Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

Dual Track Adjudications: Recipe for Legal Disaster

One month has now passed since the new Title IX regulation took effect on August 14, 2020.[1] According to this historic civil rights regulation, schools receiving federal funding must now provide students with, among other procedural protections, live hearings and the opportunity for real-time cross examination through an advisor. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has stated that the regulation only will be enforced as to conduct that occurs after the effective date,[2] and that schools are free to handle “non-Title IX” misconduct on their own terms.[3]

Some schools, as discussed by Teresa Manning at National Review, “are devising their own sexual-misconduct policies, presumably with their own definitions, separate from Title IX.”[4] Princeton and Tulane, for example, have created multiple disciplinary tracks where the regulation’s procedural protections are afforded for some types of sexual misconduct but not for others.[5] This is an attempt to defy the regulatory intent to restore due process protections on campus.

Unfortunately for these recalcitrant universities, there is another branch of government that vigorously enforces due process rights: the judiciary. Students often go to court if they believe they have been victims of Title IX discrimination, due process violations, or breach of contract. (Private universities are not subject to the Due Process Clause as they are not arms of the state. In many jurisdictions, however, the student handbook or code of conduct is a contract between the university and the student, and private universities can be sued for violating the procedures in those contracts.)

In these lawsuits, OCR’s limited regulatory definition of what is and what is not “Title IX Conduct” simply does not apply. Rather, schools are held liable if they discriminate “on the basis of sex.”[6] Indeed, whether the court uses the Yusuf framework of “erroneous outcome” and “selective enforcement,”[7] or the Purdue “plausible inference” standard to evaluate the allegation at the motion to dismiss stage, the fundamental question is whether the university discriminated on the basis of sex, not in which artificial “track” the discrimination occurred.

To this end, universities need to consider a string of milestone federal circuit court decisions issued in the last several months that were favorable to accused students.

First, the Third,[8] Eighth,[9] and Ninth[10] Circuits have now adopted the Seventh Circuit’s Purdue plausible inference pleading standard, which means that in four of the 12 regional circuits across the country, accused students now have a much easier time suing for Title IX discrimination. This is a dramatic change in the law; this easier standard did not even exist as of June 2019. Now, roughly a third of the nation’s federal courts have adopted it.

Second, the Sixth Circuit in Oberlin was the first circuit court to hold that the outcome of a disciplinary proceeding itself can be used as evidence of discrimination for purposes of Title IX.[11] This means that for the vast majority of students that do not have direct evidence of discrimination pre-discovery (because the university typically wants to keep its email communications secret), students in the Sixth Circuit can use their adverse outcome as a way to get to the discovery phase, allowing access to internal university communications, provided that the student is able to cast “grave doubt” upon the outcome.[12]

The bottom line is this: While universities may seek to evade the intent of the new Title IX regulation by creating dual-track disciplinary systems, they cannot ignore the courts. As federal circuits change the law to favor accused students in these lawsuits, universities should think twice about attempting to preserve their discriminatory practices. It will be better for universities to employ the procedural protections the regulation requires for all allegations of sexual misconduct, thereby limiting their liability exposure to costly and embarrassing lawsuits.


[1] 34 CFR §106 et seq.


[3] Pennsylvania v. DeVos, No. 1:20-CV-01468 (CJN), 2020 WL 4673413, at *11 (D.D.C. Aug. 12, 2020).

[4] Teresa Manning, Title IX and Targeting the Two-Track Approach, NAT’L. REV., Aug. 24, 2020,

[5] Id.

[6] See, e.g. Doe v. Purdue Univ., 928 F.3d 652, 667-8 (7th Cir. 2019).

[7] Yusuf v. Vassar Coll., 35 F.3d 709 (2d Cir. 1994).

[8] Doe v. Univ. of Scis., 961 F.3d 203 (3d Cir. 2020)

[9] Doe v. Univ. of Arkansas – Fayetteville, No. 19-1842, 2020 WL 5268514 (8th Cir. Sept. 4, 2020)

[10] Schwake v. Arizona Bd. of Regents, 967 F.3d 940 (9th Cir. 2020)

[11] Doe v. Oberlin Coll., 963 F.3d 580 (6th Cir. 2020)

[12] Id. at 588.

Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

PR: Legal Experts Warn of the Perils of Campus ‘Dual-Track’ Adjudications


Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


Legal Experts Warn of the Perils of Campus ‘Dual-Track’ Adjudications

WASHINGTON / September 17, 2020 – One month after a historic civil rights policy took effect at colleges across the nation, legal experts are warning administrators about the legal pitfalls of “dual-track” adjudications. Dual-track adjudications are employed by colleges when students or faculty are accused of a type of sexual misconduct that falls outside the strict definitions found in the new Title IX regulation.

Yesterday, SAVE issued a report titled, “Dual Track Adjudications: Recipe for Legal Disaster.” The Commentary notes that apart from the requirements of the new federal policy, “there is another branch of government that vigorously enforces due process rights: the judiciary.” The analysis cites recent decisions by the Third, Sixth, Eighth, and Ninth Circuit Courts that make it easier for an accused student to prevail in a legal action charging the university with sex discrimination (1).

The article concludes, “While universities may seek to evade the intent of the new Title IX regulation by creating dual-track disciplinary systems, they cannot ignore the courts. As federal circuits change the law to favor accused students in these lawsuits, universities should think twice about attempting to preserve their discriminatory practices.”

The SAVE Commentary echoes concerns recently expressed by a number of legal experts:

Last week, Samantha Harris and Michael Allen published an editorial titled, “Universities Circumvent New Title IX Regulations.” The attorneys reveal, “Things were supposed to change in August, when the new Title IX regulations took effect, with robust free speech and due process protections. Now it appears that many campuses are fighting to ensure these protections remain illusory. It’s not that institutions aren’t changing their policies. Rather, they are doing so to comply superficially while claiming increased authority to subject students and faculty to processes that provide few, if any, of the protections that the regulations require.” (2)

In an August 24 editorial, attorney Teresa Manning voiced concerns that schools “are devising their own sexual-misconduct policies, presumably with their own definitions, separate from Title IX.” For example, Princeton University’s dual-track policy does not require in-person questioning of parties, even though legal scholars believe that live cross-examination is “beyond any doubt the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth.” (3)

Addressing the issue more broadly, legal commentator KC Johnson identifies three themes reflected in the four recent appeals court decisions: officials’ indifference to innocence, widespread procedural irregularities, and institutions that bowed to political pressures to find more accused persons guilty. In his September 15 article, Johnson warns of the specter of continued litigation: “In theory, the new federal Title IX regulations, which require colleges to use fairer procedures, will protect against the injustices identified in the recent appellate decisions. But political, legal, and university opposition to the regulations cloud their future. It may be that federal courts will need to continue to correct campus processes that too often seem indifferent to justice.” (4)

If college administrators decide to create “dual-track” adjudications, SAVE urges that these systems assure the same level of due process protections as campus Title IX adjudications.


Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX Equity Project Training

PR: Many Universities Not Compliant with New Title IX Requirement to Post Training Materials


Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


Many Universities Not Compliant with New Title IX Requirement to Post Training Materials 

WASHINGTON / September 8, 2020 – A review of the websites of 50 colleges and universities across the nation reveals that 65% are out of compliance with the Title IX regulation’s requirement to post all Title IX training materials. This past week, SAVE filed complaints with Office for Civil Rights against several of these non-compliant schools.

The Title IX implementing regulation, 34 CFR 106, has new provisions, which went into effect on August 14, 2020, that require the posting of Title IX training materials. The regulation calls on schools to post on their websites, “All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any persons who facilitate an informal resolution process.” §106.45(b)(10)(D)

On May 18, the Office for Civil Rights issued detailed guidance on the topic: The guidance states, “All materials used to train Title IX personnel…Must be publicly available on the school’s website.” [emphasis in the original].

The guidance goes on to explain:

“Section 106.45(b)(10)(D) does not permit a school to choose whether to post the training materials or offer a public inspection option. Rather, if a school has a website, the school must post the training materials on its website.

  • A school must post on its website: “All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process.” Posting anything less than “all materials” on the website in insufficient. Accordingly, merely listing topics covered by the school’s training of Title IX personnel, or merely summarizing such training materials is not the same as posting “all materials.” [emphasis in the original]

Many institutions, such as Princeton University (1), posted training materials geared toward students and faculty, or webinars provided by the Department of Education, but did not post the training materials used for Title IX staff. The federal regulation states that all materials used to train Title IX personnel must be posted. Training materials that are protected by a student ID number or password are also out of compliance, as the federal regulation states the material must be made publicly available.

In contrast, many schools are in compliance with the federal regulation’s posting requirement. Examples of such schools are Amherst College (2) and the University of Colorado-Boulder (3). The University of Vermont even posted a YouTube video of the actual training program that their staff attended (4).

SAVE has filed complaints with the Office for Civil Rights against 10 schools that are out of compliance with the federal regulation. More OCR complaints will be filed as SAVE continues its review of school websites.

The SAVE Title IX Equity Project has found that Title IX violations are widespread at schools across the country. These violations pertain to sex-specific scholarships, sex-specific programs, and due process procedures in campus adjudications. The number of open OCR investigations of such violations currently exceeds 200 cases, and continues to increase (5).


Campus Title IX

PR: Sen. Jackson Would Pit California Colleges Against State Judicial Rulings and the Federal Government

Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


Sen. Jackson Would Pit California Colleges Against State Judicial Rulings and the Federal Government; SAVE Urges Delay on Vote

WASHINGTON / August 27, 2020 – State senator Hannah Beth Jackson has inserted language into a Higher Education bill, SB-493, that would force California colleges to defy a new federal regulation designed to assure fairness during campus adjudications of sexual harassment. The federal rule, which recently took effect on August 14, requires that the school convene a live hearing where each party’s advisor (but not the student) is allowed to pose relevant questions to the other party.

Question-asking is viewed as essential to clarify the facts of the case and assess the credibility of each party. Such measures are necessary to identify allegations that are exaggerated or false.

Sen. Jackson’s language directly contradicts the federal requirements in two respects:

  1. Would make the hearing optional: “They shall provide that the institution shall decide whether or not a hearing is necessary to determine whether any sexual violence more likely than not occurred.” (1)
  2. Prohibits an advisor from posing any questions: “Any cross-examination of either party or any witness shall not be conducted directly by a party or a party’s advisor.”

Jackson’s provisions also ignore the findings of three recent judicial decisions:

In Doe v. California Institute of Technology, the court required the university to provide “an opportunity for the Committee to assess [accuser] Jane’s credibility by her appearing at the hearing in person or by videoconference or similar technology, and by the Committee’s asking her appropriate questions proposed by [accused student] John or the Committee itself. That opportunity did not exist here.” (2)

In Doe v. Allee (University of Southern California), the judge ruled, “When a student accused of sexual misconduct faces severe disciplinary sanctions, and the credibility of witnesses (whether the accusing student, other witnesses, or both) is central to the adjudication of the allegation, fundamental fairness requires, at a minimum, that the university provide a mechanism by which the accused may cross-examine those witnesses, directly or indirectly, at a hearing in which the witnesses appear in person or by other means (such as means provided by technology like videoconferencing).” (3)


In Doe v. Regents of the University of California (Santa Barbara) the court found that the campus committee denied the Plaintiff the opportunity to cross-examine the complainant on the effects of an antidepressant she was taking, leading the court to conclude that “[t]he Committee reached a significant finding based on nothing more than speculation.” (4)

The new Rule has been praised by a wide range of stakeholders, including the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys (5), Harvard law professor Jeannie Suk Gersen (6), former ACLU president Nadine Strossen (7), former Virginia governor Douglas Wilder (8), and others (9).

A survey of California voters found that many view false allegations of campus sexual assault to be a problem. 44.0% of respondents believe that such false allegations are a “big problem.” Only 14.4% viewed false allegations as “not much of a problem.” (10)


  2. Super. Ct. July 9, 2019
  3. 30 Cal. App. 5th 1036 (Cal. Ct. App. 2019)
  4. 28 Cal. App. 5th 44 (Cal. Ct. App. 2018)
Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX Victims

PR: Survivors, Accused Students, and Faculty Bid ‘Farewell’ to Campus Kangaroo Courts; Welcome New Title IX Regulation


Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


Survivors, Accused Students, and Faculty Bid ‘Farewell’ to Campus Kangaroo Courts; Welcome New Title IX Regulation

WASHINGTON / August 18, 2020 – Sexual assault survivors, accused students, and faculty members are welcoming the new Title IX regulation, which took effect this past Friday on college campuses across the nation. Title IX is the federal law that bans sex discrimination at schools receiving federal funds. The new regulation replaces a 2011 Department of Education policy that sparked national controversy, hundreds of lawsuits, and thousands of federal complaints.

Sexual assault survivors are applauding the new regulation because it provides a detailed and legally enforceable framework for colleges to investigate and adjudicate allegations of sexual assault. Under the old policy, some victims reported the ‘brush-off’ treatment they received was more traumatic than the original assault (1).

Many of these victims complained to the federal Office for Civil Rights. As a result, the number of sex discrimination complaints increased over four-fold, from 17,724 (2000-2010) to 80,739 (2011-2020). (2)  Male victims of sexual assault are anticipating that their complaints also will taken more seriously by campus administrators.

Accused students will benefit from a restoration of fundamental due process rights, which include the right to an impartial investigation and an unbiased adjudication. Over the years, hundreds of wrongfully accused students have sued their universities. On July 29, for example, a federal appeals court reversed a lower court decision and reinstated sex discrimination charges brought by David Schwake against Arizona State University (3). The Schwake decision brings the number of judicial decisions in favor of students accused of sexual misconduct to 184. (4)

Faculty members, who found their free speech rights curtailed by expansive definitions of sexual assault, welcomed the new Rule, as well. The National Association of Scholars decried how faculty members had been “denied the chance to respond to complaints, the right to confront and question witnesses, and even the right to be presumed innocent.” (5)

On August 9, Judge John Koeltl issued a ruling that allowed the regulation to be implemented as planned on August 14. Highlighting the long-awaited improvements for all parties, the Judge noted the regulations will “benefit both complainants and respondents by providing procedural guidance for grievance procedures,” and promised complainants “greater assurance” that decisions “will not be overturned because the process did not comply with due process.” (6)

The new Rule has been praised by a wide range of stakeholders, including the Independent Women’s Forum (7), National Association of  Criminal Defense Attorneys (8), Harvard law professor Jeannie Suk Gersen (9), former ACLU president Nadine Strossen (10), former Virginia governor Douglas Wilder (11), and others (12).

Staci Sleigh-Layman, Title IX Coordinator at Central Washington University, explains, “These new changes give a lot of credibility and due process and equal kind of attention to the person accused as well as the person coming forward… they put in place a process that seeks to provide due process for both sides.” (13)


Campus Civil Rights False Allegations Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Victims

The New Title IX Regulation: Historic Civil Rights Victory

“Victory belongs to those that believe in it the most and believe in it the longest.” – Randall Wallace

It is not common in one’s lifetime to experience a Civil Rights victory as historical as the one we celebrate today.

Today, August 14, 2020, the new Title IX regulation implementing rules for sexual harassment goes into effect at schools across America.  SAVE celebrates this victory for our nation, our students, and faculty, many of whom have been subjected to unfair campus disciplinary hearings over the past nine years.

Since 2011, when the controversial Dear Colleague Letter on sexual violence was released, 647 lawsuits have been filed against universities, thousands of student transcripts have been permanently stamped with “expulsion” or “suspension”, and countless professors have been fired or censured.  There is no limit to the trauma and emotional abuse these persons have experienced.

Many of these persons complained. As a result, the Department of Education reported that following release of the DCL, the number of Title IX complaints to the OCR increased nearly 5-fold, from 17,724 (2000-2010) to 80,739 (2011-2020).

Today we turn the page. 

Margaret Thatcher famously said, “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”  Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, her staff, and individual civil rights advocates and groups, well understand the numerous battles that were fought to get to where we are today. Let’s highlight some of these efforts:



  • The Department of Justice reported the annual rate of sexual assault among college age females was 1/1000 women, refuting the widely disseminated one-in-five number.
  • Title IX for All was established, which offers a Database of OCR Resolution Letters and a Legal Database of lawsuits against universities.
  • A group of Harvard University Law Professors issued the statement, Rethink Harvard’s Sexual Harassment Policy.
  • A group of Penn Law faculty members issued their Open Letter, Sexual Assault Complaints: Protecting Complainants and the Accused Students at Universities
  • The American Association of University Professors issued a report, The History, Uses, and Abuses of Title IX
  • Professors from around the country issued Law Professors’ Open Letter Regarding Campus Free Speech and Sexual Assault
  • SAVE sent a letter calling on Congress to Rescind and Replace the Dear Colleague Letter (April 4), issued a Special Report, “Lawsuits Against Universities for Alleged Mishandling of Sexual Misconduct Cases;” and held meetings with staffers in 60 offices in the Senate and House of Representatives to discuss problems with the OCR policy. Over subsequent years, SAVE representatives would hold over 1,000 meetings with legislative staffers.
  • 2,239 articles and editorials were published critical of the OCR policy.



  • On May 6, 2020 the Department of Education issued its final rule.
  • Four lawsuits were filed opposing the Rule, and amicus briefs were filed by SAVE, FACE, and FIRE.
    • Attorneys General lawsuit (Request for Preliminary Injunction denied on 8/12/20)
    • ACLU lawsuit (Pending)
    • National Women’s Law Center lawsuit (Pending)
    • State of New York lawsuit (Request for Preliminary Injunction denied on 8/9/20)

Today, August 14, 2020 the Final Rule is being implemented on college campuses and K-12 schools across America.

This has been an incredible journey ending in a momentous victory, but one that is not over.  The letter of the law was penned by our U.S. Department of Education, and now the spirit of the law must be carried out to ensure our students and faculty receive every protection the Title IX law provides.

Campus Department of Education Title IX

Federal judge refuses to block campus sexual assault rules

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Wednesday allowed the Education Department to move forward with new rules governing how schools and universities respond to complaints of sexual assault.

The rules, which take effect Friday, expand the rights of the accused, narrow the definition of sexual harassment and reduce the scope of cases that schools are required to investigate, among other changes.

In a suit challenging the rules, attorneys general from 17 states and the District of Columbia argued that the policy would block schools from investigating certain sexual abuse complaints and would discourage students from reporting assaults.

“As a result, fewer sexual harassment complaints will be filed, and schools will be less well equipped to protect their students’ safety and rid their programs and activities of the pernicious effects of sex discrimination,” the suit said.

But US District Judge Carl. J. Nichols rejected those arguments.

“Plaintiffs are free to investigate and punish as violations of their codes of conduct or of state law behavior that does not meet the new definition of sexual harassment under the Final Rule,” Nichols wrote.

He also turned aside an argument that the rules would bring heavy costs for schools and limit their ability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

“The Court recognizes the obvious seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he wrote. “In fact, for these and other reasons, a later effective date might have been a preferable policy decision.”

Still, he said, the Education Department took the pandemic into account when it issued the new rules, and schools have long known that a new policy would be coming.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the ruling is “yet another victory for students and reaffirms that students’ rights under Title IX go hand in hand with basic American principles of fairness and due process.”

DeVos issued her policy May 6 after rescinding earlier guidelines from the Obama administration in 2017. Victims’ advocates say the 2017 rules forced colleges to confront sexual abuse after ignoring it for years. But DeVos has said the guidelines turned campus disciplinary panels into “kangaroo courts” that were too quick to punish accused students.

DeVos’ rules, which carry the weight of law, tell schools how to implement Title IX, the 1972 law barring discrimination based on sex in education.

Under her overhaul, the definition of sexual harassment is narrowed to “unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive” that it denies a person access to a school’s education programs or activity.

The policy will now require colleges to investigate claims only if they’re reported to certain officials, and schools can be held accountable for mishandling complaints only if they acted with “deliberate indifference.” Opponents also took exception with a provision allowing students to question one another through representatives at live hearings.

DeVos on Wednesday said the rules require schools “to act in meaningful ways to support survivors of sexual misconduct without sacrificing important safeguards to protect free speech and provide all students with a transparent, reliable process.”

The case challenging the rules was led by attorneys general in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and California, with backing from a total of 17 states and the District of Columbia.

The California and Pennsylvania attorneys general didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

The challenge was supported by the American Council on Education, an association of university presidents, along with 24 other higher education organizations. In a June legal brief, the groups said the policy ordered a “sea change” for colleges but gave them less than three months to implement it.

“In the best of times, that deadline would be unreasonable. But in light of the extraordinary burdens that have been placed on American colleges and universities in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, that August 14 implementation deadline is problematic in the extreme,” the groups wrote.

Campus Discrimination Due Process False Allegations Rape-Culture Hysteria Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX Victims Violence

UNC Wants SCOTUS to Review Ruling Mandating Release of Sexual Assault Sanctions

Updated August 8, 2020

 — The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill intends to ask the United States Supreme Court to review a 4-3 decision by the Supreme Court of North Carolina that ordered the school to release the names of students found responsible and sanctioned for sexual misconduct.

After a nearly four-year legal fight, UNC released a list of 15 names in response to a request for all sanctions issued for sexual misconduct since 2007.

The release of the records comes three months after the state Supreme Court sided with a coalition of North Carolina media organizations that sued the university after it denied a 2016 public records request for the information. The coalition includes Capitol Broadcasting Co., WRAL’s parent company, as well as UNC-Chapel Hill’s student newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel.

“We, along with many advocates for  survivors  of sexual assault and interpersonal violence, still believe the release of these records will inevitably lead to an increased risk of the identification of  survivors  and key witnesses and  could discourage others from participating in the Title IX process,” said Joel Curran, vice chancellor of University Communications.

“Universities should not be forced to release student records that could identify sexual assault  survivors,” Curran said.

Annie Clark, a former student who has spent seven years advocating for more transparency about sexual assaults on campus, says the release of the names is a step in the right direction.

“We have a lot of survivor advocates and survivors themselves who want these names released, who want to have that vindication,” Clark said. “But you also have a lot of folks who don’t want that, who feel like, if their perpetrator’s or alleged perpetrator’s name is released, that it puts them in danger.”

Clark was one of five women who filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education in 2013 accusing UNC-Chapel Hill of underreporting sexual assault cases for 2010 in an annual report to the federal government on campus crime. It also alleged that campus officials allowed a hostile environment for students reporting sexual assault.

“It is very surprising that, over the course of years, that there are only 15 people who have been found responsible that the university released,” Clark said. “What we know is that one in four or one in five women, depending on the statistics used, are sexually assaulted before they graduate, drop out or leave college in another way.”

Clark wants UNC-Chapel Hill and other universities to release even more information, including how many total assaults are reported, how many are investigated and how many result in sanctions.

“There is a lot further to go,” she said. “I think we need to look beyond this one story of releasing names and look more towards why are people still doing, why are people are still getting away with and where are those aggregate numbers and where are people falling through the cracks.”

On UNC-Chapel Hill’s website for its Equal Opportunity Compliance office, sexual assault victims are encouraged to report criminal activity to law enforcement; however, accusers can choose to pursue a case through a university process that’s been kept completely confidential.

As for its internal process, Curran said, “The University’s Title IX policy and process are mandated by the federal government and are separate and distinct from any criminal process.”

“Sanctions are tailored to the unique facts and circumstances of each report, and the University’s Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office investigators and hearing panelists consider a variety of factors when determining the appropriate sanction,” said Leslie Minton, associate director of media relations. “Those factors are listed in the procedures associated with the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct. This is an educational process focused on maximizing equal access to educational programs and activities and the safety and well-being of our students and campus community.

WRAL News has a team of reporters gathering more information on the students named and intends to share more information.


Believe the Victim Campus Title IX Trauma Informed Victim-Centered Investigations

PR: Campus Administrators Need to Restore Impartial Investigations, or Face a Surge in Costly Lawsuits


Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


Campus Administrators Need to Restore Impartial Investigations, or Face a Surge in Costly Lawsuits

WASHINGTON / August 11, 2020 – SAVE has published an analysis that documents a dramatic increase in judicial decisions against universities involving biased investigations of sexual assault allegations. In 2014-2016, the average number of lawsuits alleging faulty campus investigations averaged three decisions per year. In 2020, that number is projected to reach 30 judicial decisions against colleges and universities, a 10-fold increase in the span of a few years.

Such investigations go by a variety of names: “trauma-informed,” “Start By Believing,” and “victim-centered.” These investigative approaches discount the presumption of innocence and begin with the assumption that the complainant is being fully truthful. As a result, exculpatory evidence is often discounted or ignored.

Five examples illustrate the due process deficiencies that judges considered in the university lawsuits:

  • In Neal v. Colorado State University-Pueblo, the university opened an investigation into a male student after a classmate saw a hickey on that student’s girlfriend’s neck during class. The girlfriend swore to the university the sex was consensual, but the university decided to “investigate” anyway. The university gave the male student less than 24-hour notice to the hearing and refused to give him a copy of the investigative report.
  • In Doe v. Regents of University of California, a female student accused a male student of sexual assault without providing any witnesses or evidence. Without any investigation, the university put the male student on interim suspension and then did not allow him access to the investigative report once one was created.
  • In Doe v. Purdue University, the university withheld the investigative report, which included a made-up “confession” by the accused student.
  • In Doe v. Brandeis University, the institution refused to interview the accused student’s witnesses, refused to inform him of what he was being investigated for, and refused to allow him to review the investigative report.
  • In Doe v. Syracuse University, the accused student alleged that the university trained its investigators that “perpetrators of sexual assault are supposedly rational actors who plan, practice, and become habitual rapists and sexual predators… [and that] inconsistency in the alleged female victim’s account [is] evidence that her testimony is truthful, because of alleged trauma.”

On May 6, the U.S. Department of Education issued a new regulation that would require campus investigations to be impartial and free of bias. In response, the State of New York filed a lawsuit requesting a Preliminary Injunction against the Title IX regulation (1). SAVE then filed an Amicus Brief highlighting the fact that, “The Regulations require that any coordinator, investigator, decision-maker, or any person designated to facilitate an informal resolution process be free from conflict of interest or bias.” (2) The SAVE Brief urged the Court to reject the New York complaint.

This past Sunday, Judge John Koeltl issued a ruling denying the State of New York request (3). In the opinion, the judge favorably quoted a key provision from the new regulation:

During an investigation of a formal complaint, the school must “[p]rovide both parties an equal opportunity to inspect and review any evidence obtained as part of the investigation that is directly related to the allegations raised in a formal complaint, including the evidence upon which the recipient does not intend to rely in reaching a determination regarding responsibility and inculpatory or exculpatory evidence whether obtained from a party or other source, so that each party can meaningfully respond.” (page 12)

The new Title IX regulation is slated to take effect this coming Friday, August 14 (4). SAVE urges campus administrators to carefully review investigative policies and procedures to assure compliance with the new regulation.

The SAVE analysis, “University Administrators Need to Assure Impartial and Fair Investigations, or Face Legal Consequences,” is available online (5).


Campus Investigations Start By Believing Title IX Trauma Informed

University Administrators Need to Assure Impartial and Fair Investigations, or Face Legal Consequences

August 10, 2020

The past decade has witnessed a veritable explosion in accused-student Title IX litigation, with over 180 judicial decisions rendered to date that are unfavorable to the university. These lawsuits have exposed universities to costly settlements (and a judgment, in one case)[1], not to mention the attorneys’ fees that likely exceed $100,000 per case[2].

One of the most frequently litigated issues in these lawsuits is whether the investigation into alleged sexual misconduct was biased against the accused student. These guilt-presuming investigations are known by a variety of names, such as “trauma-informed,”[3] “Start By Believing,” or “victim-centered.”

An impartial investigation is in the interest of both the accused and accusing student. Hence the Department of Education’s Title IX regulations, scheduled to take effect on August 14, require, among other things, fair and impartial investigations:[4]

“A recipient must ensure that Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any persons who facilitate an informal resolution process, receive training on….. how to serve impartially, including avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias… recipient also must ensure that investigators receive training on issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence….Any materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process, must not rely on sex stereotypes and must promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints of sexual harassment.” [key words in italics]

SAVE hosts an Interactive Spreadsheet that provides a detailed analysis of 138 lawsuits against universities in which the accused student prevailed.[5] Among the 138 cases, the Spreadsheet lists 69 judicial decisions for which the university’s investigation was biased against the accused student – listed in reverse chronological order in the Appendix.

Almost all of the cases come from the trial court level. Of interest, roughly half — 39 — of these opinions involved private universities. There has been a substantial increase in judicial decisions involving biased investigations over the years, suggesting courts’ growing wariness of university procedures:

  • 2014: 3 cases
  • 2015: 2 cases
  • 2016: 5 cases
  • 2017: 14 cases
  • 2018: 15 cases
  • 2019: 15 cases
  • 2020 (six months): 15 cases

At the current pace, the number of lawsuits decided against universities is projected to reach 30 by the end of 2020.

Five of these cases illustrate the often egregious due process violations that the judges considered:

  • In Neal v. Colorado State Univ.-Pueblo, No. 16-CV-873-RM-CBS, 2017 WL 633045 (D. Colo. Feb. 16, 2017), the university opened an investigation into a male student after a classmate saw a hickey on that student’s girlfriend’s neck during class. The girlfriend swore to the university the sex was consensual, but the university decided to “investigate” anyway. The university gave the male student less than 24-hour notice to the hearing and refused to give him a copy of the investigative report.
  • In Doe v. Regents of Univ. of California, 28 Cal. App. 5th 44, 238 Cal. Rptr. 3d 843 (2018), a female student accused a male student of sexual assault without providing any witnesses or evidence. Without any investigation, the university put the male student on interim suspension and then did not allow him access to the investigative report once one was created.
  • In Doe v. Purdue Univ., 928 F.3d 652 (7th Cir. 2019), the university withheld the investigative report, which included a made-up confession by the accused student.
  • In Doe v. Brandeis Univ., 177 F. Supp. 3d 561 (D. Mass. 2016), the university refused to interview the accused student’s witnesses, refused to inform him of what he was being investigated for, and refused to allow him to review the investigative report.
  • In Doe v. Syracuse Univ., 440 F. Supp. 3d 158, 159 (N.D.N.Y. 2020), the accused student alleged that the university trained its investigators that “perpetrators of sexual assault are supposedly rational actors who plan, practice, and become habitual rapists and sexual predators… [and that] inconsistency in the alleged female victim’s account [is] evidence that her testimony is truthful, because of alleged trauma” (internal quotations and citations omitted).

Universities that do not currently conduct impartial and objective investigations should promptly revise their policies and training procedures, both in order to be in compliance with the new Title IX regulation and to avoid costly litigation. Most importantly, they should provide these protections because it is the right thing to do.



Listing of Judicial Decisions Against Universities Involving Biased Investigations, 2014 to Mid-2020

No. Case Caption Citation/Case Number Date of Opinion Judge Court
1 John Doe v. Oberlin College No. 19-3342 29-Jun-20 Kethledge, Raymond U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
2 John Doe v. Purdue University, et al. 2020 WL 2839177 1-Jun-20 Springmann, Theresa U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. Indiana
3 John Doe v. University of the Sciences 2020 WL 2786840 29-May-20 Sanchez, Juan R. U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
4 Tariq Venegas v. Carleton College Case number: 19-cv-01878 1-May-20 Davis, Michael U.S. District Court, Minnesota
5 John Doe v. Colgate University 2020 WL 2079439 30-Apr-20 Scullin, Frederick Jr. U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. New York
6 John Doe v. Syracuse University 2020 WL 2079513 30-Apr-20 McAvoy, Thomas U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. New York
7 J. Lee v. University of New Mexico, et al. 2020 WL 1515381 30-Mar-20 Browning, James U.S. District Court, New Mexico
8 Hannah Rullo v. University of Pittsburgh 2020 WL 1472422 26-Mar-20 Kelly, Maureen U.S. District Court, Western Dist. Pennsylvania
9 Jacob Doe v. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2020 WL 1309461 19-Mar-20 Dillon, Elizabeth U.S. District Court, Western Dist. Virginia
10 John Doe v. Rollins College Case number: 6:18-cv-01069 9-Mar-20 Dalton, Roy U.S. District Court, Middle Dist. Florida
11 Kemari Averett v. Shirley Ann Hardy et al. 2020 WL 1033543 3-Mar-20 Hale, David U.S. District Court, Western Dist. Kentucky
12 Feibleman v. Trustees of Columbia University in City of New York 2020 WL 882429 24-Feb-20 Caproni, Valerie U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. New York
13 John Doe v. Syracuse University, et al. 2020 WL 871250 21-Feb-20 Sannes, Brenda K. U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. New York
14 John Doe v. University of Maine System, et al. 2020 WL 981702 20-Feb-20 Torresen, Nancy U.S. District Court, Maine
15 John Doe v. University of South Alabama, et al. 2020 WL 759895 14-Feb-20 Granade, Callie U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. Alabama
16 Unknown Party v. Arizona Board of Regents 2019 WL 7282027 27-Dec-19 Lanza, Dominic W. U.S. District Court, Arizona
17 John Doe v. Tracy Haas, et al. 427 F.Supp.3d 336 9-Dec-19 Hurley, Denis U.S. District Court, Eastern Dist. New York
18 John Harnois v. UMass-Dartmouth, et al. (pro se) 2019 WL 5551743 28-Oct-19 Stearns, Richard U.S. District Court, Massachusetts
19 John Doe v. Quinnipiac University, et al. 404 F.Supp.3d 643 10-Jul-19 Arterton, Janet Bond U.S. District Court, Connecticut
20 John Doe v. Purdue University, et al. 928 F.3d 652 28-Jun-19 Barrett, Amy Coney U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
21 John Doe v. California Institute of Technology Case Number: BS171416 20-Jun-19 Strobel, Mary Los Angeles (CA) Superior Court
22 John Doe v. Rhodes College Case Number: 2:19-cv-02336 14-Jun-19 Fowlkes, John Jr. U.S. District Court, Tennessee, Western Dist.
23 John Doe v. Northern Michigan University, et al. 2019 WL 2269721 28-May-19 Quist, Gordon U.S. District Court, Michigan, Western Dist.
24 John Doe v. Syracuse University 2019 WL 2021026 8-May-19 Hurd, David U.S. District Court, New York, Northern Dist.
25 John Doe v. Westmont College, et al. 34 Cal.App.5th 622 23-Apr-19 Tangeman, Martin California Appeals Court, Second Dist., Div. Six
26 Jack Montague v. Yale University Case Number:  3:16-cv-00885 29-Mar-19 Covello, Albert U.S. District Court, Connecticut
27 William Norris v. University of Colorado 362 F.Supp.3d 1001 21-Feb-19 Babcock, Lewis U.S. District Court, Colorado
28 David Jia v. University of Miami, et al. Case Number: 1:17-cv-20018 12-Feb-19 Gayles, Darrin U.S. District Court, Florida, Southern Dist.
29 Jacob Oliver v. University of Texas-Southwestern Medical School 2019 WL 536376 11-Feb-19 Boyle, Jane U.S. District Court, Texas, Northern Dist.
30 John Doe v. Rollins College 352 F.Supp.3d 1205 16-Jan-19 Dalton, Roy U.S. District Court, Middle District, Florida
31 John Doe v. University of South Florida St Petersburg Case Number: 17-0028AP-88B 21-Dec-18 Day, Jack Circuit Court, Sixth Judicial Circuit, Florida
32 Erik Powell v. Montana State University, et al. 2018 WL 6728061 21-Dec-18 Haddon, Sam U.S. District Court, Montana
33 John Doe v. University of Southern Mississippi, et al. Case Number: 2:18-cv-00153 26-Sep-18 Starrett, Keith U.S. District Court, Mississippi, Southern Dist.
34 John Doe v. Brown University 327 F.Supp.3d 397 27-Aug-18 McConnell, John U.S. District Court, Rhode Island
35 John Doe v. Ohio State University 323 F.Supp.3d 962 20-Aug-18 Smith, George U.S. District Court, Southern Dist., Ohio
36 John Doe v. Johnson & Wales University Case Number 1:18-cv-00106 24-May-18 McConnell, John U.S. District Court, Rhode Island
37 Jane Roe v. Javaune Adams-Gaston, et al. 2018 WL 5306768 17-Apr-18 Sargus, Edmund Jr. U.S. District Court, Southern Dist, Ohio
38 John Doe v. Regents of the University of California Case Number: BS172217 5-Apr-18 Chalfant, James Los Angeles (CA) Superior Court
39 John Doe v. University of Oregon, et al. 2018 WL 1474531 26-Mar-18 Aiken, Ann U.S. District Court, Oregon
40 John Doe v. Marymount University, et al. 297 F.Supp.3d 573 14-Mar-18 Ellis, T.S. III U.S. District Court, Eastern Dist., Virginia
41 Jason Schaumleffel v. Muskingum University, et al. 2018 WL 1173043 6-Mar-18 Smith, George U.S. District Court, Southern District, Ohio
42 Tyler Gischel v. University of Cincinnati, et al. 302 F.Supp.3d 961 5-Feb-18 Dlott, Susan U.S. District Court, Southern Dist., Ohio
43 John Doe v. Miami University 882 F.3d 579 2-Feb-18 Moore, Karen U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
44 John Doe v. Rider University 2018 WL 466225 17-Jan-18 Martinotti, Brian U.S. District Court, New Jersey
45 John Doe v. The Pennsylvania State University 2018 WL 317934 8-Jan-18 Brann, Matthew U.S. District Court, Middle Dist. Pennsylvania
46 John Doe v. Regents of the University of California Case Number: 17CV03053 22-Dec-17 Geck, Donna Santa Barbara County (CA) Superior Court
47 Kathak Saravanan v. Drexel University 2017 WL 5659821 24-Nov-17 Kearney, Mark U.S. District Court, Eastern Dist., Pennsylvania
48 Matthew Rolph v. Hobart and William Smith Colleges 271 F.Supp.3d 386 20-Sep-17 Wolford, Elizabeth U.S. District Court, Western Dist., New York
49 John Doe v. The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania 270 F.Supp.3d 799 13-Sep-17 Padova, John U.S. District Court, Eastern Dist., Pennsylvania
50 John Doe v. Case Western Reserve University, et al. 2017 WL 3840418 1-Sep-17 Nugent, Donald U.S. District Court, Northern Dist., Ohio
51 Frank Gulyas v. Appalachian State, et al. 2017 WL 3710083 28-Aug-17 Voorhees, Richard U.S. District Court, West. District, North Carolina
52 John Nokes v. Miami University 2017 WL 3674910 25-Aug-17 Barrett, Michael U.S. District Court, Southern Dist., Ohio
53 Cameron Jackson v. Liberty University, et al. 2017 WL 3326972 3-Aug-17 Moon, Norman U.S. District Court, Western Dist. Virginia
54 Nicholas Mancini v. Rollins College 2017 WL 3088102 20-Jul-17 Dalton, Roy U.S. District Court, Middle Dist. Florda
55 In the Matter of John Doe v. Skidmore College 59 N.Y.S.3d 509 13-Jul-17 Garry, Elizabeth Appellate Division (NY) Third Department
56 Koh Tsuruta v. Augustana University 2017 WL 11318533 16-Jun-17 Schreier, Karen U.S. District Court, South Dakota
57 John Doe v. University of Notre Dame 2017 WL 1836939 8-May-17 Simon, Philip U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. Indiana
58 Grant Neal v. Colorado State University-Pueblo 2017 WL 633045 16-Feb-17 Schaffer, Craig U.S. District Court, Colorado
59 John Doe v. Western New England University 228 F.Supp.3d 154 11-Jan-17 Ponsor, Michael U.S. District Court, Massachusetts
60 John Doe v. Brown University 210 F.Supp.3d 310 28-Sep-16 Smith, William U.S. District Court, Rhode Island
61 John Doe v. Columbia University 831 F.3d 46 29-Jul-16 Laval, Pierre U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
62 John Doe v. Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University Case Number: 16-cv-3531 20-May-16 Pauley, William U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. New York
63 John Doe v. University of Southern California 246 Cal.App.4th 221 5-Apr-16 Collins, Aubrey CA Court of Appeals Second District, Division Four
64 John Doe v. Brown University 166 F.Supp.3d 177 22-Feb-16 Smith, William U.S. District Court, Rhode Island
65 John Doe v. Washington and Lee University 2015 WL 4647996 5-Aug-15 Moon, Norman U.S. District Court, Western Dist. Virginia
66 Drew Sterrett v. Heather Cowan, et al. 85 F.Supp.3d 916 4-Feb-15 Hood, Denise U.S. District Court, Eastern Dist. Michigan
67 Abrar Faiaz v. Colgate University 64 F.Supp.3d 336 24-Nov-14 Baxter, Andrew U.S. District Court, Northern Dist. New York
68 Benjamin King v. DePauw University 2014 WL 4197507 22-Aug-14 Lawrence, William U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. Indiana
69 Dezmine Wells v. Xavier University 7 F.Supp.3d 746 12-Mar-14 Spiegel, Arthur U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. Ohio





[4] 34 CFR §106.45(b)(1)
