Department of Education Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

Federal Transgender Policy Has Turned Nation’s Youth into Unwitting Guinea Pigs  


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Federal Transgender Policy Has Turned Nation’s Youth into Unwitting Guinea Pigs  

WASHINGTON / October 23, 2023 – About 300,000 American youth ages 13-17 currently identify as transgender. This represents a doubling of their numbers in the past five years (1). These persons are now serving as guinea pigs in a nationwide medical experiment.

These 300,000 youth are undergoing the process of “gender transitioning,” a life-altering transformation that involves three steps (2):

  1. Social Transitioning: Assuming a new name, accepting new gender pronouns, and using bathrooms of the opposite sex.
  2. Medical Transitioning: Taking hormones to create the physical characteristics of the opposite sex, affecting muscle growth, facial hair, and more.
  3. Surgical Transitioning: Undergoing procedures such as breast removal or augmentation, penile inversion vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, hysterectomy, and more.

The safety and effectiveness of these procedures are hotly debated. One recent article, Current Concerns About Gender-Affirming Therapy in Adolescents, concluded that among youth transitioners, “every quality systematic review…has failed to find credible benefits.” (3)

Other studies have reached the opposite conclusion, that gender transitioning can improve a person’s quality of life and mental health, at least in the short run (4).

The obvious way to reconcile these confusing findings would for a child who is considering a gender transition to consult with their personal physician, along with his or her parents, to weigh the pros and cons of the various courses of action.

Unfortunately, school districts in 38 states — AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, and WY – currently have policies that say school personnel can or should keep a student’s transgender status a secret from the parents. By recent count, 10.7 million students across the country are now attending schools with such policies in place (5).

Obviously, if parents are not informed that their child is contemplating a change of genders, they will not be able to provide counsel, advice, or support. And the child is left to his or her own devices to sort through a welter of contradictory studies to reach a life-altering decision that is truly “informed.”

Later, youth who transition may run away from the family home, placing them at risk of becoming a victim of sex trafficking (6).

Thanks to the Department of Education’s unlawful decision to expand the definition of sex to include “gender identity” – masterminded by DOE officials Suzanne Goldberg and Catherine Lhamon (7) — a Mengelesque medical experiment has been unleashed across the land (8).

And innocent children and youth are serving as its unwitting guinea pigs.


Department of Education Due Process False Allegations Free Speech Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

Candidates Are Invited to Sign ‘Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from Federal Title IX Plan’


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Candidates Are Invited to Sign ‘Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from Federal Title IX Plan’

WASHINGTON / October 5, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Education is proposing to redefine the meaning of sex to include “gender identity” as part of the Title IX law (1). This change would have transformative effects on schools, children, families, and American society at large (2).

In response, SAVE is inviting candidates for federal, state, or local office to sign a “Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan.” The Pledge states,

When elected to office, I pledge to work to assure that:

  1. Schools and other organizations shall utilize the traditional binary definition of “sex.”
  2. Schools shall obtain prior consent from parents for any use of gender pronouns, or gender-dysphoria counseling or treatments.
  3. Parents shall have the right to examine and opt their children out of any school curricula dealing with sexuality and gender identity.
  4. Schools shall only allow biological females to participate in women’s sports, enter women’s locker rooms, and use women’s bathrooms.
  5. Schools shall adhere to Constitutional due process procedures to protect falsely accused males from Title IX complaints.
  6. Schools and other institutions shall fully uphold Constitutional free speech guarantees.

The Candidate Pledge can be viewed online (3). Candidates can indicate their support for the Pledge by sending a confirmatory email to:

Even though the Pledge was not publicly announced until October 5, lawmakers in Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia already have signed on to the statement (4).

The Biden Title IX proposal has faced stiff criticism from numerous federal and state lawmakers and attorneys general (5). In addition, five Republican presidential candidates are now calling for the abolition of the Department of Education (6).

Candidates for school boards also are invited to sign the Pledge. At last count, 1,045 school districts around the country have implemented policies stating that school personnel can or should keep a student’s transgender status hidden from parents (7).

Candidates are welcome to display the signed Pledge on their campaign websites and at campaign events.


Department of Education Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

LGBTQ Advocates Push Back Against Biden Title IX Plan


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


LGBTQ Advocates Push Back Against Biden Title IX Plan

WASHINGTON / October 2, 2023 – The Biden Department of Education is expected to miss its self-imposed October deadline to issue a new Title IX regulation (1). The proposal has faced stiff opposition from lawmakers, state attorneys general, and presidential candidates (2).

Now, a growing number of LGBTQ advocates are criticizing the plan, as well:

LGBTQ Activists: Leading LGBTQ advocate Alejandra Caraballo complained, “Honestly, this move by Biden to push a rule on trans kids in sports is not only a backwards betrayal, it forces us to have to spend our time dealing with sports instead of criminal bans on our healthcare.” (3)

Gays Against Groomers: Sporting 17 chapters nationwide, Gays Against Groomers has become a strong voice of opposition to the Biden plan (4). At a September 21 SAVE press conference, Brady Oehler, leader of the group’s D.C. chapter, explained, “Gays Against Groomers does not advocate against adults who have gender dysphoria, but advocates for the protection of children, and to be a voice for the voiceless…If you truly care and want to support those that need guidance, you will not take our youth and use them to push a gender ideology.” (5)

Expert Witness: The most detailed criticism was voiced by Dr. Erica E. Anderson, a psychologist and transgender woman. Testifying in a recent lawsuit before the US District Court of Southern California, Anderson explained:

“A child or adolescent who exhibits a desire to change name and pronouns should receive a careful professional assessment prior to transitioning…Parental involvement is necessary to obtain professional assistance for a child or adolescent experiencing gender incongruence.”

Anderson concluded, “a social transition represents one of the most difficult psychological changes a person can experience. [And] embarking upon a social transition based solely upon the self-attestation of the youth without consultation with parents and appropriate professionals is unwise.”

Apparently swayed by this testimony, Judge Roger Benitez ruled on September 14 against the parental secrecy policy of the Escondido Union School District (6).

Detransitioners: Detransitioners are speaking out against gender dysphoria treatments for minors, as well (7). At a recent Congressional hearing, Chloe Cole described the gender transitioning of youth as “one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America,” and issued a heart-felt plea to lawmakers to “bring the scandal to an end.” (8)

These developments have compelled 59 organizations to call for the resignation of DOE Office for Civil Rights director Catherine Lhamon (9).

The recent rise of the movement to promote gender transitioning can be attributed to a nihilistic philosophy known as“anti-humanism.” Proponent Patricia MacCormack explains, “The death of the human species is the most life-affirming event that could liberate the natural world from oppression.” (10)

Over a decade ago, anti-humanism began to infiltrate Leftist ideology, particularly the environmental movement (11). Anti-humanism is now evident in radical proposals to decimate livestock and curtail agricultural production (12).

Now, anti-humanism is targeting vulnerable children and youth so they no longer have the capacity to reproduce.


Campus Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Sexual Harassment Title IX

Five Presidential Contenders Have Called for Abolition of the U.S. Department of Education


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Five Presidential Contenders Have Called for Abolition of the U.S. Department of Education

WASHINGTON / July 18, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Education has introduced two proposed Title IX regulations in the past year (1,2) that would expand the definition of sex to include “gender identity,” a change that would have far-reaching effects on students, families, and women’s sports. The proposals also would serve to revamp the meaning of the Constitution, especially its provisions regarding free speech (First Amendment) and due process (Fourteenth Amendment).

In response, five current or previous Republican presidential contenders, listed below in alphabetical order, have called for the abolition of the Department of Education (3):

  1. Ron DeSantis: In response to the question, Are you in favor of eliminating any agencies: “We would do education, commerce, energy, and the IRS….With the Department of Education, we reverse all the transgender sports stuff. Women’s sports should be protected.”
  2. Mike Pence: “Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education and convert some of its current budget to grants to states and localities, providing maximum flexibility in how to deploy federal dollars.”
  3. Mike Pompeo: Asked by commentator John Stossel, “Should America abolish the Department of Education?” Pompeo replied, “Yes, you should get rid of it.” (Pompeo subsequently announced his decision to not run as a presidential candidate).
  4. Vivek Ramaswamy: “I would shut down the U.S. Department of Education…Do I favor 6-year-olds being educated on sexuality and gender ideology? No, I don’t.”
  5. Tim Scott: “The federal government has absolutely no role in our education system whatsoever. So let’s get them out and let’s abolish the Department of Education.”

Four other persons, discussed in media accounts as possible presidential candidates, have called for major changes to Title IX-related education policies (3):

  1. Nikki Haley: “When I was in school you didn’t have sex ed until seventh grade. And even then, your parents had to sign whether you could take the class. That’s a decision for parents to make.”
  2. Kristi Noem: “The [South Dakota] Board of Regents should remove all references to preferred pronouns in all school materials…Students should have the ability to exercise their right to free speech.” “Our universities should not be hosting and/or promoting drag shows…Just as other dangerous theories have been allowed to thrive on college campuses, gender theory has been rebranded and accepted as truth across the nation.” (Noem subsequently announced her decision to not run as a presidential candidate).
  3. Donald Trump: “On Day One, I will revoke Joe Biden’s cruel policies on so-called ‘gender-affirming care,’…we will promote positive education about the nuclear family…I will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the U.S. government are male and female…the bill will also make clear that Title IX prohibits men from participating in women’s sports.”
  4. Glenn Youngkin: “Political indoctrination has no place in our classrooms….Inherently divisive concepts, like Critical Race Theory and its progeny, instruct students to only view life through the lens of race and presumes that some students are consciously or unconsciously racist, sexist, or oppressive, and that other students are victims.” (Youngkin subsequently announced his decision to not run as a presidential candidate).

State lawmakers in Alabama, Delaware, Idaho, Missouri, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Tennessee also have gone on record to abolish the federal Department of Education (3).

In addition, former Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has stated, “I personally think the Department of Education should not exist.” (4)

All persons are invited to sign the petition, “Tell the Dept. of Education to Stop Its Radical Title IX Plan:”

Note: This press release was updated to clarify that Mike Pompeo, Kristi Noem, and Glenn Youngkin later announced their decision to not run for president.


Civil Rights Department of Education Free Speech Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

U.S. Department of Education: The New ‘Evil Empire’?


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


U.S. Department of Education: The New ‘Evil Empire’?

WASHINGTON / July 5, 2023 – The Constitution defines the authorities and roles of the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government as having co-equal powers (1). But in the past two years, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has repeatedly ignored this bedrock principle:

  1. In its proposed Title IX regulation, re-wrote the meaning of the First and Fourteenth Amendments, to the severe detriment of free speech and due process (2).
  2. Proposed to expand the definition of sex to include “gender identity,” thereby usurping the responsibility of Congress to exercise “All legislative Powers.”
  3. Overhauled the definition of sexual harassment:
    • Supreme Court Davis v. Monroe: Actions that are “so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive, and that so undermines and detracts from the victims’ educational experience.” (3)
    • New definition on the DOE website: “Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.” (4)

Now, the Department of Education has gone beyond trampling on the authority of the Constitution, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Following release of its controversial Title IX proposal in 2022, the DOE has aggressively promoted the transgender agenda, which has had the effect of:

  1. Weakening the authority of parents: “Teachers know what is best for their kids because they are with them every day.” – DOE Secy. Miguel Cardona, May 19, 2023 (5).
  2. Promoting harmful and irreversible “gender transitioning” among under-age children, often without parental knowledge or consent (6).
  3. Enabling violent attacks and bomb threats by transgender activists (7), including the March 27 attack at Covenant School in Nashville that killed six children and staff members.

During the month of June, the DOE issued eight tweets in support of Pride Month (8).  The June 1 tweet went far beyond DOE’s Congressionally mandated authority by offering this sweeping endorsement: “Our message to LGBTQI+ students, teachers, and staff as we begin #PrideMonth: ED has got your back.” (9)

Accordingly, at the annual Drag March in New York City, hundreds of drag performers chanted, “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children.” (10) In response, pundits referred to the marchers as “demonic” and “evil.” (11) The liberal-leaning Gays Against Groomers reached a similar conclusion about persons who might say a child was born in the wrong body: “And telling them otherwise is EVIL.” (12)

Not surprisingly, five Republican presidential candidates are now calling for the abolition of the Department of Education (13):

  1. Ron DeSantis: In response to the question, Are you in favor of eliminating any agencies: “We would do education, commerce, energy, and the IRS….With the Department of Education, we reverse all the transgender sports stuff. Women’s sports should be protected.”
  2. Mike Pence: “Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education and convert some of its current budget to grants to states and localities, providing maximum flexibility in how to deploy federal dollars.”
  3. Mike Pompeo: Asked by commentator John Stossel, “Should America abolish the Department of Education?” Pompeo replied, “Yes, you should get rid of it.”
  4. Vivek Ramaswamy: “I would shut down the U.S. Department of Education…Do I favor 6-year-olds being educated on sexuality and gender ideology? No, I don’t.”
  5. Tim Scott: “The federal government has absolutely no role in our education system whatsoever. So let’s get them out and let’s abolish the Department of Education.”

Lawmakers are urged to institute appropriate responses to curtail the illegal actions of the U.S. Department of Education.


Department of Education Gender Agenda Gender Identity Law Enforcement Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

SAVE Condemns Recent Wave of Bomb Threats and Attacks by Transgender Activists


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


SAVE Condemns Recent Wave of Bomb Threats and Attacks by Transgender Activists

June 13, 2023 – Over the weekend, transgender activists made bomb threats against Target stores in five states: Louisiana, Oklahoma, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York. The threats represent the most recent escalation of unlawful actions by proponents of transgender rights.

SAVE has identified the following incidents that occurred in the past two weeks:

June 2, North Hollywood, CA: As a group of parents wearing “Leave Our Kids Alone” T-shirts were protesting an upcoming PRIDE Assembly at a local school, a group of LGBT activists rushed the parents, pushing and shoving them. One arrest was made (1).

June 3, Dallas, TX: During a “kid-friendly” drag show, a protester waved a sign saying, “Keep Kids Out Of Pride Month.” In response, trans activists repeatedly threatened, “Somebody is going to shoot you in the head.” (2)

June 6, Glendale, CA: Antifa member Erik Boyd was arrested for his involvement in a brawl with parents who were protesting Pride Month plans as they were being discussed at a school board meeting (3).

June 10, Lafayette, LA: Multiple Target stores were targeted with bomb threats by suspected LGBTQ activists for removing Pride merchandise (4).

June 10, Oklahoma City, OK: Several Target stores were evacuated after receiving bomb threats that warned, “We hid the bombs inside some product items. The bombs will detonate in several hours, guess which ones have the bombs. Time is ticking.” (5)

June 11, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York: A spate of bomb threats led to the evacuation of numerous Target stores over the weekend after Target removed some of its Pride merchandise (6).

The wave of violence can be traced to a June 2022 Department of Education proposal that seeks to redefine sex to include “gender identity.” (7) That same month, the Trans Resistance Network began to issue inflammatory tweets that referred to transgender critics as “fascists” and made the claim that “Disarming trans people is a preparation for genocide.” (8)

These actions served to embolden and radicalize the transgender movement, presaging a surge of violent incidents around the country.

The attacks have come as members of the gay and lesbian community began to voice criticisms of the transgender movement (9). Gays Against Groomers recently deplored the fact that, “The radical alphabet activists have done more harm to our community than the biggest truly hateful bigot could ever hope to.” (10)

SAVE has identified 21 dangerous incidents committed by transgender activists since last October (11). SAVE condemns this campaign of violence as a deplorable example of domestic terrorism, and calls on authorities to take strong action.


Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Gender Agenda Gender Identity Title IX

Dwindling Support Among Gay Community for Transgender Agenda


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


Dwindling Support Among Gay Community for Transgender Agenda

June 8, 2023 – Gay teacher Ray Shelton recently addressed a meeting of the Glendale Unified School District. Twice named Teacher of the Year, Shelton explained to the board:

“Two plus two equals four. The world is not flat. Boys have penises; girls have vaginas. Gender is binary and cannot be changed. Biology is not bigotry. Heterosexuality is not hate. Gender confusion and gender delusion are deep psychological disorders. No caring professional or loving parent would ever support the chemical poisoning or surgical mutilation of a child’s genitalia….And I can also say this as a gay man.” (1)

The California incident illustrates the reality of dwindling support in the gay and lesbian community for the transgender agenda.

One of the strongest critics of transgender ideology is Gays Against Groomers, which describes itself as an “organization of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children under the guise of LGBTQIA+.” (2)

Jaimee Michell, president of Gays Against Groomers, recently explained, “As a lesbian and the founder of Gays Against Groomers, I’m done with Pride. Because it’s become a degenerate kink-fest…They’re shoving it down everyone’s throats, especially children’s. It’s disgusting.” (3)

David Leatherwood, Gays Against Groomers secretary, charged, “I’m done with Pride because it’s become an embarrassment. As a gay man, I want nothing to do with it. All it has become now is a celebration of debauchery, indulgence in narcissism, victimhood, and grooming of kids.” (3)

Another outspoken critic is gay activist Simon Edge, who recently derided the transgender movement as “trying to redefine language, reorganize public toilets and changing rooms, kibosh women’s sport and take control of HR departments.” Edge concludes, “Some people don’t think the T belongs with the LGB.” (4)

Transgenderism has become emboldened in recent months by proposed changes to the federal Title IX sex discrimination law (5). Its advocates claim they are working for inclusion and equality. In fact, they are resorting to the use of coercion and violence (6) in their quest to eliminate fairness in women’s sports, persuade vulnerable children to undergo life-altering medical procedures, and encroach on parental rights (7).

Democratic and Republican lawmakers around the country are urged to join forces to oppose any bills being considered that are designed to promote the transgender agenda.


Civil Rights Free Speech Gender Agenda Gender Identity Press Release Title IX

UN Women Must Renounce Its Support for Dishonest and Dangerous Transgender Agenda


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


UN Women Must Renounce Its Support for Dishonest and Dangerous Transgender Agenda

June 6, 2023 – The transgender agenda is a global movement that seeks to erase the distinctions between male and female, thereby weakening the nuclear family (1). Recent weeks have witnessed a rapid expansion of opposition by groups and persons from both the Left and Right.

One of the strongest critics is Gays Against Groomers, a liberal-leaning group that describes itself as an “organization of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children under the guise of LGBTQIA+.” The group has chapters in Canada, Japan, and the United States (2).

Another vocal critic is British gay activist Simon Edge, who recently derided the transgender movement as “trying to redefine language, reorganise public toilets and changing rooms, kibosh women’s sport and take control of HR departments.” Edge concludes, “Some people don’t think the T belongs with the LGB.” (3)

Echoing many of these concerns, Canadian libertarian Wendy McElroy reveals, “Critics of the trans movement are rebelling against the forced redefinition of biology, the destruction of women’s sports by trans athletes, the hijacking of children’s education, the medical experiment of gender-transitioning children, and the intrusion of penises in women-only spaces.” (4)

In the United States, transgenderism has been emboldened by proposed changes to the Title IX sex discrimination law (5). In recent weeks, the stock prices of Anheuser-Busch (6) and Target (7) have plummeted due to their promotion of trans-themed products.

American media personality Megyn Kelly recently affirmed that she will not engage in the “dishonesty” of using preferred pronouns because they constitute a “gateway drug to genital mutilation.” (8) Twitter CEO Elon Musk is more candid in his analysis: “Gender-affirming care for minors is pure evil.” (9)

Transgenderism has been denounced by the Pope (10), Moslem clerics (11), and other religious groups (12).

To advance its agenda, transgender activists are stifling free speech and resorting to the use of violence (13).

Despite these concerns, UN Women has issued a number of pro-trans tweets in recent days (14), and published a series of reports and position statements in support of the transgender movement (15-17).

Lawmakers around the world are invited to contact UN Women and urge the agency to immediately renounce its support for transgenderism, or face major reductions in its financial support.

Contact information for UN Women liaison offices around the world is available online (18).


Gender Agenda Gender Identity

Children at Risk. What is Happening Now?

Children at Risk. What is Happening Now?

By Traditional Family Association

May 23, 2023

Translated from Czech:

Once again, the insane LGTBI propaganda has taken off as it always does at this time. Many of you see this as a topic that doesn’t concern him, many of you are bored by this topic, or downright annoyed by this topic. Unfortunately for most people in this society they wave their hands over it and act like it doesn’t concern them.

Beware OMYL!

It mainly concerns them and it concerns children.

The point is that LGBT activists and non-profits are not targeting any minority at all, gays, lesbians, etc., that is not their target group of people. Their target group is children. And they’re mainly the children of you heterosexuals.

It’s been coming out basically in years past, but it wasn’t as obvious there, it’s obvious now.

Let’s start with the symbolism.

You’ve probably noticed that the rainbow flag, the LGBT flag, we’ve changed a little bit, we’ve added a pink and white tip. It’s a symbol of transgender, but it’s basically a symbol of transideology, and here it’s already a really big SURPRISE!

Because that transideology is what trans activists and non-profits are incredibly attacking children with right now. If we look to America where this is coming from, it’s gotten to the point where LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual) groups there are tearing themselves apart and distancing themselves from trans and queer. In our country, queer, are transvestites, are men who dress up in women’s clothes. These activists and non-profits are now targeting children in incredible ways.

If we’re talking pro-marriage for all that’s another thing that’s totally unacceptable for us to endorse.  Because it legitimizes all of these ideologies and opens the door to exactly

All the countries that have passed this agenda, whether it’s marriage for all and other legislative procedures, not as you’re told on TV and in the media and by politicians that it hasn’t hurt anybody, that it’s been working there for 20, 30 years.


It has hurt there. It hurt thousands, maybe tens of thousands of just children and it hurt their parents. Because these countries are characterized by three things in particular:

  1. A very low and ever-decreasing birth rate even for heterosexual couples.
  2. Increased and increasing numbers of children suffering from gender dysphoria and it is only because of this propaganda and in many of them especially in the UK and progressive states of the USA, trans clinics have sprung up to re-educate children! This monstrosity has been noticed by gays and lesbians themselves and in some states they are distancing themselves heavily from it and starting to fight against it. That is why it is absolutely important that this year we really pay due attention to this and sweep it off the table. Because this year, this particular period that has started is absolutely groundbreaking and it is a turning point!

If anyone doesn’t believe that, I have two pieces of evidence for you that LGBT activists, and especially trans activists, are all about the children. It’s about four months ago, when in Germany, and I’ll take Germany as an example, because it’s closer to us than the UK or the US……Regenboren-portal.DE, which is a non-profit rainbow organisation that falls directly under the Ministry of Family Affairs, there was an advert targeting 10-year-olds recommending puberty blockers. Puberty blockers are used to treat adolescents who have real problems, but to offer puberty blockers to all kids and to advertise it, asking them: Am I transgender? How do I know? And then it says, “Take your time, try it. Do you feel better as a girl? Or do you feel more comfortable as a boy? The important thing is, you’re supposed to do well. Who you are at 10 doesn’t matter. Are you a man, are you a woman? You don’t have to decide right now.”

The second column says, “Take puberty blockers. You’re still very young, and you’re not in puberty yet, or you don’t want to go into puberty yet? Then take puberty blockers.

Puberty blockers have untold side effects in many children and adolescents, even lifelong consequences. What the activists claim (and I encounter this today and daily) is that it’s only short term and has short term effects and then it basically wears off. NO! IT WILL NOT EXPIRE.

After a few days, this non-profit was forced to take down this ad because there was such strong opposition from parents that they pulled the ad. But as you can see the progression, this rainbow progression is now really targeted at children.

It’s crazy. For those for whom this is not enough, I have another message:

A photo has surfaced in Berlin’s underground railway. For the city district… they’re looking for kindergarten teachers and tutors. These posters are several meters long! How many of you would like your children to be educated in a kindergarten?

The text of the poster is: “Does it play any role at all? Queer and one or one, a good tutor or governess. That’s important to us. Sign up.”

This is already heavily over the edge, because the so-called Queer, in our country it’s called transvestites, so it’s the closest thing to that. They’re biologically men who don’t even want to become women and just have this fetish that they like to dress up in women’s clothes.

I have now ordered a book which is from the USA, it’s called ‘Queer and Gender’. This book in the state of Illinois is mandatory in school libraries, it is in the form of a comic book. If the state school administrators decide to remove these books, they will not get any money from the state. What’s in this book? A grown, hardened adult’s stomach churns. For example, there are depictions of two ten-year-old boys giving oral pleasure. This is presented to children as part of their school curriculum. The next book is even “cooler”. In this book for children aged 10 and up (this age is the target group for the lobbyists because they are pre-pubescent children) they are taught how to clean their anus before sex, or how two men orally satisfy themselves, or two women, etc. In this book, they even learn what a “skit” is, which is a sexual practice in which excrement is ingested. It’s in the article and in the photo.

When a FB user writes to me that he doesn’t care, that there are pictures like this on the internet and kids will find it, I got mad and made a video on fb, the transcript of which you are now reading.

These people need to wake up very quickly.

If we don’t stop this, your kids will have access to decide for themselves what and who they want to be. Indoctrination is very powerful.

If you take trans people who read them fairy tales or show off in front of them, telling them how great it is to be something other than who they are, kids will pick up on that. Because they’re kids. They like the colors, they like the comedy, they like it when someone smiles at them and does shit to them, but the consequences are absolutely drastic.

I’m in touch with many groups and other “rainbow” organizations in the US, the UK, or even Australia and Canada (Canada is the absolute worst) that are against child abuse because it’s already child abuse.

This is legalized child abuse, and they are standing up against it and fighting against it.

It needs to be stopped from the start.

That’s why it’s imperative that this progression not be given a chance in our country.

It is at its peak in the west, it will break and it is breaking.

If we keep this up, I’m telling you, we’re going to save a lot of kids’ lives.

We live in a time when many people are in financial trouble, when many people are losing their assets, when many people are in a bad way. I think people can lose everything material, the tangible, but the last thing they lose is their children. They shouldn’t lose their children, they should fight to the last for that.

Those who don’t understand this or make light of it are aiding and abetting these psychopaths, there is no other way to call them.

Claiming something about human rights is not what these NGO’s are demanding, these are mere demands.

They are not human rights because all human rights are granted to all groups of people in the western world.

Don’t fall for these cheap slogans. Many of you don’t have the balls to dig into the details like I or other people do. Cheap slogans are false, untrue.

We have tried and experienced this for ourselves on Czech TV with Mrs Jílková, where many lies were told, especially at the end of the programme. We will, of course, contradict these lies in time. However, it is not such a priority for us at the moment.

The priority now is for people to find out what the aim of these lobbyists is.

Let me answer the question, why are they doing this?

Why are they targeting children?

The answer is simple:

Look for money behind everything.

In all the states where this LGBT propaganda has been legalized, where this insane progression has been allowed, trans clinics have sprung up many times over to reassign children. There’s a huge business in it. Kids who take puberty blockers, which is nothing more than chemical castration, which is used on severe sex offenders who, for example, leave correctional facilities and have long term side effects, it’s a huge business for the farmalobes.

What we said in Jilek, that we’re going to be basically selling children, that it’s legalizing the business of children, so yes, that’s another huge business.

Look for the money behind everything.

Let everybody make money however they want, but don’t bring children into it. It’s terrible.

There’s a lot of posts on Twitter, I didn’t even have to look much. That’s why we need to show people where this is going.

It’s a monstrosity and it needs to be stopped.

Campus Civil Rights Department of Education Due Process Free Speech Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Title IX

79 Members of Congress Speak Out in Opposition to Biden Title IX Plan


Rebecca Hain: 513-479-3335


79 Members of Congress Speak Out in Opposition to Biden Title IX Plan

WASHINGTON / May 24, 2023 – The Biden Department of Education has issued proposed regulations that would expand the definition of biological “sex” to include “gender identity” (1) and allow the participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports (2).

If approved, these proposals also will have far-reaching, harmful consequences for parental rights (5), free speech (3), due process (4), religious freedom (6), and gender transitioning of minors (7).

In response, 79 members of Congress have released statements of opposition, many of them strongly-worded:

Senate — 29 members:

  1. John Barrasso – WY
  2. Marsha Blackburn – TN
  3. John Boozman – AR
  4. Mike Braun – IN
  5. Katie Britt – AL
  6. Ted Budd – NC
  7. Richard Burr – NC
  8. Bill Cassidy – LA
  9. Tom Cotton – AR
  10. Kevin Cramer – ND
  11. Mike Crapo – ID
  12. Ted Cruz – TX
  13. Steve Danies – MT
  14. Joni Ernst – IA
  15. Josh Hawley – MO
  16. Ron Johnson – WI
  17. James Lankford – OK
  18. Mike Lee – UT
  19. Cynthia Lummis – WY
  20. Roger Marshall – KS
  21. Markwayne Mullins – OK
  22. Pete Ricketts – NE
  23. Marco Rubio – FL
  24. Rick Scott – FL
  25. Tim Scott – SC
  26. Cindy Hyde Smith – MS
  27. Dan Sullivan – AK
  28. Thom Tillis – NC
  29. Tommy Tuberville – AR

House of Representatives — 50 members:

  1. Jodey Arrington – TX
  2. Brian Babin –TX
  3. Jim Banks – IN
  4. Andy Biggs – AZ
  5. Dan Bishop – NC
  6. Lauren Boebert – CO
  7. Mike Bost – IL
  8. Josh Brecheen – OK
  9. Michael C. Burgess – TX
  10. Eric Burlison – MO
  11. Ben Cline – VA
  12. Michael Cloud – TX
  13. Andrew S. Clyde – GA
  14. Eli Crane – AZ
  15. Dan Crenshaw – TX
  16. Byron Donalds – FL
  17. Jeff Duncan – SC
  18. Michelle Fischbach – MN
  19. Virginia Foxx – NC
  20. Bob Good – VA
  21. Mark E. Green, M.D. – TN
  22. Marjorie Taylor Greene – GA
  23. Glenn Grothman – WI
  24. Michael Guest – MS
  25. Andy Harris, M.D. –
  26. Kevin Hern – OK
  27. Clay Higgins – LA
  28. Randy L. Jackson – TX
  29. Mike Johnson – LA
  30. Doug Lamborn – CO
  31. Debbie Lesko – AZ
  32. Anna Paulina Luna – FL
  33. Nancy Mace – SC
  34. Kevin McCarthy – CA
  35. David McKinley – WV
  36. Mary E. Miller – IL
  37. Cory Mills – FL
  38. Nathaniel Moran – TX
  39. Alex X. Mooney – WV
  40. Troy E. Nehls – TX
  41. Ralph Norman – SC
  42. Andy Ogles – TN
  43. George Santos – NY
  44. Steve Scalise – LA
  45. Pete Sessions – TX
  46. Chris Smith – NJ
  47. Gregory Steube – FL
  48. Ann Wagner – MO
  49. Randy Weber – TX
  50. Daniel Webster – FL

In addition, numerous state lawmakers and attorneys general have issued statements of disapproval. Links to all statements are available online (8).

SAVE calls on federal and state lawmakers to continue to voice their opposition to both Title IX regulations. Send email to:

