHINGTON / April 23, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Education released on April 19 its long-awaited Title IX regulation (1). If allowed to stand, the effects of the controversial rule will be numerous, long-lasting, and severe.

Most profoundly, the policy changes the definition of sex to include “gender identity,” allowing biological males to freely participate in women’s sports (2). And Reason fumed over the rule’s harmful effects on campus due process: “the new rules allow students to be found guilty of assaulting a classmate without ever seeing the full evidence against them” (3).

In short order, conservative-leaning organizations issued statements condemning the new policy, including the Heritage Foundation (4), Defense of Freedom Institute (5), and the National Association of Scholars (6).

Less anticipated were statements by liberal organizations that also were critical of the regulation:

Gays Against Groomers: The liberal-leaning Gays Against Groomers thundered, “By replacing sex with gender identity, all prior protections put in place will be wiped away. It is a dystopian nightmare, masqueraded as progress” (7).

ACLU: Four years ago, the ACLU filed a lawsuit opposing the 2020 Title IX regulation that was designed to curb campus Kangaroo Courts (8). But last week the ACLU did an apparent about-face, criticizing several due process provisions of the new regulation, such as its acceptance of the single-investigator, “judge, jury, and executioner” model, and its removal of the requirement for a live hearing (9).

Twitter readers expressed their anger and disappointment, as well (10):

  • Wendy and Lucy: “The destruction of female sports. Horrifying!”
  • KLee: “So you’re now representing men instead of women? Are you going to be officially changing the name of your organization as well?”
  • Don’tBeAJagooff: “I cannot believe you think this is a good thing. This is awful for females.”
  • Diogenes Sarcastica: “Thanks for f*cking up women’s sports!”

Release of the new regulation does not signal an end to the Title IX controversy. The Independent Women’s Forum promptly announced that it is “preparing to sue the Biden administration to enjoin this unlawful action” (11). And the Alliance Defending Freedom issued this blunt challenge: “See you in court, @POTUS.” (12)


Feminism Gender Agenda Press Release

Does Wokeism Pose a Mental Health Threat to Women?


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Does Wokeism Pose a Mental Health Threat to Women?

WASHINGTON / April 19, 2024 – The ongoing mental health crisis among young, liberal women has been well documented (1). Last month, a study from Finland revealed women were five times more likely than men to embrace “woke” attitudes, and these women were more prone to report lower levels of mental well-being such as anxiety and depression (2).

Three recent incidents illustrate how liberal, well-educated females indulge in wokeism. Their actions include betrayal of the oath of office, outright dishonesty, and hyper-partisanship:

1. Ketanji Brown Jackson: Supreme Court Justice Jackson revealed during a recent media censorship case that her biggest concern was the “First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways” (3).

Apparently she was unaware that the entire point of the First Amendment is to do exactly that – to restrain the power of the government from intruding into the lives of private citizens. Judge Jackson’s comments appeared to contradict her oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” (4).

Combined with her previous “I’m not a biologist” remark, Judge Jackson’s “hamstringing” comment raises questions about her objectivity and fitness to serve on the High Court.

2. Sharon Malone, MD: Doctor Malone was the guest for an April 4 interview on National Public Radio to discuss woman’s health. Echoing the woman-as-victim narrative, she made this dubious claim: “it wasn’t until 1993 that women were even included in clinical trials” (5).

But the facts reveal Malone’s statement to be an outright fabrication:

  • As early as 1979, 96% of all NIH clinical trials included women (6).
  • An analysis of enrollees in National Cancer Center clinical trials in 1989 reported 57% female participation (7).
  • Overall, “women routinely participated in clinical trials, and in numbers that are more than proportionate to the number of women in the overall population,” according to a third review (8).

3. Katherine Maher: Endowed with a gold-plated resume, Maher was hired in March to serve as the chief executive of National Public Radio. Maher has issued numerous partisan tweets that condemn “white complicity,” the “system of oppression founded on treating people’s ancestors as private property,” and much more (9).

But in a moment of lucidity, Katherine Maher admitted to indulging in her “hysteric white woman” voice (10). Maher’s candid admission of hysteria echoes the above-mentioned study from Finland.

In her April 3 column, Canadian Amy Hamm offers this insight for the current rash of female wokeism: “Perhaps it is not a tendril of our good nature that makes women ‘woker’ than men, but merely a reflection of our darker, malicious side” (11).

And commentator Janice Fiamengo floats this controversial idea: “If a significant subset of women are incapable of acting in their own best interests, let alone in those of society as a whole—particularly the best interests of (female) children—is it not time to rethink the alleged equal capacity of women to lead our societies?” (12)


Campus Department of Education False Allegations Free Speech Gender Agenda Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

30 Groups Call on Biden Administration to Abandon ‘Disastrous’ Title IX Regulation


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


30 Groups Call on Biden Administration to Abandon ‘Disastrous’ Title IX Regulation

WASHINGTON / April 8, 2024 – The Washington Post recently reported that the U.S. Department of Education is again postponing its plan to issue a new Title IX regulation that would govern the participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports (1).

The Department of Education originally had promised to release the final Title IX sports regulation in October. “Folks close to Biden have made the political decision to not move on the athletics [regulation] pre-election,” the article reported. The proposed sports regulation would be a companion to a larger Title IX regulation that seeks to redefine sex to include “gender identity.”

Title IX is the federal law that was originally enacted to curb sex discrimination in schools. critics Ironically, the new Title IX regulation would worsen sex discrimination against men who have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct (2) and against women who participate in athletics. Last month, advocates for women’s sports met with Department of Education officials and criticized the proposed Title IX changes for its “disastrous legal effects.” (3)

Sixteen public opinion polls have revealed strong public opposition to the proposed Title IX changes (4).

The proposed Title IX changes have been challenged by federal lawmakers, attorneys general,   (5), and governors (6). Even presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. has expressed his opposition to the participation of biological males in women’s sports (7).

The Title IX Network was established in 2022 to oppose the new Title IX regulation, and currently has 221 national, state, and local organizations from around the country (8).

In response to the most recent delay, the following 30 members of the Title IX Network issued statements calling on the Department of Education to abandon its unlawful, far-reaching, and dangerous plan to revamp the Title IX law:

  1. AFA Action: “The Biden Administration has an evil agenda that is using unsafe, unfair, and illegal rulemaking to hurt girls and women. But at least they are pausing this rule, primarily because they are afraid of the American voters and a Congressional Review Act challenge.”
  2. Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization: “The Washington Post’s account of what the Biden administration has in store for us should he get elected for a second term is a chilling assault, on not only the female sex but of morality in general.”
  3. American Association of Christian Schools: “The Biden Administration has played politics with its extreme Title IX rewrite, redefining the word ‘sex’ and putting women in danger. This new delay of the rule until after the election reveals a craven awareness that the American people have rejected its radical gender agenda.”
  4. American Association of Evangelicals: “The Biden Administration’s assault on Title IX is inhumane and anti-science engineering that harms women, men, families and nations.”
  5. American Life & Liberty PAC: “The American Life & Liberty PAC stands 100% against the current DOE policy proposals. They are the antithesis of protecting the rights of children, ensuring children do not face dangerous medical interventions, and protecting children from longstanding harm.”
  6. American Values: “The American people overwhelmingly oppose the Biden Administration’s efforts to allow male athletes to cheat our daughters out of their hopes and dreams. Outraged parents and grandparents will make their voices heard in November.”
  7. Americans for Limited Government: “Americans for Limited Government opposes Joe Biden’s Title IX regulation as it represents a dangerous and unconstitutional federal mandate on local school districts to sexualize children.”
  8. Association of Mature American Citizens and AMAC Action: “Every individual is worthy. But a small group of persons facing an identity crisis around gender should not eclipse the majority of women and girls who compete in sports as biological females.”
  9. Center for Equal Opportunity: “Delaying the release of the final Biden Title IX sports regulations is election-year politics that signals a desire to sidestep overwhelming public opposition to allowing transexual athletes’ participation in women’s sports.”
  10. Child Protection League: “The proposed rule turns Title IX on its head, erasing the safety, dignity, privacy, and opportunities of women and girls. It must be dumped.“
  11. Citizens for Renewing America: “The Biden administration continues to trample on the rights of women through its attempts to redefine biological reality.”
  12. Concerned Women for America LAC: “Delay means nothing when you are dealing with the lives of young women. Biden’s destructive changes to Title IX will mandate a new form of discrimination against female athletes.”
  13. “The election year delay of this dangerous and outrageous proposal shows that Biden administration officials recognize how unpopular it is. But make no mistake, it will be back the day after the election, if Joe Biden wins.”
  14. Global Strategic Alliance: “We call on the Biden Administration to abandon this ‘disastrous’ Title IX regulation.”
  15. Greenwich Patriots: “It’s bad enough that girls are getting physically harmed by boys competing in girls’ sports. Biden’s plan to enshrine the right for boys to play in girls’ sports is outrageous and would effectively spell the end of women’s sports.”
  16. Independent Women’s Network, Denver Chapter: “Title IX was born to protect female athletes and give them opportunities in sports. Instead of protecting those rights, the Biden Administration looks to rewrite them so they have a better chance to win an election, allowing girls to be excluded and injured.”
  17. Independent Women’s Network, North Dakota Chapter: “Camouflaged hate speech toward females in the new Title-IX revisions should not be ignored, as discrimination against females is cloaked with words like ‘diversity,’ ‘equity,’ and ‘inclusion.’”
  18. Katartismos Global: “The Title IX proposed sports regulation is but part of broader, disastrous Title IX regulation by the Biden Administration that attempts to defend the lie that is known as gender ‘transitioning.’”
  19. Law Offices of Philip A. Byler: “The saying, ‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’ applies here. The DeVos regulations fixed the worst parts of campus sexual misconduct proceedings, but the Biden regulations would un-fix it and make due process just some words.”
  20. Less Government: “Men are men. Women are women. And bureaucrats who pretend otherwise are corrupt idiots.”
  21. Mission America: “The Biden administration has apparently seen the writing on the wall, that the unlawful and high-risk Title IX changes are overwhelmingly unpopular and will carry a substantial political cost.”
  22. Palm Beach Freedom Institute: “As the recent revelations about administration policy toward gender and sports reveal, Title IX is an abomination and must be repealed.”
  23. SAVE: “The proposed Title IX regulation would be an unmitigated disaster for children, schools, families, women’s sports, free speech, and falsely accused male students.”
  24. Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity: “The feelings of boys-who-imagine-they-are-girls must not be prioritized over the rights and safety of biological girls.”
  25. 60 Plus Association: “President Biden can prove he’s a man, biologically speaking, if he lets stand Title IX, and what it has meant for female athletes during its 50-year history!”
  26. Tea Party Patriots Action: “The Biden administration’s Title IX rules are an insult to female athletes throughout the country. They should be competing against their peers, not against males.”
  27. Texas Values: “We have one message for the Biden Administration on its rewrite of Title IX: Don’t Mess with Texas female athletes or kids.”
  28. Title IX for All: “If the Biden administration does not abandon its attempt to roll back critical due process protections, accused students will again be systematically subjected to life-altering sham proceedings.”
  29. Utah Citizens for the Constitution: “A study published in the Journal of Urology (September 2021) found that suicidal tendencies double after transgender surgery. Such procedures on minors must be stopped.”
  30. Utah Eagle Forum: “For 50 years Title IX has protected women’s sports. The Biden administration’s proposed Title IX changes would eliminate all women’s sports.”

Email Secretary Miguel Cardona at the Department of Education:



Department of Education Gender Agenda Gender Identity Press Release Title IX

As Donald Trump Calls for Abolition of Dept. of Education, Transgender Advocates Face Major Setbacks


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


As Donald Trump Calls for Abolition of Dept. of Education, Transgender Advocates Face Major Setbacks

WASHINGTON / March 20, 2024 – In his recent address to the National Religious Broadcasters’ International Christian Media convention, presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced his intention to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education. “We’re going to end the so-called Department of Education. We might have one desk, one person, just to make sure everyone is speaking English,” Trump announced during his keynote speech (1).

Much of the controversy stems from the Department of Education’s plan to issue a new policy that redefines sex to include “gender identity.” Such a change would give a boost to controversial initiatives to allow children to change their gender without parental permission (2).

Transgender advocates have seen a series of major setbacks in the past three weeks:

  1. Indiana Ban: On February 27, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision to allow Indiana’s SB 480 to go into effect. The law prohibits physicians from providing “Gender Affirming Medical Care” for minors (3).
  2. WPATH Files: On March 4, leaked files from the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) revealed that the organization removed minimum-age requirements for children to start puberty blockers or undergoing sexual-modification surgeries, and members frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along (4).
  3. Health Plan Coverage: On March 4, a federal judge in North Dakota ruled that the Christian Employers Alliance could not be mandated to offer health insurance coverage for gender transition treatments (5).
  4. Suicide Attempts: On March 11, a California study revealed that men who undergo a vaginoplasty procedure to become a transgender female experience an attempted suicide rate that is double their pre-procedure suicide attempt rate (6).
  5. NCAA Lawsuit: On March 14, the Independent Council on Women’s Sports filed a highly publicized lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletics Association for allowing transgender athletes to compete against women and use female locker rooms (7).

To date, 22 states have banned gender transition treatments for minors (8): AL, AZ, AR, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, KY, LA, MS, MT, NE, NC, ND, OH, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, and WV.

In support of these developments, SAVE is inviting candidates for political office to sign the “Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan.” The Pledge states,

When elected to office, I pledge to work to assure that:

  1. Schools and other organizations shall utilize the traditional binary definition of “sex.”
  2. Schools shall obtain prior consent from parents for any use of gender pronouns, or gender-dysphoria counseling or treatments.
  3. Parents shall have the right to examine and opt their children out of any school curricula dealing with sexuality and gender identity.
  4. Schools shall only allow biological females to participate in women’s sports, enter women’s locker rooms, and use women’s bathrooms.
  5. Schools shall adhere to Constitutional due process procedures to protect falsely accused males from Title IX complaints.
  6. Schools and other institutions shall fully uphold Constitutional free speech guarantees.

The Candidate Pledge can be viewed online (9).  To date, 68 lawmakers from 20 states have signed the statement (10). Candidates can indicate their support for the Pledge by sending a confirmatory email to:


Campus Civil Rights DED Sexual Assault Directive Department of Education Legal Office for Civil Rights Press Release Scholarships Sex Stereotyping Sexual Assault Title IX

DEI Programs Must be Eliminated to Reverse Declining Numbers of College Men


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


DEI Programs Must be Eliminated to Reverse Declining Numbers of College Men

WASHINGTON / March 11, 2024 – A shocking new report was issued last week that documents 12 areas in which globally, men and boys are lagging behind women (1). These areas include education, health, homelessness, unfair treatment by the legal system, and more. In American colleges, for example, men now comprise only 42% of all undergraduate students (2).

Observers implicate a climate of anti-male hostility at college campuses (3), which can be traced to several developments in recent decades:

  1. In 1979, the Department of Education issued a new Title IX policy on women’s sports that served to eliminate many male sports teams (4).
  2. In 2011, the Obama Administration’s Dear Colleague Letter served to stereotype men as sexual predators (5). (Ironically, the Centers for Disease Control reports that men are victims of sexual assault by females nearly as often as women who are victims of rape (6)).
  3. A growing number of women’s studies programs that promote Marxist-inspired theories of “patriarchal oppression” (7).
  4. Hundreds of universities sponsor female-only scholarships and leadership programs (8).

Adding to the onslaught, colleges began to develop “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) programs in the latter part of the 2010s that granted preferences to Blacks and women. Among the 10 most highly paid DEI administrators at Ohio State University, for example, nine were female (9).

Viewing DEI programs as a “mortal threat to the American way of life” (10), nine states already have enacted laws to rein in DEI programs: Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah (11). These laws seek to prohibit colleges from having DEI offices or staff, ban mandatory diversity training, forbid the use of diversity statements in hiring and promotions, and bar colleges from considering race, sex, or national origin in admissions or employment (12).

These efforts were given a boost last June by the Supreme Court decision against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina, in which the SCOTUS ruled that considering a student’s race violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (13).

In theory, DEI programs and Title IX have opposite goals. While DEI seeks to afford preferences to women, Title IX seeks to end sex discrimination against men.

But in practice, the DEI mindset has infiltrated many Title IX offices. For example, the Association of Title IX Administrators, known as ATIXA, sponsored a conference on “True Equity at the Intersection of Title IX and DEI” (14). In its list of groups affected by “Inequitable Practices,” the program lists Students of Color, LGBTQIA+, and Women. But the fact that beleaguered men are facing an increasingly hostile environment somehow escaped the notice of ATIXA.

As a result, we are seeing cases like the Title IX investigator at the University of Maryland who endorsed a sexist Facebook quote by William Golding that said, “I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been” (15).

If lawmakers want to assure the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not relegated to the dustbin of history, they need to move swiftly to ban Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs at colleges in their state.


Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

National Outrage Over Biden Title IX Plan


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


National Outrage Over Biden Title IX Plan

WASHINGTON / February 28, 2024 – America is witnessing a seismic shift in popular views about President Biden’s Title IX plan to expand the definition of sex to include “gender identity.” (1) Such a change would impose dramatic changes on women’s sports, gender transitioning, parental rights, free speech, due process, and more (2).

The following events took place during a five-day period in mid-February, revealing a historic shift in the national mood:

  1. February 13: St. Louis Park Schools in blue-state Minneapolis agreed to allow six Somali-American families to opt out of instruction that featured “LGBTQ-affirming” books (3).
  2. February 14: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis boldly announced, “The Biden Administration is plunging ahead with a radical re-write of Title IX, seeking to impose gender ideology on K-12 schools all across the country….In Florida, we will not abide by it.” (4)
  3. February 17: Democrat-turned-Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced, “I don’t think somebody who is born a biological male should be competing in consequential women’s sports.” (5)

The issue that has generated the strongest public reaction is women’s sports, which are now imperiled by policies that allow biological males to compete against women.

In early February, Collegiate Charter School in Massachusetts played a basketball game against the KIPP Academy. The KIPP team had a member who was a 6-foot tall, biological male who identified as female. During the first half of the game, the male injured three of the Collegiate players, depleting the team’s roster and forcing the coach to forfeit the competition (6).

The incident went viral on social media and sparked public outrage. Retired University of North Carolina coach Sylvia Hatchell charged, “I don’t care if you had an operation or took hormones or what. Having to play against a transgender is not fair and it’s not equal.” (7)

The Collegiate Charter School incident was not the first time that a female was injured under similar circumstances.

Last November, a field hockey player for Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School in Massachusetts had her teeth knocked out and suffered facial injuries when a Swampscott High School male player who identifies as a female hit the ball directly at her face.

In North Carolina, volleyball player Payton NcNabb suffered head and neck injuries and a concussion after a transgender player spiked the ball at her.

After USA Boxing announced it was going to admit biological males to compete against biological women, attorney Jenna Ellis accused the organization of wanting to “get women killed.” (8)  Rep. Lauren Bobert (R-Colo.) denounced the scheme as “pathetic and disgusting.”

Numerous opinion polls show a strong majority of Americans opposes the Biden Gender Agenda (9). SAVE urges persons to submit testimony to the federal Office of Management and Budget to record their strong opposition to the new Title IX regulation.

Instructions how to schedule the testimony are available online:


Gender Agenda Gender Identity Media Press Release Sex Education Title IX

Public Opposition Mounts As Media Accounts Spotlight Transgender Tragedies


Contact: Rebecca Hain

Telephone: 513-479-3335


Public Opposition Mounts As Media Accounts Spotlight Transgender Tragedies

February 14, 2024 – Abandoned by her birth-mother at an early age, Jennifer Kolstad had experienced a variety of mental health problems. After she began to identify as a boy at age 13, her parents cautioned that she was too young to make such a life-altering decision. When her parents refused to approve gender-transitioning procedures, the Montana CPS forcibly removed her from the family home (1).

Most Americans favor laws that protect adult transgender persons from discriminatory policies in jobs and housing (2). But driven by federal policy (3), transgender “horror-stories” such as the Montana case are serving to bolster public opposition to these practices.

A 2021 Gallup poll found that 62% of Americans believed that transgender athletes should be allowed to play only on teams that matched their birth sex. When the same poll was repeated in 2023, the percentage of Americans supporting such bans had increased to 69%. (4)

Five other national surveys conducted in 2023 reveal consistent opposition to transgender policies:

Deseret News/HarrisX (5): 55% of respondents support banning gender hormone therapy on minors, and 61% want to prohibit surgical interventions to change a child’s sex.

Summit Ministries (6): 77% of voters believe that allowing males who identify as female to compete against biological women in college female sports has been harmful to women’s sports.

CRC Research and Parents Defending Education (7): 74% of registered voters believe that schools should not be allowed to help students change their gender identity without parental consent.

Scripps News/You Gov (8):

  • 54% of Americans support a federal ban on transgender females competing in school athletics.
  • 44% say they want “laws that would restrict and, or ban transgender care for minors, even with parents’ consent,” while 34% oppose such measures.

KFF/Washington Post (9):

  • 57% of American adults believe a person’s gender is based on their biological sex at birth.
  • 67% do not think that biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports competitions at the high school level.
  • 65% don’t believe that biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s athletics in college or professionally.
  • 77% of American adults believe it is inappropriate for teachers to discuss their transgender identities with students in kindergarten to third grade.

Since 2022, 15 national polls have been conducted on a variety of transgender-related issues, revealing a national consensus against so-called “gender affirming” policies for children and youth (10).  Lawmakers who support such policies are likely to face a negative response from voters during the upcoming November elections.


Campus Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Legal Press Release Title IX

Tampon Dispenser Incident Highlights Growing Rejection of ‘Gender Agenda’


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Tampon Dispenser Incident Highlights Growing Rejection of ‘Gender Agenda’

WASHINGTON / February 5, 2024 – School officials at Brookfield High School in Connecticut recently installed a tampon dispenser in the boys’ bathroom. Within minutes, male students at the school took action. Principal Marc Balanda dryly reported, “The installation was completed at 9:30 (a.m.). By 9:52, tampons were on the floor, the newly installed distribution box was ripped off the wall along with the masonry anchors, and the distribution box itself was destroyed.” (1)

A few days later on January 25, the Maine Judiciary Committee voted to kill the LD 1735, a bill that was designed to allow children from other states to travel to Maine, without parental consent, and become a ward of the state to receive cross-gender treatments (2).

The following day, the Utah legislature passed HB 257, which prohibits men who identify as women from accessing women’s bathrooms (3).

These events in Connecticut, Maine, and Utah reveal how the so-called “Gender Agenda,” which seeks to reshape society by defining the meaning of sex to include “gender identity,” is facing setbacks in both Democratic and Republican-led states.

Five judicial decisions, all handed down during the month of January, further underscore how the Gender Agenda is in retreat across the nation:

California: On January 10, federal judge Roger Benitez ordered the Escondido Union School District to reinstate two teachers who were placed on administrative leave for refusing to keep students’ gender transitions a secret from their parents (4).

Alabama: In 2022, the Alabama legislature passed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection (VCAP) Act that banned the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for underage children. But the US Department of Justice challenged the law. On January 12, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted the injunction against the VCAP law, allowing its protections for children to go into effect (5).

Illinois: Disturbed by a long list of due process violations by the college, federal judge Colleen Lawless issued a restraining order on January 19 against the University of Illinois, allowing student Terrence Shannon to return to school (6).

Ohio: In late December, Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed House Bill 68, which sought to protect minors from transgender medical interventions and block males from competing against girls and women in sports. On January 24, the Ohio Senate voted to override the governor’s veto, allowing House Bill 68 to go into effect (7).

Florida: A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit on January 31 that had been filed by the Disney Corporation over the state legislature’s decision to alter the governing structure of Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District. Disney had argued in the lawsuit that the change to the district was made in retaliation for the organization’s criticism of the Parental Rights in Education Act (8).

In 2023, dozens of laws were enacted around the country to ban gender transitioning among underage students (9), uphold parental rights (10), stop pronoun mandates (11) and protect women’s sports (12).

A strong majority of Americans opposes the Gender Agenda (13). SAVE encourages lawmakers to work to block the Gender Agenda.

