Department of Education Discrimination Due Process Free Speech Gender Agenda Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

SAVE Stands in Support of Resolution 165 That Seeks to Block the New Title IX Regulation


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


SAVE Stands in Support of Resolution 165 That Seeks to Block the New Title IX Regulation

WASHINGTON / June 12, 2024 – The Department of Education recently issued a new Title IX regulation that redefines sex to include “gender identity” (1). In response, 68 members of the U.S. House of Representatives are co-sponsoring a resolution that seeks to block the new regulation. H.J. Resolution 165 states simply:

“Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ‘Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance’ (89 Fed. Reg. 33474; published April 29, 2024), and such rule shall have no force or effect.” (2)

In support of the Resolution, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx charged, “The Biden administration’s final rule hacks Title IX into pieces and expunges decades of progress for women and girls across the nation. This is a clear and present threat, and one that cannot go unaddressed.” (3)

To date, nine lawsuits have been filed to block the controversial Title IX policy (4):

  1. States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, and the Independent Women’s Law Center, Independent Women’s Network, Parents Defending Education, and Speech First (5)
  2. States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia (6)
  3. States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Idaho, Louisiana Department of Education, Rapides Parish School Board, and 17 Louisiana School Districts (7)
  1. States of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota (8)
  2. States of Kansas, Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming, Moms for Liberty, Young America’s Foundation, Female Athletes United, et al. (9)
  3. State of Texas and Two UT-Austin Professors (10)
  4. State of Oklahoma (11)
  5. Oklahoma Department of Education (12)
  6. Carroll Independent School District (Texas) (13)

The most comprehensive lawsuit, from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina (5), charges the new regulation not only promotes harmful gender transitioning among underage students, but also impairs free speech, parental rights, bathroom privacy, women’s sports, and due process for the falsely accused.

The new Title IX policy affirms the Marxist vision to bring about a “sexless” society. In the words of Shulamith Firestone, the end goal of feminist revolution must be the elimination of the “sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally…The tyranny of the biological family would be broken” (14).

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – strongly supports H.J. Resolution 165.


Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

Letter to House Speaker Johnson

May 16, 2024

RE: Establishment of a House Task Force to End the Weaponization of the Department of Education

Speaker Mike Johnson

H-232, The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Johnson:

On April 19, the Department of Education released its new Title IX regulation that changes the definition of “sex.” This new policy will cause harmful, systemic effects on children, schools, families, and ultimately to our entire society.

Response to the new regulation has been extremely negative.[1],[2],[3], [4],

In particular:

  • Seven lawsuits from 22 states have been filed in federal courts to block the regulation. [5]
  • Impressively, one of the lawsuits features 17 school districts in Louisiana as plaintiffs. [6]
  • Numerous states already have declared they will not follow the new policy, including AR, FL, LA, NE, OK, and SC. [7]

The excesses of Title IX have become a bi-partisan concern. A recent poll of 1,600 registered voters revealed a majority of persons now support state laws that would require children to wait until age 18 before they can receive transgender treatments: Republicans: 73%, Democrats: 61%.[8]

On May 9, representatives from several member-organizations of the Title IX Network [9] held meetings with staffers of 18 Members of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the meetings was to recommend the establishment of a Task Force of key House Members to confer on strategies to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.

During these meetings, we recommended that the Task Force consider these three broad options:

  1. Major appropriations reductions
  2. Major reorganization of the Department of Education
  3. Complete abolition of the Department of Education

Staffer response to this recommendation was uniformly and strongly positive.

During the meetings, we urged that the Task Force be established now, before the November elections.

We also highlighted that the House Appropriations Committee had succeeded in approving important budget reductions in its FY24 Labor-HHS-Education bill:

  • Section 244: Prohibits the implementation of Biden’s Executive Order on “Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.”
  • Section 311: Prohibits the Department of Education from implementing the proposed Title IX regulations that were issued in July 2022 and in April 2023.
  • Section 312: Protects religious liberty in schools.
  • Section 534: Prohibits the use of federal funds for hormone therapy or surgical treatment for “gender-affirming care.”
  • Section 535: Prohibits the implementation of any other “diversity, equity, inclusion office, program, or training.”

Although these cuts did not survive to the final approved version of the Labor-HHS-Education bill, they represent an important first step of the process of restoring accountability to the Department of Education.

You may be aware that the Heritage Foundation already has developed a roadmap for this process.[10] This document may be a good starting point for the Task Force’s deliberations.

Based on the positive responses during our May 9 meetings, the following member-organizations of the Title IX Network hereby request that you promptly establish a Task Force to end the weaponization of the Department of Education.

We look forward to working with you. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Bob Thompson at


National Groups (31)

SAVE (Stop Abusive and Violent Environments)

AFA Action

Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization

AMAC Action

American Association of Evangelicals

American Association of Senior Citizens

American Life & Liberty PAC

America Values

Awake Americans

Catholics Count

Center for Equal Opportunity

Center for Military Readiness

Conservatives of Faith

Eagle Forum

Global Strategic Alliance

Katartismos Global

Law Offices of Philip A. Byler

Less Government

Men and Women for a Representative Democracy in America

Mission America

National Association of Scholars

No Left Turn in Education

Palm Beach Freedom Institute

Project 21 Black Leadership Network

Radiance Foundation

60 Plus Association

Strategic Coalitions and Initiatives, LLC

Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

United Against Racism in Education

Women for Democracy in America


State Groups (21):

American Life & Liberty PAC, Virginia

Awake Illinois

Child Protection League Action

Eagle Forum of Alabama

Eagle Forum of Michigan

Independent Women’s Network, Bismarck Chapter

Louisiana Save Our Schools

Middle Resolution

Moms for Liberty Howard County, Maryland

Moms for Liberty Talbot County, Maryland

Ohio Value Voters

Parents on the Level

Protect Ohio Children Coalition

Roughrider Policy Center

Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity

Texas Eagle Forum

Texas Freedom Coalition

Utah Citizens for the Constitution

Utah Eagle Forum

Virginia Association of Scholars

Wisconsin Family Action


Cc: Virginia Foxx, Chairperson, Committee on Education and the Workforce

Cc: Other Republican Members of the House of Representatives












Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Legal Office for Civil Rights Press Release Sexual Harassment Title IX

‘Naked attempt to strong-arm our schools:’ Five Lawsuits Seek to Block Sweeping Title IX Rule


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


‘Naked attempt to strong-arm our schools:’ Five Lawsuits Seek to Block Sweeping Title IX Rule

WASHINGTON / May 6, 2024 – It’s not often that a new federal regulation triggers such revulsion that five lawsuits are filed within days of its release. On April 19 the Department of Education issued its long-awaited Title IX regulation, which redefines sex to include “gender identity” (1). Within 11 days, five complaints against the new policy had been filed in federal courts by the following groups:

  1. States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, and the Independent Women’s Law Center, Independent Women’s Network, Parents Defending Education, and Speech First (2)
  2. States of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and West Virginia (3)
  3. States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho (4)
  4. State of Texas (5)
  5. Rapides Parish (Louisiana) School Board (6)

All of the lawsuits contend the new regulation exceeds the Department of Education’s legal authority, and violates the Administrative Procedure Act because its provisions are arbitrary and capricious.

The lawsuit from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, the most comprehensive of the five, charges the new regulation not only promotes harmful gender transitioning among underage students, but also impairs free speech, parental rights, bathroom privacy, women’s sports, and due process for the falsely accused.

The lawsuit from the Attorneys General of Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho charges the Title IX rule is a “naked attempt to strong-arm our schools into molding our children … in the government’s preferred image of how a child should think, act, and speak” (3) — an accusation that recalls the Communist Party’s earlier crusade to mold an obedient “New Soviet Man” (7).

The lawsuit from the Rapides Parish School Board documents the myriad policy changes that schools would be required to make. The complaint states defiantly, “The school board does not have and does not intend to adopt a policy mandating that staff or students use pronouns that reflect students’ perceived gender identity when doing so is inconsistent with a student’s sex.”

Indeed, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill commented, “This is all for a political agenda, ignoring significant safety concerns for young women students in preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities across Louisiana and the entire country” (8).

The new – some would say, revolutionary – Title IX policy accords with the Marxist vision to bring about a “sexless” society. In the words of Shulamith Firestone, the end goal of feminist revolution must be the elimination of the “sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally…The tyranny of the biological family would be broken” (9).

In addition, the governors of Arkansas (10) and Nebraska (11) ordered their schools to ignore the new Title IX policy. The previous week, similar directives had been issued in Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina (12).

The new regulation will impose sweeping changes on our nation’s schools. Brett Sokolow, head of the Association for Title IX Administrators, predicts that “60-70% of what we have in place now will need to change in some way to comply with the new Rule” (13).

Which means dramatically increased budgets and institutional clout for the highly politicized Title IX offices across the nation.


Campus Department of Education Due Process Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

‘DO NOT COMPLY. FIGHT.’ Americans Revolt Against New Title IX Rule


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


‘DO NOT COMPLY. FIGHT.’ Americans Revolt Against New Title IX Rule

WASHINGTON / April 29, 2024 – Release of the final Title IX regulation on April 19 has triggered a wave of protests against the policy, which seeks to transform our schools, reshape the family, and redefine the Constitution (1). That same day, media personality Megyn Kelly captured the national mood with this social media post: “DO NOT COMPLY. FIGHT.” (2)

In response to the new rule, state superintendents of education around the country issued directives to their schools:

Florida: Noting that the “Biden Administration maims the [Title IX] statute beyond recognition in an attempt to gaslight the country,” Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz instructed Florida schools, “At Governor Ron DeSantis’ direction, no educational institution should begin implementing any changes.” [bolding in the original] (3)

Louisiana: Superintendent Cade Brumley wrote to all school boards in the state, “The Title IX rule changes recklessly endanger students and seek to dismantle equal opportunities for females….Further, it remains my position that schools should not alter policies or procedures at this time.” (4)

Oklahoma: Charging the new rule would turn “not using preferred pronouns into a Title IX violation,” instructed schools, Superintendent Ryan Walters advised Oklahoma schools, “Please do not make any district policy changes based on the new Title IX regulations. These federal rule changes are illegal.” (5)

South Carolina: Superintendent Ellen Weaver warned schools, “By redefining the class of people that Title IX intends to protect, the Biden administration’s rule seeks to change the meaning and purpose of the underlying law.” Weaver then advised, “Therefore, we recommend districts not implement the new rule at this time. It is possible—even likely—that a court will enjoin the rule prior to its effective date.” [underlining in the original] (6)

Wyoming: State Superintendent Megan Degenfelder promised, “I will fight back against this federal overreach… and work to partner with my counterparts across the country to stand up to the Biden administration’s harmful regulations.” (7)

Within days of the release of the new regulation, denunciations were issued by organizations such as the Heritage Foundation (8), Defense of Freedom Institute (9), and the National Association of Scholars (10). Attorney Justin Dillon catalogued 16 ways that the new policy will decimate fairness and due process for falsely accused male students (11).

And strongly worded articles were published by the American Spectator (12), Get Bright (13), Reason (14), New York Post (15), The Free Press (16), and elsewhere.

Two organizations announced their plans to challenge the regulation in court: Independent Women’s Forum (17) and Alliance Defending Freedom (18), with a raft of additional lawsuits currently being drafted.

Such developments recall the mood that preceded the Boston Tea Party in 1773.


Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Office for Civil Rights Title IX

Release of Controversial Title IX Regulation Revives Calls to Abolish Dept. of Education


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Release of Controversial Title IX Regulation Revives Calls to Abolish Dept. of Education

WASHINGTON / April 24, 2024 – The Department of Education released its final Title IX regulation last Friday (1). Slated to go into effect on August 1, 2024, the controversial rule changes the definition of sex to include “gender identity.” The policy is expected to have far-reaching effects on campus due process, free speech, gender transitioning of youth, parental rights, and women’s sports (2).

Within hours of the federal announcement, persons voiced strong opposition:

House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx commented, “This final rule dumps kerosene on the already raging fire that is Democrats’ contemptuous culture war that aims to radically redefine sex and gender. The rule also undermines existing due process rights, placing students and institutions in legal jeopardy and again undermining the protections Title IX is intended to provide” (3).

Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos stated, “The Biden Administration’s radical rewrite of Title IX guts the half century of protections and opportunities for women and callously replaces them with radical gender theory, as Biden’s far-left political base demanded. This regulation is an assault on women and girls” (4).

Numerous individuals have called for the abolition of the Department of Education, including Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and former candidates Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy. H.R. 899, introduced by Rep. Thomas Massie, likewise calls for the abolition of the Department (5).

The Heritage Foundation has released a detailed plan for the elimination of the Department of Education (6).

In response to the release of the final rule, the following 43 members of the Title IX Network issued the following statements:

  1. AFA Action: “Force and fraud are necessary to convince a people to believe lies, and the Biden administration has doubled down on both with this Title IX rewrite that will hurt real women and undermine the basic and natural distinctions between the sexes.”
  2. Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization: “President Biden’s changes to Title IX is a road map to confusion and injustice. DOE, in its current incarnation, has outlived its usefulness and needs to be abolished.”
  3. Alliance Defending Freedom: “The Biden administration’s radical redefinition of sex turns back the clock on equal opportunity for women, threatens student safety and privacy, and undermines fairness in women’s sports.”
  4. AMAC Action: “Title IX’s protection of women and girls to participate in female athletic programs would in effect ‘be denied the benefits’ of such programs by allowing a person whose sex is male to participate in athletic programs or activities that are designated for women or girls.”
  5. American Association of Christian Schools: “We are disappointed but not surprised that the radical Biden administration ignored the legitimate concerns of millions of American citizens regarding the politically driven rewrite of Title IX and the dangerous reinterpretation of the natural distinctions between men and women.”
  6. American Association of Evangelicals: “The Biden Administration’s deceptive assault on truth and Title IX harms women, families, and our nation.”
  7. Americans for Limited Government: “The Department of Education’s newest regulation is a direct attack on Title IX which is directly responsible for the opportunity provided to Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese and Riley Gaines among hundreds of thousands of other women to get a college education with an athletic scholarship.”
  8. American Life & Liberty: “American Life & Liberty stands against the deliberate, abhorrent actions by both Biden and Department of Education’s Title IX decision that places the children they are obliged to protect into direct danger.”
  9. American Values: “With this extreme redefinition of Title IX, the Biden/Harris administration has just declared war on women, threatening their privacy and safety.”
  10. Awake Americans: “The Title IX amendments will nullify the protections of female students and athletes and it’s clear that our daughters aren’t safe in Biden’s America.”
  11. Awake Illinois: “As tragic as it is to battle against some of the most anti-child, anti-parent policies in Illinois, it’s even more devastating to see the war on female students and athletes being waged now at the federal level.”
  12. Center for Equal Opportunity: “The Center for Equal Opportunity opposes the inclusion of ‘gender identity’ as a prohibited category of sex discrimination under Title IX, one never intended by the legislation’s original meaning and outside the authority of the Department of Education to modify without action by Congress.”
  13. Center for Military Readiness: “Violations of personal privacy in environments involving forced intimacy are disruptive and demoralizing for women in any environment, but especially in the military.”
  14. Child Protection League: “State legislatures, Governors, and Attorneys General must refuse the federal dictates that assault children with false, dangerous, and radical gender ideology and that rob women and girls of their right to safety and privacy, completely gutting the congressional purpose of the Title IX law.”
  15. Citizens for Renewing America: “The Biden administration is weaponizing woke critical gender theory to erase women from existence and to compel speech from an increasingly larger segment of society, soon to include even our nation’s troops.”
  16. Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee: “Female students are being assaulted in school restrooms; female athletes are forced to surrender their privacy in the locker rooms and have their opportunities and achievements stolen in their own sports.”
  17. ConservativeHQ: “Biden’s latest assault on America’s women and girls will not stand unchallenged. We have no intention of being told by Democrats that we must indulge the fantasies of mentally ill people who think that they can force us to call them by their ‘preferred pronouns.’”
  18. Defense of Freedom Institute: “President Biden’s new Title IX rule is a textbook example of how extremists in the administration have hijacked the law to force radical changes in American society through its schools, colleges, and universities.”
  19. Eagle Forum: “While the Biden Administration has punted on clarifying the impact of their redefinition of sex to sports, there is no doubt these regulations will undermine women’s and girls’ privacy rights, athletic prospects, and educational opportunities.”
  20. Eagle Forum of Alabama: “While saying out of one side of its mouth that it must follow science, this administration with its new Title IX Regulation redefines the scientific definition of male and female to suit its radical agenda.”
  21. Families Advocating for Campus Equality: “FACE is deeply disheartened to see this Administration roll back crucial due process protections that Americans believe everyone is entitled to, and that will inevitably lead to more false accusations, more unjust findings of responsibility, and more lawsuits.”
  22. First Liberty Institute: “The Biden administration’s new rule puts thousands of students and teachers with religious beliefs that disagree with the Left’s definitions of sex and gender at risk.”
  23. Girls Deserve Privacy: “The revised Title IX regulations threaten the safety of girls and women who will be forced to share private spaces with biological males.”
  24. Greenwich Patriots: “All of the battles women have fought to achieve equality with men are being erased by the Biden Administration, which apparently thinks men make better women than women.”
  25. Heritage Foundation: “It’s an exceptional feat for an executive agency to publish a rule that simultaneously manages to violate constitutional law, civil rights law, and administrative law, but the Department of Education has managed to do it with its patently illegal Title IX.”
  26. Independent Women’s Forum: IWF is “preparing to sue the Biden administration to enjoin this unlawful action.”
  27. Katartismos Global: “Katartismos Global is anchored in reality – the reality of men and women – and as a Christian ministry, we denounce these devastating changes to Title IX, dangerous to the identity bestowed upon every girl and boy by a loving and all-wise God.”
  28. Law Offices of Barry S. Jacobson: “These proposed revisions are a testament to a process not only devoid of any concept of fundamental fairness and due process protections afforded to the accused, but of a systematic program that is an attack and an affront to the principles of American jurisprudence.”
  29. Law Offices of Philip A. Blyer: “The Biden Administration’s omnibus Title IX regulation is an alarming unconstitutional abuse of executive power aimed at enforcing by bureaucratic fiat, totally alien to our constitutional republic, a radical re-definition of Title IX without congressional legislation.”
  30. Less Government: “Title IX will now mandate that men can dominate women and this seems fair like just what its authors had in mind.”
  31. Middle Resolution: “The changes made by the President to Title IX are designed to eliminate the differences between men and women, which is effectively a direct blow to women’s rights.”
  32. Mission America: “The Biden administration’s unauthorized invention of law will have far-reaching, harmful effects in the lives of America’s children.”
  33. Moms for Liberty, Harford County, MD: “Biden hates girls, women, parents, free speech, due process, and America.”
  34. National Association of Scholars: “Congress never intended Title IX to become a weapon of fringe sexual politics and a due process disaster. But that’s what the Biden Administration is making it.”
  35. Palm Beach Freedom Institute: “These intrusive new rules are so absurd that the time has come to abolish the wasteful Department of Education, which has from its unconstitutional inception done nothing but harm students and learning in America.”
  36. Parents on the Level: “Protecting the family worldview in regard to our Creator is our highest priority.”
  37. Rhode Island Center for Freedom & Prosperity: “The Left’s assault on American families continues and every candidate this year must be asked to go on record to log their support or opposition to this egregious destruction of Title IX.”
  38. Salt & Light Council: “Biological women have a right to demand respect, privacy, and autonomy for their God-given birthright.”
  39. 60 Plus Association: “Women sports are important to universities and young women in general, and they should not be worried about young men playing against them as so-called girls, or using their locker rooms and showers.”
  40. Tennessee Eagle Forum: “The proposed Title IX regulation contributes to the transformation of America’s families, including the blurring of the important distinction between male and female, husband and wife.”
  41. Texas Eagle Forum: “The Biden Administration’s Title IX rewrite not only erases equal opportunity for women in education, it is the unconstitutional taking of free speech, due process, and parental rights, among other constitutionally guaranteed rights.”
  42. Texas Values: “We will fight this re-write of Title IX every step of the way in Texas.”


  1. Utah Citizens for the Constitution: “The Constitution delegates no power to the federal government in regard to education; in light of these radical changes to Title IX, it is time for states to take control of their education systems.”



Campus Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Gender Agenda Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

‘See you in court, @POTUS:’ Conservatives and Liberals Livid Over New Title IX Rule


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


‘See you in court, @POTUS:’ Conservatives and Liberals Livid Over New Title IX Rule

WASHINGTON / April 23, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Education released on April 19 its long-awaited Title IX regulation (1). If allowed to stand, the effects of the controversial rule will be numerous, long-lasting, and severe.

Most profoundly, the policy changes the definition of sex to include “gender identity,” allowing biological males to freely participate in women’s sports (2). And Reason fumed over the rule’s harmful effects on campus due process: “the new rules allow students to be found guilty of assaulting a classmate without ever seeing the full evidence against them” (3).

In short order, conservative-leaning organizations issued statements condemning the new policy, including the Heritage Foundation (4), Defense of Freedom Institute (5), and the National Association of Scholars (6).

Less anticipated were statements by liberal organizations that also were critical of the regulation:

Gays Against Groomers: The liberal-leaning Gays Against Groomers thundered, “By replacing sex with gender identity, all prior protections put in place will be wiped away. It is a dystopian nightmare, masqueraded as progress” (7).

ACLU: Four years ago, the ACLU filed a lawsuit opposing the 2020 Title IX regulation that was designed to curb campus Kangaroo Courts (8). But last week the ACLU did an apparent about-face, criticizing several due process provisions of the new regulation, such as its acceptance of the single-investigator, “judge, jury, and executioner” model, and its removal of the requirement for a live hearing (9).

Twitter readers expressed their anger and disappointment, as well (10):

  • Wendy and Lucy: “The destruction of female sports. Horrifying!”
  • KLee: “So you’re now representing men instead of women? Are you going to be officially changing the name of your organization as well?”
  • Don’tBeAJagooff: “I cannot believe you think this is a good thing. This is awful for females.”
  • Diogenes Sarcastica: “Thanks for f*cking up women’s sports!”

Release of the new regulation does not signal an end to the Title IX controversy. The Independent Women’s Forum promptly announced that it is “preparing to sue the Biden administration to enjoin this unlawful action” (11). And the Alliance Defending Freedom issued this blunt challenge: “See you in court, @POTUS.” (12)


Department of Education Feminism Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Title IX

Lawsuits by Detransitioners Skyrocket as Transgender Movement Retreats


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Lawsuits by Detransitioners Skyrocket as Transgender Movement Retreats

WASHINGTON / April 15, 2024 – The transgender movement is facing setbacks on multiple fronts (1). Last week a comprehensive review of gender identity services for youth in the United Kingdom concluded (2):

  • “The strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base on the care of children and young people are often misrepresented and overstated.”
  • Thousands of young people received life-altering treatments with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”
  • “Social justice” ideology is driving medical decision-making, and “the toxicity of the debate” has created an environment “where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views.”

In 2007 Boston Children’s Hospital opened the first pediatric gender clinic in the United States. The hospital boasted its Gender Multispecialty Service has “expanded our program to welcome patients from ages 3 to 25.” During the following years, trans medicine became a major money-maker, as nearly 9,000 transgender surgeries were performed annually in the United States (3) with a market value of $1.9 billion in 2021 (4).

Medical treatments for gender dysphoria typically include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments, and eventually surgery on the genitals and breasts. The Mayo Clinic claims on its website that puberty blockers “don’t cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty.” (5)

But numerous research studies point to the opposite conclusion (6).  A recent study, for example, reveals that puberty blockers for boys cause mild to severe sex gland atrophy, resulting in long-term fertility problems (7).

The effects of gender treatments are profound. Surgically transitioned persons are unable to have sexual relations, or to father or bear children. Their mental health often deteriorates. Their pain is psychological, social, and physical.

Sometimes these persons come to realize that they made a grave mistake and decide to detransition.

On May 10, 2022, the first detransitioner lawsuit was filed, against the Permanente Medical Group in California (8). Seven months later, Camille Kiefel filed a similar lawsuit in Oregon against the Quest Center for Integrative Health, which had performed a double mastectomy on her (9). Now, the number of detransitioner and wrongful death lawsuits has increased eight-fold, according to Transition Justice (10).

These lawsuits allege a breach of the standard of care, including failing to perform a mental health evaluation, lack of informed consent, and battery.

One of the leading law firms in this area, Campbell Miller Payne (11), reports that medical providers are beginning to shut down their gender modification services, such as Children’s Hospital of Colorado and Washington University in St. Louis.

But inexplicably, the Biden Department of Education is moving ahead with its plan to finalize a new Title IX regulation that would change the definition of sex to include “gender identity.” (12)

Marxist Shulamith Firestone once revealed that the goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the “sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally…The tyranny of the biological family would be broken.” (13)

Future historians will marvel how a neo-Marxist ideology ignited a global gender hysteria, giving rise to the most egregious examples of medical malpractice in recorded history.


Campus Department of Education False Allegations Free Speech Gender Agenda Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

30 Groups Call on Biden Administration to Abandon ‘Disastrous’ Title IX Regulation


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


30 Groups Call on Biden Administration to Abandon ‘Disastrous’ Title IX Regulation

WASHINGTON / April 8, 2024 – The Washington Post recently reported that the U.S. Department of Education is again postponing its plan to issue a new Title IX regulation that would govern the participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports (1).

The Department of Education originally had promised to release the final Title IX sports regulation in October. “Folks close to Biden have made the political decision to not move on the athletics [regulation] pre-election,” the article reported. The proposed sports regulation would be a companion to a larger Title IX regulation that seeks to redefine sex to include “gender identity.”

Title IX is the federal law that was originally enacted to curb sex discrimination in schools. critics Ironically, the new Title IX regulation would worsen sex discrimination against men who have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct (2) and against women who participate in athletics. Last month, advocates for women’s sports met with Department of Education officials and criticized the proposed Title IX changes for its “disastrous legal effects.” (3)

Sixteen public opinion polls have revealed strong public opposition to the proposed Title IX changes (4).

The proposed Title IX changes have been challenged by federal lawmakers, attorneys general,   (5), and governors (6). Even presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. has expressed his opposition to the participation of biological males in women’s sports (7).

The Title IX Network was established in 2022 to oppose the new Title IX regulation, and currently has 221 national, state, and local organizations from around the country (8).

In response to the most recent delay, the following 30 members of the Title IX Network issued statements calling on the Department of Education to abandon its unlawful, far-reaching, and dangerous plan to revamp the Title IX law:

  1. AFA Action: “The Biden Administration has an evil agenda that is using unsafe, unfair, and illegal rulemaking to hurt girls and women. But at least they are pausing this rule, primarily because they are afraid of the American voters and a Congressional Review Act challenge.”
  2. Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization: “The Washington Post’s account of what the Biden administration has in store for us should he get elected for a second term is a chilling assault, on not only the female sex but of morality in general.”
  3. American Association of Christian Schools: “The Biden Administration has played politics with its extreme Title IX rewrite, redefining the word ‘sex’ and putting women in danger. This new delay of the rule until after the election reveals a craven awareness that the American people have rejected its radical gender agenda.”
  4. American Association of Evangelicals: “The Biden Administration’s assault on Title IX is inhumane and anti-science engineering that harms women, men, families and nations.”
  5. American Life & Liberty PAC: “The American Life & Liberty PAC stands 100% against the current DOE policy proposals. They are the antithesis of protecting the rights of children, ensuring children do not face dangerous medical interventions, and protecting children from longstanding harm.”
  6. American Values: “The American people overwhelmingly oppose the Biden Administration’s efforts to allow male athletes to cheat our daughters out of their hopes and dreams. Outraged parents and grandparents will make their voices heard in November.”
  7. Americans for Limited Government: “Americans for Limited Government opposes Joe Biden’s Title IX regulation as it represents a dangerous and unconstitutional federal mandate on local school districts to sexualize children.”
  8. Association of Mature American Citizens and AMAC Action: “Every individual is worthy. But a small group of persons facing an identity crisis around gender should not eclipse the majority of women and girls who compete in sports as biological females.”
  9. Center for Equal Opportunity: “Delaying the release of the final Biden Title IX sports regulations is election-year politics that signals a desire to sidestep overwhelming public opposition to allowing transexual athletes’ participation in women’s sports.”
  10. Child Protection League: “The proposed rule turns Title IX on its head, erasing the safety, dignity, privacy, and opportunities of women and girls. It must be dumped.“
  11. Citizens for Renewing America: “The Biden administration continues to trample on the rights of women through its attempts to redefine biological reality.”
  12. Concerned Women for America LAC: “Delay means nothing when you are dealing with the lives of young women. Biden’s destructive changes to Title IX will mandate a new form of discrimination against female athletes.”
  13. “The election year delay of this dangerous and outrageous proposal shows that Biden administration officials recognize how unpopular it is. But make no mistake, it will be back the day after the election, if Joe Biden wins.”
  14. Global Strategic Alliance: “We call on the Biden Administration to abandon this ‘disastrous’ Title IX regulation.”
  15. Greenwich Patriots: “It’s bad enough that girls are getting physically harmed by boys competing in girls’ sports. Biden’s plan to enshrine the right for boys to play in girls’ sports is outrageous and would effectively spell the end of women’s sports.”
  16. Independent Women’s Network, Denver Chapter: “Title IX was born to protect female athletes and give them opportunities in sports. Instead of protecting those rights, the Biden Administration looks to rewrite them so they have a better chance to win an election, allowing girls to be excluded and injured.”
  17. Independent Women’s Network, North Dakota Chapter: “Camouflaged hate speech toward females in the new Title-IX revisions should not be ignored, as discrimination against females is cloaked with words like ‘diversity,’ ‘equity,’ and ‘inclusion.’”
  18. Katartismos Global: “The Title IX proposed sports regulation is but part of broader, disastrous Title IX regulation by the Biden Administration that attempts to defend the lie that is known as gender ‘transitioning.’”
  19. Law Offices of Philip A. Byler: “The saying, ‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’ applies here. The DeVos regulations fixed the worst parts of campus sexual misconduct proceedings, but the Biden regulations would un-fix it and make due process just some words.”
  20. Less Government: “Men are men. Women are women. And bureaucrats who pretend otherwise are corrupt idiots.”
  21. Mission America: “The Biden administration has apparently seen the writing on the wall, that the unlawful and high-risk Title IX changes are overwhelmingly unpopular and will carry a substantial political cost.”
  22. Palm Beach Freedom Institute: “As the recent revelations about administration policy toward gender and sports reveal, Title IX is an abomination and must be repealed.”
  23. SAVE: “The proposed Title IX regulation would be an unmitigated disaster for children, schools, families, women’s sports, free speech, and falsely accused male students.”
  24. Scottsdale Unites for Educational Integrity: “The feelings of boys-who-imagine-they-are-girls must not be prioritized over the rights and safety of biological girls.”
  25. 60 Plus Association: “President Biden can prove he’s a man, biologically speaking, if he lets stand Title IX, and what it has meant for female athletes during its 50-year history!”
  26. Tea Party Patriots Action: “The Biden administration’s Title IX rules are an insult to female athletes throughout the country. They should be competing against their peers, not against males.”
  27. Texas Values: “We have one message for the Biden Administration on its rewrite of Title IX: Don’t Mess with Texas female athletes or kids.”
  28. Title IX for All: “If the Biden administration does not abandon its attempt to roll back critical due process protections, accused students will again be systematically subjected to life-altering sham proceedings.”
  29. Utah Citizens for the Constitution: “A study published in the Journal of Urology (September 2021) found that suicidal tendencies double after transgender surgery. Such procedures on minors must be stopped.”
  30. Utah Eagle Forum: “For 50 years Title IX has protected women’s sports. The Biden administration’s proposed Title IX changes would eliminate all women’s sports.”

Email Secretary Miguel Cardona at the Department of Education:



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DEI Programs Must be Eliminated to Reverse Declining Numbers of College Men


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


DEI Programs Must be Eliminated to Reverse Declining Numbers of College Men

WASHINGTON / March 11, 2024 – A shocking new report was issued last week that documents 12 areas in which globally, men and boys are lagging behind women (1). These areas include education, health, homelessness, unfair treatment by the legal system, and more. In American colleges, for example, men now comprise only 42% of all undergraduate students (2).

Observers implicate a climate of anti-male hostility at college campuses (3), which can be traced to several developments in recent decades:

  1. In 1979, the Department of Education issued a new Title IX policy on women’s sports that served to eliminate many male sports teams (4).
  2. In 2011, the Obama Administration’s Dear Colleague Letter served to stereotype men as sexual predators (5). (Ironically, the Centers for Disease Control reports that men are victims of sexual assault by females nearly as often as women who are victims of rape (6)).
  3. A growing number of women’s studies programs that promote Marxist-inspired theories of “patriarchal oppression” (7).
  4. Hundreds of universities sponsor female-only scholarships and leadership programs (8).

Adding to the onslaught, colleges began to develop “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) programs in the latter part of the 2010s that granted preferences to Blacks and women. Among the 10 most highly paid DEI administrators at Ohio State University, for example, nine were female (9).

Viewing DEI programs as a “mortal threat to the American way of life” (10), nine states already have enacted laws to rein in DEI programs: Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah (11). These laws seek to prohibit colleges from having DEI offices or staff, ban mandatory diversity training, forbid the use of diversity statements in hiring and promotions, and bar colleges from considering race, sex, or national origin in admissions or employment (12).

These efforts were given a boost last June by the Supreme Court decision against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina, in which the SCOTUS ruled that considering a student’s race violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (13).

In theory, DEI programs and Title IX have opposite goals. While DEI seeks to afford preferences to women, Title IX seeks to end sex discrimination against men.

But in practice, the DEI mindset has infiltrated many Title IX offices. For example, the Association of Title IX Administrators, known as ATIXA, sponsored a conference on “True Equity at the Intersection of Title IX and DEI” (14). In its list of groups affected by “Inequitable Practices,” the program lists Students of Color, LGBTQIA+, and Women. But the fact that beleaguered men are facing an increasingly hostile environment somehow escaped the notice of ATIXA.

As a result, we are seeing cases like the Title IX investigator at the University of Maryland who endorsed a sexist Facebook quote by William Golding that said, “I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been” (15).

If lawmakers want to assure the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not relegated to the dustbin of history, they need to move swiftly to ban Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs at colleges in their state.


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The Due Process Provisions of the 2020 Title IX Regulations Were Successful. We Should Fight to Keep Them.

The Due Process Provisions of the 2020 Title IX Regulations Were Successful. We Should Fight to Keep Them.

Jonathan Taylor, Founder, Title IX for All

March 1, 2024

The Title IX regulations that went into effect in August of 2020 were critically necessary. Before their implementation, schools too often punished and expelled students accused of misconduct (sexual harassment, assault, stalking, and so forth) in what were little more than sham proceedings. Wrongly punished students found their education prospects shattered, their careers derailed, and their reputations destroyed. Some students were punished despite not being found responsible for any misconduct. Some even committed suicide.

Among other provisions, the 2020 regulations required schools to provide accused students with meaningful notice of the accusation, meaningful access to evidence, and a meaningful opportunity to respond to the evidence. Those critical protections are now threatened by a regulatory rewrite spearheaded by the Biden administration.

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget is currently accepting meetings from the public regarding this rewrite. Advocates and concerned citizens should consider this an opportunity to make their voices heard and to push back on attempts by the Biden administration to roll back due process. To do this, it may help to draw attention to indicators that the regulations have been successful. Below are several arguments that the due process protections have been successful and should remain.

1. Trends in Lawsuits by Accused Students Reflect the Need for Due Process

The graph above shows the trend in annual filings of lawsuits by students accused of Title IX violations in state and federal courts since 2011.[1] This trend is highly consistent with changes to Title IX guidance and regulation. Simply put, the fewer the rights afforded accused students and the weaker the emphasis on due process by the current presidential administration, the more lawsuits by accused students we see. The reverse is also true.

In 2011, the Department of Education issued guidance (the “Dear Colleague” letter) for schools to investigate Title IX complaints more rigorously. The Department also threatened to revoke funding from schools that failed to comply and initiated highly visible investigations that named and shamed many of them. Afraid of lawsuits, federal investigations, and bad press, schools rushed to comply – and soon overcorrected. As you can see in the graph, that overcorrection was the genesis of the litigation movement for accused students. Lawsuits trickled in at first, gained a foothold in 2014 and 2015, and then spiked, reaching their peak in 2017 and 2018.

In September 2017, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos rescinded the Department of Education’s 2011 guidance letter and announced an imminent rulemaking process to further flesh out schools’ liabilities and the balance of rights between complainants and respondents in school grievance procedures. The Department issued a draft of the new regulations in November 2018 and published the final rule in May 2020. The rule went into effect on August 14, 2020.

DeVos’ rescinding the Dear Colleague letter and announcing a new rulemaking procedure made it clear that the era of federal complicity (if not encouragement) for schools to systematically railroad accused students was over. Consistent with this new era of due process, annual filings of lawsuits have declined by twenty or more since 2018. By 2023, lawsuits had declined by sixty percent from their peak: from 126 in 2018 to around 50 in 2013. This indicates that the regulations are having the intended effect: despite troublesome hotspots remaining, schools have, in many cases, made efforts to comply.

The decline stopped in 2022, however. That is no accident; it occurred a year after the Biden administration announced a plan to undo much of the due process protections afforded by the 2020 regulations. While 2024 has just begun, at least seven lawsuits have been filed by accused students as of mid-February. If recent trends continue, we will likely see at least as many lawsuits in 2024 as we did in 2023 – and likely more.

2. The 2020 Regulations Have Consistently Withstood Legal Challenges

Five legal challenges have been made against the regulations in federal court. All have failed to overturn them. While two failed simply because the plaintiffs lacked standing, others failed on the merits of their claims. The five lawsuits are:

  1. Victim Rights Law Center v. DeVos

This lawsuit failed to overturn the 2020 regulations by arguing it was in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act and discriminates against women. It was, however, successful in overturning a narrow provision[2] that required schools to not rely on statements that were not subject to cross-examination when making their determinations.

2. The Women’s Student Union v. U.S. Department of Education

This case was initially dismissed for lack of standing. WSU – a feminist student association – argued the 2020 regulations would “frustrate its mission” to assist complainants. The court held otherwise: that such a group “may not establish injury by engaging in activities that it would normally pursue as part of its organizational mission. WSU appealed the dismissal to the Ninth Circuit which then stayed the case pending the completion of the Biden administration’s rulemaking process.

3. State of New York v. U.S. Department of Education

Brought by the New York Attorney General’s office, this lawsuit sought an injunction to prevent the rule from going into effect. It failed on every factor upon which injunctive relief is decided: the likelihood they would succeed on the merits of their claims, whether they or students would suffer irreparable harm, the balance of equities (“harms”) between the parties if the injunction did or did not go into effect, and the public interest. The State of New York then withdrew the lawsuit.

4. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. DeVos

A coalition of state Attorneys General brought this lawsuit to postpone the effective date of the rule, declare it unlawful, vacate it, or enjoin the Department of Education from applying and enforcing it. The motion to postpone the rule failed. The rest of the proceedings have been stayed.

5. Know Your IX et al v. DeVos

Similar to the WSU case, Know Your IX and similar organizations argued that the 2020 rule “frustrates its mission” to assist and advocate for complainants in Title IX proceedings. Judge Bennett disagreed and dismissed the case.

3. Schools Have Continuously Exhibited a Desire to Deny Due Process

The due process protections provided by the 2020 Title IX rule had one “clever workaround” for schools: they did not apply to allegations of misconduct occurring off-campus and outside an educational program or activity.[3] Schools could, however, still investigate and punish students under a “non-Title IX” policy that lacked those protections.

Advocates for complainants believed that schools would use this as an excuse to forgo investigating such alleged misconduct at all since there was now no federal requirement to do so. The reality, however, is that Title IX bureaucracy tends to be staffed by what some have called the “sex police”: bureaucrats who regard it as their mission to root out any kind of potentially offensive behavior and continuously seek reasons to expand their reach rather than retract it. Lawsuits by accused students have shown this is the case. Starting in 2021, they brought a new batch of lawsuits arguing schools were erroneously applying “non-Title IX” policies[4] as an excuse to railroad them out of campus.

The Biden administration seeks to expand the requirements of Title IX so that schools must investigate off-campus activity but without the due process protections that would curb some of the worst impulses of the sex police.

4. The 2020 Regulations Have Forced Their Opponents to Inadvertently Defend Them

Opponents of due process often argue that such protections would make school grievance procedures “too quasi-judicial” or “too court-like.” This argument is not sincere, as such groups have demanded that courts and schools recognize and treat grievance procedures as quasi-judicial and court-like when it benefits accusers.

While many examples of this exist, perhaps the most blatant recent example comes from the lawsuit Khan v. Yale in which an accused student also sued his accuser Jane Doe for defamation. Jane Doe argued that even if her statements against Khan were deliberately false and malicious, she was nonetheless entitled to immunity from a defamation lawsuit because her statements were made in the context of a quasi-judicial proceeding. In 2022, fifteen powerful advocacy groups filed an amicus brief supporting Doe’s argument – including those who opposed the 2020 regulations for being too quasi-judicial.

But as Connecticut Supreme Court held, Yale’s investigation and punishment of Khan occurred before the 2020 regulations went into effect and hence lacked virtually all the key safeguards that would establish the proceedings as quasi-judicial and entitle Jane Doe to immunity.

Other Arguments and Conclusion

Although there are numerous indicators that the 2020 regulations have been successful, these are four particularly noteworthy ones. Other potential supporting arguments could be that:

  1. Litigation costs for universities will skyrocket if accused students are again routinely railroaded off campus, and that
  2. The due process protections of the 2020 regulations have disincentivized false reporting and sham proceedings, which in turn bolsters the integrity of Title IX grievance procedures and allows school resources to be distributed more effectively.

Advocacy opportunities are often time sensitive; once they are gone, they are gone. This advocacy window is still open. Please go to the Office for Management and Budget website and register a meeting to make your voice heard.


[1] See the Title IX Lawsuits Database for a full listing of these lawsuits.

[2] Section 106.45(b)(6)(i)

[3] Section 106.45(b)(3)(i)

[4] Examples include Doe v. Rutgers and Doe I v. SUNY-Buffalo.