Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment

Half-Truths, Myths, and Falsehoods in the Campus Sexual Assault Debate

Half-Truths, Myths, and Falsehoods in the Campus Sexual Assault Debate


May 15, 2021

History shows that every moral panic rests upon a series of claims that are misleading, partly true, or outright falsehoods. The campus rape hysteria that pervaded American society beginning in 2011 is no exception to this rule.

Following are four misrepresentations that campus activists have promoted on the problem of sexual assault:

  1. One-in-Five

The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study found that one-in-five women experience “sexual assault” during their college careers.[1] But according to the Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), the rate of rape or sexual assault among female college-age students is 0.6/100 per year.[2] Assuming a four-year college duration, this translates into 2.4/100, which is nearly 10 times less than the one-in-five claim.

The disparity in these numbers can be explained by the different definitions used by the two surveys. In particular, the CSA study includes incidents of sexual contact that do not rise to the level of criminal behavior. Sexual assault is commonly understood to be a criminal offense. Describing the one-in-five number as “sexual assault” is misleading, at best.

Verdict: Misleading factoid.

  1. Unfounded Allegations

Psychologist David Lisak has claimed that “the prevalence of false allegations is between 2% and 10%.”[3] Campus activists repeat this statistic frequently.

But the actual number of unfounded sexual assault accusations is much higher. In the criminal setting, approximately one-third of such allegations are unfounded.[4] On campus, the number is even higher.[5] According to Brett Sokolow, head of the Association of Title IX Administrators, “Probably 40 or 50% of allegations of sexual assault are baseless. There are a lot of cases where someone says they were incapacitated, but the evidence doesn’t support that they weren’t able to make a decision.”[6]

Verdict: Falsehood.

  1. Serial Rapists

David Lisak has also promoted the claim that 90% of campus rapes are committed by serial offenders who average six rapes each. Lisak’s “six rapes each” claim has been cited in numerous reports, and served as justification for the draconian sexual assault policies established on many college campuses.

But the data upon which this claim are founded came from studies conducted by other researchers. After reporter Linda LeFauve interviewed Lisak, she revealed, “I asked about those studies, he first said he was unable to remember their topics, then that they ‘may have been about child abuse history or relationships with parents.’ I asked whether they were about campus sexual assault; he conceded they were not.”[7]

Verdict: Falsehood.

  1. Male Victimization

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 24.8% of men experience some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetimes.[8] This figure comes from the CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, which is considered the most reliable national survey on this topic.[9] In the words of the CDC survey, most of these men were “made to penetrate” their female sexual partners. Thus, the number of men and women who are victimized by sexual violence each year is almost identical.[10]

But campus activists consistently portray the problem of sexual assault as a male-on-female problem. For example, the activist group It’s On Us highlights on its website four different statistics on female sexual victimization….and zero statistics on male victimization.[11]

Verdict: Half-truth, which recalls the old Yiddish proverb, “A half-truth is a whole lie.”[12]


A review of the four leading claims by campus activists identifies one misleading factoid, two falsehoods, and one half-truth.

Research shows that the campus policies promoted by the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter did not increase reporting by victims or reduce campus sexual assaults.[13] To succeed in the quest to curb campus sexual assault, the debate needs to shift so it is based on empirical fact, not ideological presuppositions.


[1] Krebs CP, Lindquist CH, Warner TD, Fisher BS, and Martin SL (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study.

[2] Sofi Sinozich and Lynn Langton (2014), Rape and Sexual Assault Victimization Among College-Age Females, 1995-2013.

[3] David Lisak, Lori Gardiner, Sarah Nicksa, and Ashley Cote (2010). False Allegations of Sexual Assault: An Analysis of Ten Years of Reported Cases. Violence Against Women. 16 (12): 1318–1334.

[4] SAVE (May 7, 2021), One-Third of Sexual Assault Allegations in Criminal Setting Are Unfounded.

[5] SAVE (May 11, 2021), 40-50% of Campus Sexual Assault Allegations Are Unfounded, Revealing Need for Strong Protections of the Innocent.

[6] Quoted in Richard Bernstein (December 16, 2020). Legal experts say Biden’s pushing ahead to the Obama past on campus rape could be a mistake. The Center Square.

[7] Linda Lefauve (July 28, 2015), Campus Rape Expert Can’t Answer Basic Questions About His Sources.

[8] National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Statistics. Accessed May 13, 2021.

[9] Smith, SG, Zhang, X, Basile, KC, Merrick, MT, Wang, J, Kresnow, M, & Chen, J (2018). National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2015 Data Brief – Updated Release. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[10] Lara Stemple and Ilan Meyer (June, 2014), The Sexual Victimization of Men in America: New Data Challenge Old Assumptions. American Journal of Public Health.

[11]  It’s On Us. About Sexual Violence. Accessed May 11, 2021.

[12] Forbes Quotes.

[13] SAVE, Failed Experiment in Campus Jurisprudence, 2011-2019.

Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

The Nomination of Catherine Lhamon: An Oxymoronic Injustice

The Nomination of Catherine Lhamon: An Oxymoronic Injustice

SAVE, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, is a long-standing national leader in the area of campus fairness and civil rights. SAVE supports the interests and rights of both complainants and the accused.

SAVE was surprised by recent news about the nomination of Catherine Lhamon to become the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. We believe this is a serious mistake. It would be an oxymoronic injustice for a person with Lhamon’s long-standing record of determined opposition to “civil rights” to be confirmed to head up a federal “Office for Civil Rights.”

As a result of Lhamon’s aggressive enforcement of the flawed 2011 Dear Colleague Letter and the wrongful campus determinations that followed, numerous appellate court decisions have been handed down upholding due process protections for the accused – see SAVE’s recent Special Report, “Appellate Court Decisions for Allegations of Campus Due Process Violations, 2013-2020.”

More recently, numerous statements in support of campus due process have been issued. The statements by lawmakers and leading newspapers have been issued from approximately equal numbers of liberal and conservative sources – see listing below.

SAVE urges senators to oppose the nomination of Catherine Lhamon to the Office for Civil Rights.




  1. Michael Bloomberg: Bring Better Justice to U.S. Universities
  2. Sen. Richard Burr and Rep. Virginia Foxx: Letter to Department of Education Miguel Cardona
  3. Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax: Statement of April 7

Newspaper Editorial Boards:

  1. Detroit News: Keep Title IX sex assault rules constitutional
  2. Los Angeles Times: Betsy DeVos’s campus sex-assault rules need a tweak, not an overhaul
  3. Washington Post: Biden has a chance to restore balance to  the rules on campus sexual assault


  1. SAVE:
  2. Eugene/Springfield, Oregon Chapter of the NAACP
  3. National Association of Scholars:
  4. Independent Women’s Forum: IWF and Independent Women’s Law Center Urge Biden Administration To Maintain Due Process Protections
  5. FIRE: More than 100 members of Congress to new Education Secretary: Abandon Title IX rules.


  1. David Golub: How Will Title IX Policies Affect Autistic Students?
  2. Raul Jauregui: Removing or Weakening the Presumption of Innocence in Title IX Proceedings Would Institutionalize ‘Cancel Culture’
  3. Wendy McElroy: Due Process on Campus Keeps Justice on the Streets
  4. Andrew Miltenberg and Kristen Mohr: Princeton must consider due process in sexual misconduct policies
  5. Natanya DeWeese: Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Devastating Impact of the Pre-2020 Title IX Regulations on College Students Accused of Title IX Violations.
  6. Doe v. Purchase College: OCR Review of Title IX Regulation Needs to Stop ‘Victim-Centered’ Abuses
  7. Edward Bartlett and Linda Chavez: The Future of Title IX Implementation (podcast)
  8. Buddy Ullman: Biden’s Enigmatic Executive Order on Sex Discrimination
  9. Jennifer Braceras: Attempts To Roll Back Due Process On Campus Hurt Students (radio interview)
  10. James Baresel: Biden, Title IX, and the Dangers Behind “Vague Positives”
  11. KC Johnson: On Title IX, Dems Move to Restore Obama-Era Unfairness
  12. Andrew Sullivan: Emily Yoffe On Due Process and Campus Rape
  13. Just the News: Biden’s plans for campus sexual misconduct regulations leave lawyers puzzled
  14. Justin Dillon and Candice Jackson: Why Does Joe Biden Hate Due Process?
  15. Paul Falanga: Title IX: A Professor’s Premonition Becomes a Disastrous Reality
  16. Jacob Sullum: Biden Threatens to Revive Kangaroo Courts in College Sexual Assault Cases
  17. Cynthia Ward: New Title IX regulations restored fair process — why try to overturn them?
  18. James Baresel: Biden Title IX Revisions Would Destroy Due Process, Create Legal Quagmires, and Not Solve Real Problems
  19. Alison Somin: Biden executive order will lead to due process deficits on campus
  20. Daily Wire: Schow On Fox: Everyone Loses When Due Process Is Rolled Back
  21. Teresa Manning: Biden Title IX bid to ‘believe all women’ will meet its match on campuses
  22. David Harsanyi: Biden Prepares to Strip College Students of Due-Process Rights
  23. Campus Reform: Biden signs executive order in move toward revoking rule aimed at preserving due process
  24. Jordan Davidson: Biden Wars Against Biological Sex And Due Process With Two New Executive Orders
  25. Washington Examiner: A conversation with Brooklyn College professor KC Johnson
Campus Due Process Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

Eugene/Springfield, Oregon NAACP Endorses New Title IX Regulation

May 11, 2021

As Executive Director and representative of the Eugene/Springfield, Oregon office of the NAACP, I’d like to state our full support for the change in regulations to allow for substantive due process for all students accused of misconduct in our universities and college campuses.

After consideration by our legal redress committee and  our committee chair, attorney Brian Michaels, as well as the review of articles on the topic, including a statement by SAVE, we have decided that this effort deserves our support. The SAVE release explains:

“Analyses show although black male students are far outnumbered on college campuses, they are four times more likely than white students to file lawsuits alleging their rights were violated in Title IX proceedings, and at one university OCR investigated for racial discrimination, black male students were accused of 50% of the sexual violence reported to the university yet they comprised only 4.2% of the student population.“

And for added weight, this from former Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg:

“There’s been criticism of some college codes of conduct for not giving the accused person a fair opportunity to be heard, and that’s one of the basic tenets of our system, as you know, everyone deserves a fair hearing.”

Eric Richardson

Executive Director

Eugene/Springfield, Oregon NAACP

Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment

Colleges are Facing Skyrocketing Insurance Premiums, Partly Due to Flawed Sexual Assault Proceedings

Colleges are Facing Skyrocketing Insurance Premiums, Partly Due to Flawed Sexual Assault Proceedings

Minding the Campus

May 9, 2021

There is a growing line of cases in which colleges have been held liable for running defective campus sexual assault discipline proceedings. More than 500 such cases have been brought nationally. As often happens, the plaintiffs lost most of the early cases. In more recent years, however, the cases have noticeably trended against the college defendants….

According to a 2017 story, “[a] five-year study conducted by United Educators found that the average lawsuit filed against colleges by alleged sexual assault perpetrators costs $187,000.”  I expect this number has increased substantially since 2017 as more cases have survived early motions to dismiss, which is the point at which defense costs rise significantly.

A college president responded to one of my earlier emails with a link to a story that appeared last month in the Chronicle of Higher Education. I take no joy in being right in my prediction about skyrocketing insurance premiums. (For the record, I first made this prediction in late 2018.)

The good news is that colleges, to a large extent, can reduce their litigation exposure. I predicted several years ago that Educators United would start offering advice to colleges on how to reduce their litigation risk in much the same way workers compensation insurers have done for decades. I also predicted they would start to use differential pricing to reflect the differing risk profiles. If college A adopts risk mitigation strategies and college B doesn’t, then college A would receive a lower premium.

To take a not-unrealistic example: We can identify, based on a growing line of court cases, certain red flags that increase the risk of adverse outcomes if a college is sued over its sexual assault discipline procedures. These include the use of a single investigator model; inadequate notice of the allegations; not allowing the accused to see evidence, to be represented by counsel, or to call witnesses; not allowing cross examination of witnesses, etc. Considering the recent premium increases, I expect we will see insurance carriers be more proactive in encouraging colleges to reduce their risk profiles.

Colleges face an increasingly complex and unpredictable array of challenges—abuse, harassment, assault, police misconduct, accidents, health and environmental hazards, fiduciary wrongdoing, the pandemic—that are making it more difficult to calculate risk and insure against it.

That’s a big part of why annual insurance premiums have gone up by double digits in recent years. John McLaughlin, senior managing director of the higher-education practice at Gallagher, an insurance brokerage and risk-management and consulting firm, says those increases range between an average of 10 and 35 percent across an institution’s insurance portfolio.

Excerpted from: 

Campus False Allegations Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX Wrongful Convictions

PR: 40-50% of Campus Sexual Assault Allegations Are Unfounded, Revealing Need for Strong Protections of the Innocent


Contact: Rebecca Stewart

Telephone: 513-479-3335


40-50% of Campus Sexual Assault Allegations Are Unfounded, Revealing Need for Strong Protections of the Innocent

WASHINGTON / May 11, 2021 – Analyses of sexual assault allegations at colleges and universities reveal 40-50% are unfounded. Black male students are at especially high risk of being wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct. SAVE urges universities to maintain and strengthen due process protections to assure a reliable determination in campus proceedings.

An early study by Eugene Kanin reported that the police department in a Midwestern city concluded that 41% of 109 rape allegations were false. Kanin then did a follow-up study at two large colleges, concluding that 50% of campus rape complaints were untrue (1).

More recently, Brett Sokolow confirmed, “Probably 40 or 50% of allegations of sexual assault are baseless. There are a lot of cases where someone says they were incapacitated, but the evidence doesn’t support that they weren’t able to make a decision.” (2) Sokolow is the head of the Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA), and is regarded as a national expert on sexual assault in the campus setting.

Black male students are at especially high risk of being wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct:

  1. Title IX For All analyzed demographic data from 650 lawsuits filed against colleges. Among the 30% of cases in which the race of the accused student was known, black students are four times as likely as white students to file lawsuits alleging their rights were violated in Title IX disciplinary proceedings (3).
  2. During a 2015 Senate hearing, Harvard Law Professor Janet Halley observed that, “male students of color are accused and punished at ‘unreasonably high rates’ in campus sexual misconduct investigations.” (4)

Colgate University has revealed that black male students represented 50% of all sexual violations reported to the institution, even though black students represent only 4% of all undergraduate students (5). SAVE has compiled numerous case studies of Black students who were wrongfully accused (6).

Activist David Lisak has claimed that only 6% of campus allegations are “false.” (7) But Lisak did not consider the many other reasons why an allegation can be determined to be “unfounded.” Air Force judge advocate Reggie Yager reveals that about 45% of the cases Lisak reviewed did not proceed because there was insufficient evidence, the complainant withdrew from the process, the accuser couldn’t identify the perpetrator, or the allegation did not rise to the level of a sexual assault (8).

In the past, sexual assault activists stated that unfounded accusations were rare. In her book, Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape, Susan Brownmiller asserted that only 2% of sexual assault cases are false (9). This claim was refuted when it was revealed that her statistic was based on a casual comment made by a judge at a bar association meeting (10). Legal scholar Michelle Anderson likewise reported, “no study has ever been published which sets forth an evidentiary basis for the two percent false rape complaint thesis.” (11)

To reduce the risk of wrongful determinations of campus sexual assault, SAVE calls on college officials to assure impartial investigations, fair adjudications, and the presumption of innocence.


Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

How Will Title IX Policies Affect Autistic Students?

How Will Title IX Policies Affect Autistic Students?

By David Golub

May 9, 2021

Dating and relationships can be a challenging aspect for life for many people, but this is especially true for those who are on the autism spectrum.  In addition to the uncertainties that all people face, autistic individuals must confront certain additional questions: Will anyone want to date an unusual person like myself?  How will the physical aspects of a romantic relationship interplay with my sensory integration issues, and will my partner be understanding of any special needs that I may have?  Will she still love me when she learns that I’m autistic?

When the Department of Education’s 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter interpreted Title IX to require that schools investigate and adjudicate allegations of sexual assault, many expressed concern that innocent men had been placed at greater risk of being punished for crimes that they did not commit.  For those of us concerned with issues relating to autism, this begs the question of whether autistic students are disproportionately affected.  While no research has yet been done on this question, there is nonetheless good reason to believe that autistic students are at greater risk than their neurotypical counterparts.

There is one case documented in the press where an autistic student was punished inappropriately.[1]  In 2015, Brian Ferguson, then a student at Navarro College in Texas, saw a woman whom he mistakenly believed to be his friend, even though she was in fact a stranger.  He hugged her and kissed the top of her head.  The school treated this as a sexual assault and kicked him out.

Those unfamiliar with autism will likely not recognize what appears to have happened in this case.  Many autistic people have a neurological deficit known as prosopagnosia in which a person’s ability to recognize and remember the faces of others is severely impaired or, in the most extreme cases, completely missing.  It is not the fault of a person with prosopagnosia if they fail to recognize someone or mistakenly believe that a stranger is someone that they know.  This case should have been treated as an innocent misunderstanding, not as a violent crime.  The school’s failure to do so had the effect of discriminating against Ferguson on the basis of his disability.

There is also good reason for concern that the affirmative consent policies used by many academic institutions may have a disparate impact on autistic students.  Under these policies, both parties must explicitly express their consent prior to any sexual act in order for it to not be held to constitute sexual assault.  While the exact definition of affirmative consent may vary from institution to institution, many policies require that consent must be “enthusiastic”[2][3] in order to be valid or contain provisions that a verbal “yes” does not constitute valid consent if it is contradicted by nonverbal cues.[4]  While supporters of affirmative consent often call it “Yes Means Yes,” this label is highly misleading as “yes” may actually mean “no” if the nonverbal communication does not match.  Sexual consent educator Jaclyn Friedman asserts that “men (and women!) are perfectly capable of understanding social cues, even ones where someone is saying ‘no’ without using that actual word.”[5]

The problem is that this claim simply does not hold for many people on the autism spectrum.  Autistic individuals often have impairments in various forms of nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language.  The semantic and pragmatic aspects of language, sometimes known more informally as “reading between the lines,” are also often an area of challenge.  As such, if a woman says “yes” but signals nonverbally or through the context that she really means “no,” an autistic man may not be able to tell the difference and may genuinely believe that he has consent.  To treat him as guilty of sexual assault in such cases is an injustice.

In seeking to ensure that autistic students are treated fairly under Title IX, it is important to recognize that not all people on the autism spectrum are diagnosed.  While the stereotypical image of autism is a child with a severe developmental disability, often one who is unable to talk, many autistic people are high-functioning and do not receive a diagnosis until adulthood, sometimes many years or even decades into adulthood.[6]

Prosopagnosia, the face recognition deficit discussed above, is not unique to autistic people.  Research has found that as many as 1 in 50 people are born with this deficit, and the overwhelming majority remain undiagnosed.[7]  As such, if we wish to ensure that people with these disabilities are not thrown under the bus, relying on special treatment on the basis of a diagnosis simply won’t cut it.  Our Title IX policies that are used across the board should be designed in a way that won’t subject individuals to being treated as criminals on account of autistic traits.

The Department of Education has initiated a rulemaking process to modify the regulations promulgated under the prior administration.  These regulations substantially improved due process protections, and it is feared that that the changes will bring back many of the unfair policies that were in use under “Dear Colleague” letter.  If so, these changes would be to the detriment of autistic students.

If we are serious about ensuring that all students have equal opportunity to learn, then the needs of autistic students must be taken into account.  This will be best accomplished by further strengthening due process protections.  Schools should be prohibited from using the affirmative consent standard, and they should be required to use a definition of sexual assault that is narrow enough to distinguish between a violent crime and an innocent mistake.  Returning to the failed policies of the past would be a huge step backward.









Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

Removing or Weakening the Presumption of Innocence in Title IX Proceedings Would Institutionalize ‘Cancel Culture’

Removing or Weakening the Presumption of Innocence in Title IX Proceedings Would Institutionalize ‘Cancel Culture’

Raul Jauregui, Esq.

May 5, 2021

The presumption of innocence, currently enshrined in US law when we face an accusation, makes it fair for everyone because we can state our defense.  This includes any victims, be they man or woman.  In the case of the “DeVos Title IX rules” (Rules), that fairness currently means that when a woman accuses a man of sexual misconduct, and then the man turns around and tells the school “not so, it was actually she who did to my body things I did not permit,” both the woman and the man stand on equal footing to prove their story.  Under the Rules both man and woman can investigate, evaluate, and tell their side of the story because they are both presumed innocent.  That is precious.

But President Biden’s possible rollback of the Rules seeks to take away from all students, be they man or woman, black or white, gay or straight, that precious fairness by assuming guilt according to who accused whom first, that is, by writing “cancel culture” into the law.  That is wrong.  Cancel culture is a private act: People can stop talking to each other in protest all they want, but we cannot pass a law that prevents anyone to tell their side of the story to a school.  Incorporating cancel culture into the Title IX rules by assuming guilt formally silences only one side.  If we do that we engage in discrimination.

I present this fictional scenario, based on my experiences as a Title IX lawyer. to illustrate the risk that cancel culture’s institutionalization of the assumption of guilt would pose for educational fairness:

Because of a sordid history of childhood sexual abuse, Carmela Otolumbi, suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (1) and still got admitted to Seaside State University.  But her school’s Title IX staff and classmates do not know she has DID—they only see “Carmela” the 19 year old overachiever, not her DID twin, “Carmela2.0” the 19 year old cruel punisher.  So when Carmela2.0 accuses Pedro Juarez, another student at Seaside, of sexual assault, everyone believes her and Pedro ends up back home, angry, and suspended.  Classic for DID patients, Carmela, the overachiever, suddenly thrives in the attention she receives from everyone.  DID overachievers, after all, deserve what Carmela now has and did not get as a child: #survivor status, special school funding, secure housing of her choice, and the respect of all the women on campus. #respect. Pedro, meanwhile, has gone from pre-med student to car washer.  His life is over. Carmela starts public speaking about her assault experience, about her #seasiderapist (she baptizes him that, hashtag and all), and about how she experiences daily triggers that re-traumatize her, particularly because Pedro remains active on social media.

Carmela2.0, the cruel punisher one, in a classic DID way, cannot stand Pedro’s Insta photos in Cancun.  So she takes her rage to Tiktok and starts a campaign to cancel Pedro. #whodidyourapeinCancun?  Carmela2.0 goes nuclear in her attempt to expel Pedro from Seaside and to, while she is at it, get everyone at Seaside State fired.  #Seasideenoughrape. Carmela2.0, in a DID attack, starts on-line fund raising, publishes her sad fiction on Medium, receives over $10,540.00 for her legal fund, has a rally which she live streams on Instagram, blogs, and makes TikTok cameos.  She’s #woke. Carmela 2.0 does everything she can to cancel Pedro.  And she expects Title IX to do the same: Carmela2.0, as any DID punisher would, demands that everyone believe her word that Pedro is guilty and that this is #theT9law to protect a #TitleIXsurvivor.  Of course, Carmela2.0 never shares as part of her cancel campaign, that Pedro says she raped him, or that she suffers from DID.  Cancel culture is so powerful, though, that Carmela2.0 grins from ear to ear as her followers on Insta explode, #ally and as more and more students at Seaside call out the culture of tolerance that led to her “exploitation” and sign on-line petitions to expel Pedro #expelCarmela’srapist, and to fire everyone in Seaside’s staff.  Why not?!  I mean, #metoo.

Both Carmelas have now cancelled Pedro’s life at Seaside State.  On line, both Carmelas have done away with Pedro’s presumption of innocence.  Because #Seasiderapist brings up Pedro’s Cancun photos, Google tags him, so he moves to a secret home.  Pedro has been found guilty and convicted on social media.  All his friends block him on Insta.  His Tweeter feed is overwhelmed with slurs.  Year-long Snaps with ex friends suddenly end.  Pedro’s Seaside roommate and best witness also drops out of every single chat group and snap because cancel culture makes him the #Seasiderapist #enabler—he, the kid studying religion.  And Seaside State does nothing to cure Pedro’s on–line re-victimization even though Pedro and his girlfriend complain to Seaside State’s administrators, and to the local district attorney, that this is Carmela2.0’s conspiracy to violate their civil rights.  Twitter refuses to suspend Carmela’s @Seasiderapesurvivor.

Emboldened, both Carmelas become Title IX activists.  They blog and Tiktok as hard as they can that “their #survivor experience” demands that the Rules must be changed to assume that Pedro is guilty, and that Seaside State has not punished him enough.  This time the Carmelas start fund raising on line, to sue to change the Rules.

What Pedro, his roommate, his girlfriend, and some Seaside State employees just experienced from both the Carmelas, “cancel culture” “is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. (2). Cancel culture turns off the light and makes it all dark.  But most importantly, cancel culture is a private choice—akin to shopping on Amazon or not, and not a public rule—akin to you must have a driver’s license or you can’t drive. This private/public distinction is why what the Carmelas now want, to incorporate cancel culture into the Title IX rules, is unfair: It transforms cancel culture, a private, harsh remedy, into an unconstitutional governmental act.  That is absurd.  Yet, sadly, cancel culture’s most direct impact on the Title IX rollback activism can be seen on real, Carmela-like calls to eliminate the Rules’ presumption of innocence.  That is, in our example, to pass a law that takes away Pedro’s ability show the evidence, tell his story, and rescue his name from cancellation, to then regain his career, and his life.

Cancel culture’s call to stop the presumption of innocence takes away the Title IX guarantee that everyone has the right to an education that is free from sexual hostility.  Incorporating cancel culture into the Rules has many fatal flaws:  It assumes that all men are indeed guilty. (They are not).  It makes no room for mistakes, revenges, confusions and staff ineptitude. (These happen all the time).  It rushes to judgment in a way no different from the summary trials of any authoritarian dictatorship.  Cancel culture as privately applied to the virtual reality world in which students facing sexual misconduct are shamed, makes them guilty, ON THE INTERNET.  But to then take that insolence and make it law, which eliminates the precious presumption of innocence so natural to life in the US, violates our social norms.  Cancel culture takes the worst tool of authoritarianism—coercion—and, should it be incorporated into the Rules, as the Carmelas want, would use this coercion to replace one of the best attributes of our democracy—the presumption of innocence.

Even through this fiction that I just wrote out for you, in an environment limited to Carmela’s mental illness and her smart phone’s screen,  you see how cancel culture brings up the worst in us.  What Carmela has not yet grasped is that in canceling Pedro, she raped him.  What we all need to agree on is that under the Rules for Title IX Pedro, while innocent to begin with, is presumed innocent as a matter of law.  To change or weaken that guarantee in the form Rules that institutionalize “cancel culture” by rejecting the assumption of innocence, by granting complainants the power to brand their respondents “guilty” just because that’s the #staywoke thing to do, turns the United States higher education scene into a Gulag, it lets the inmates run the insane asylum, and puts everyone—including vulnerable gay students and students of color at risk.

The current Title IX regulation only barely makes the process fair for respondents of allegations of sexual misconduct.  To take away the fairness in those rules by presuming guilt makes “cancel culture,” a private remedy, the official standard for education law in the US.  That is wrong.


Campus Office for Civil Rights Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Devastating Impact of the Pre-2020 Title IX Regulations on College Students Accused of Title IX Violations

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Devastating Impact of the Pre-2020 Title IX Regulations on College Students Accused of Title IX Violations

Natanya DeWeese, Esq.

It is common knowledge that criminal defendants have constitutional rights, including the right to confront the witnesses against them.  College students accused of violating Title IX have far fewer rights.  Instead of being found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, they are found responsible by a preponderance of the evidence.  This legal standard is applied by college faculty, staff, and sometimes students, many of whom have no legal knowledge.  To a college student accused of violating Title IX, the possibility of losing their college education and future career is just as serious as a defendant facing criminal charges.  If the due process protections given to accused students in the 2020 regulations[1] are rescinded, accused students will lose the few rights they have in these proceedings.  As an attorney who represents students accused of Title IX violations, I have seen firsthand the devastating impact the pre-2020 regulations had on accused students and the unfair outcomes that resulted when the accused could not tell their stories.

The current policy of permitting advisors to cross-examine allows the accused to explore inconsistencies and challenge credibility, and allows the hearing panel to determine the truth.  Without cross-examination, the accuser dictates the narrative, permitting hearing panels to find students responsible for sexual misconduct based on very little evidence.  This has devastating consequences for accused students, including suspension or expulsion.  If an accuser admitted in writing that she consented and she was not afraid of the accused, but testified to the contrary at the hearing, the accused would have no opportunity to question her about these inconsistencies without cross-examination.  Without a way for the accused to ask follow-up questions or challenge the accuser’s credibility, a hearing panel would not explore possible evidence of consent and could find the accused responsible based on the accuser’s testimony.  Since suspension or expulsion are likely sanctions for students found responsible for sexual misconduct, there is too much at stake to not allow the truth to be explored.

Before the regulations permitted advisors to cross-examine, colleges enacted poor substitutes that did not allow students’ stories to be told.  Approaches included having students submit questions to the hearing chair in advance to ask each other at the hearing, having students or their advisor email the hearing chair during the hearing with questions for a witness, or relying on interview transcripts in the investigation file and not having the witnesses testify at all.  These approaches resulted in students reading prepared answers at the hearing with no opportunity to ask each other follow-up questions, allowing hearing chairs to change the wording of questions so they asked something entirely different from what the student intended, and hearing panels making determinations based on transcripts of interviews with witnesses who had no personal knowledge of the incident and barely knew the accused. None of these approaches allowed accused students to meaningfully question their accuser or witnesses.

It is also important to retain the policy that colleges provide an investigative report that fairly summarizes the evidence.  Without a fair report, colleges are free to proceed based only on information from the accused.  In one case[2], the investigative file was missing most of what the accused student said in his interview with the investigator.  The college claimed the recording of his interview was corrupted and the investigator didn’t take notes.  Rather than interviewing him again, the college proceeded to a hearing, with a file that contained several pages of evidence from the accuser and half a page from the accused.  The student was found responsible and suspended.

Students who are suspended or expelled for Title IX violations face the sudden end of their educational and career aspirations.  They are left in a world of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and depression.  Do they want to return to the college that suspended them? Can they transfer to another college with this mark on their record? Do they even want to try? And what will become of their future if they don’t?  They are ostracized by their peers and fear interactions with others.  For the falsely accused, it is as if they are wearing a scarlet letter “R” for “rapist,” but they did nothing wrong.

Despite college policies claiming that students are presumed innocent, this is not always the case in practice, especially before the 2020 regulations.  Students feel they are presumed guilty and that nothing they say makes a difference, especially when they are not given a fair opportunity to tell their side of the story or challenge the evidence against them.  The process is traumatic and dehumanizing for students, creating a PTSD that is triggered even by receiving an email from a college official.  They don’t trust the colleges to get to the truth of what happened.  Without allowing students to cross-examine their accusers or receive a fair investigation, how can colleges accurately determine who is responsible and who is not?

I do not diminish the trauma that victims of sexual assault go through.  OCR should consider that accused students are traumatized too, especially under the prior regulations that gave them few rights and little opportunity to have their side of the story told. OCR should give students equal rights and opportunities to be heard, because without regulations that give both students due process, the colleges will not.


[1] “U.S. Department of Education Launches New Title IX Resources for Students, Institutions As New Rule Takes Effect,” August 14, 2020,

[2] OCR found that the college discriminated against this student on the basis of sex and did not provide him with a fair process.

Campus DED Sexual Assault Directive Department of Education Sexual Assault

Did the 2011 DCL Contribute to University Failures in Staff-on-Student Sex Scandals?

Did the 2011 DCL Contribute to University Failures in Staff-on-Student Sex Scandals?


April 26, 2021

Much has been written about the failures of the Dear Colleague Letter issued by the Department of Education in 2011, including:

  1. No demonstrated improvement in the reporting of sexual assault
  2. An increase in the rate of sexual assaults
  3. Lawsuits by wrongfully accused students
  4. Millions of dollars spent by university Title IX programs

Three highly publicized cases of staff-on-student sexual abuse suggest another shortcoming of the DCL policy:

Michigan State University: “The U.S. Education Department fined Michigan State University $4.5 million in September for failing to respond to sexual assault complaints against Nassar. The same day, MSU President Samuel Stanley Jr. announced the resignation of Provost June Youatt, saying the investigation findings showed she and former President Lou Anna Simon “failed to take appropriate action on behalf of the university to address reports of inappropriate behavior and conduct.” according to an account of the incident.”

University of Southern California: “Since the release of the initial Los Angeles Times article published on May 16, 2018, hundreds of USC students and alumni have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse, assault, battery, and harassment. Over the years, many patients reported that Tyndall was unprofessional, creepy, or made them feel “uncomfortable and violated.” There were multiple requests to change providers and not see Tyndall again. Complaints were generally addressed internally by USC Engemann Student Health Center executive director, Larry Neinstein.”

UCLA: “James Heaps, 67, a one-time gynecologist who is at the center of the scandal at UCLA, also still faces criminal charges for his actions during his 1983-2019 career at the university, in its student health center and at its medical center. The Los Angeles Times reported that the doctor was first arrested  in June 2019 for sexually touching two patients in 2017….The UC system said that it has improved procedures and will undertake more reforms as part of the class-action settlement, the newspaper reported:

“UCLA agreed to create a new process for investigating allegations of sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct. It must also implement a formal chaperone policy for patients. It must also initiate a training program on boundaries and ensure that patients are informed about reporting misconduct.”

While the staffers’ sexual abuse of students began during the years prior to the issuance of the 2011 DCL, university officials consistently failed to take appropriate actions in response to student complaints made during the years following release of the DCL. This reveals that the Dear Colleague Letter did not improve university responses to complaints of staff-on-student sexual abuse. Indeed, the hysteria about student-on-student sexual assault, which permeated campuses during the past decade, may have diverted attention from the burgeoning problem of staff-on-student sexual abuse.

Campus Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Title IX

Doe v. Purchase College: OCR Review of Title IX Regulation Needs to Stop ‘Victim-Centered’ Abuses

Doe v. Purchase College: OCR Review of Title IX Regulation Needs to Stop ‘Victim-Centered’ Abuses

April 21, 2021

“Victim-centered” philosophy has become widely utilized by campus adjudication panels across the country (1).  “Victim-centered” ideology presumes that the accuser is always telling the truth, and any inconsistencies in his or her testimony are taken as actual proof of the putative traumatization. Of course, this assumption precludes the possibility that her memory was affected by excessive alcohol intake, or that she may be recounting a well-embellished falsehood.

Recently the New York Supreme Court ruled on a case in which a female student from the State University of New York – Purchase claimed she was a victim of PTSD, which she said precluded her from giving consent to sexual intercourse.

According to a recent commentary, the New York State affirmative consent policy states students “must obtain consent at every escalation of sexual activity through words or actions. In practice, schools have punished students after accusers claim they didn’t give constant consent, like a continuous question-and-answer session. As I have previously reported, there simply is no way for an accused student to prove they obtained affirmative consent under current, draconian policies.” (2)

According to Doe, he and a female Purchase College — State University of New York student were watching a movie one evening with some other students at Doe’s dorm suite. When Doe decided to attend another party, the woman asked, and was permitted to stay at the dorm suite with the other students.

When Doe later returned to the dormitory, the female asked another student to leave so the two students could be alone. She then asked Doe if she could stay the night and requested a pair of Doe’s pajamas to change into. The woman then got into Doe’s bed. The two students began to kiss, and the woman assisted Doe in removing her pajama bottoms. After some initial sexual activity, Complainant took the initiative to request Doe to use a condom. The encounter then progressed to sexual intercourse.

The following day, Doe attempted to contact the female student in a friendly, everyday manner. Three days later she reported the encounter as a sexual assault. A Title IX investigation concluded with Doe being charged with a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, which prohibits any sexual act without consent or sexual intercourse with someone considered to be physically helpless.

The school Hearing Board determined that statements by the woman (now the “Complainant”) about giving consent were conflicting and unreliable. The Board stated it was “concerned that some of [Complainant’s] statements after her initial report were tainted by reading the supports of other witnesses and parties.” This assessment was largely due to the woman’s accounts changing from what she said to the University Police and Title IX Investigator, compared to how she testified during the hearing.

For example, the Complainant told the Police that she was not fearful of Doe.  But the woman later told the Hearing Board that she did not ask Doe to stop because she was fearful of him. Additionally, the student changed the reasons for her inability to give consent: First it was fear, then incapacitation due to alcohol, finally it was an anxiety attack.

In contrast, Doe testified that the Complainant was of sound mind throughout the interaction and believed there was clear-cut consent, based on her actions. Nevertheless, the Hearing Board concluded that while the kissing and removal of the Complainant’s pants were consented to, the remainder of the sexual activity was not. The SUNY Purchase’s Appeals Board found that Doe violated the Student Code of Conduct and suspended him for one year.

Doe then filed an Article 78 appeal to ask the New York Supreme Court to review SUNY Purchase’s determination that he violated code C.8 of the SUNY Purchase Student Code of Conduct.

The Court noted that its review of the case was limited to whether SUNY Purchase’s decision was based on substantial evidence. Substantial evidence is relevant proof that would lead a reasonable mind may accept as adequate to support a conclusion or ultimate fact.

The Court cited Education Law § 6441(1), which states that “consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create clear permission regarding willingness to engage in the sexual activity.” The Court noted that the college Hearing Board had reported Complainant’s testimony lacked credibility. The Court concluded that the SUNY Purchase’s decision to punish Doe “was not supported by substantial evidence,” and that the alleged absence of consent amounted to mere conjecture and speculation.

On March 31, 2021 the Court issued a ruling that annulled SUNY Purchase’s decision and dismissed the charge that Doe violated the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, the Court vacated all penalties against Doe and ordered the expungement of any references to such findings from his academic record (3).

Kimberly Lau (4), counsel to the accused student, explained, “John Doe was found responsible of sexual assault despite the Hearing Board’s determination that the complainant’s testimony on consent was ‘unreliable and conflicting.’ SUNY Purchase’s disciplinary decision was illogical and in violation of NY State law and its own policies on consent. I’m pleased the Court unanimously agreed.”

OCR Review

Ironically, just three weeks before the Court issued its ruling, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order calling for the Department of Education to consider “suspending, revising, or rescinding” the newly implemented Title IX regulation (5).

The Biden Order is relevant to the New York case because the new regulation requires that complainants and respondents be treated “equitably,” which means “impartial investigations and adjudications,” including “an objective evaluation of all relevant evidence,” according to the language of the regulation (6).

Clearly, the SUNY Purchase adjudication process was not impartial, objective, or equitable.

So as the Office for Civil Rights moves forward with its review of the Title IX regulation, the Office needs to pay attention to the findings of the New York Supreme Court. Specifically, the OCR needs to consider revising the existing regulation to discourage colleges’ reliance on biased “victim-centered” methods, and improve the specificity of its requirements for impartial, objective, and equitable adjudications.


  6. Section 106.45 (b)(1).