
State Lawmakers Need to Keep Working to Oppose the ‘Gender Agenda’


Contact: Robert D. Thompson




State Lawmakers Need to Keep Working to Oppose the ‘Gender Agenda’

WASHINGTON / March 12, 2025 — Since January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump has signed 83 Executive Orders, including ones dealing with transgender issues. (1) These Orders include:

  • Ordering federal agencies to only recognize a biological, binary definition of sex, (2)
  •  Prohibiting federal money from being used to provide ”gender-affirming” care to federal inmates; and
  • Authorizing the Pentagon to bar transgender soldiers and sailors from serving. (3)

Executive Orders are being challenged in the Federal Courts, Including 10 lawsuits on the transgender issue. (4) and (5)

Despite these Orders, transgender advocates continue to work at the local level to advance their unscientific agenda. Parents Defending Education has developed an IndocNation Map that provides examples of school districts disregarding parental rights regarding children who undergo gender transitioning in public schools. (6) For example, the Buncombe County Schools in North Carolina has a school policy to keep gender identity of students hidden from parents. (7)

A number of state-level bills have been introduced on gender transitioning, use of bathroom facilities, and gender transitioning of children in public schools. A few examples include:

  • Kentucky: Senate Bill 2, which passed two weeks ago, will end hormone treatments for 67 current Kentucky inmates and prohibit the use of public funds for any future gender-affirming surgeries for transgender  prisoners. (8) and (9)
  • West Virginia: Senate Bill 154, which recently passed the Senate, aims to restrict instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools. The bill prohibits public school employees from providing false or misleading information to parents regarding a student’s gender identity or intention to transition. (10) and (11)
  • Texas: HB 3817 would make it illegal for a person to present to an employer or a governmental agency as different from their birth sex. The bill defines this as gender identity fraud. (12)  and (13)

In addition, several state legislators are introducing legislation regarding persons who use opposite sex bathroom facilities, such as:

  • Texas: Bills (HB 239) and (SB 249) would assure that women’s locker rooms, shelters, bathrooms, and other sex separated spaces are safe and private for women. both bills are known as The Texas Woman’s Privacy Act. (14) and (15)

Other legislation concerns the use of pronouns and a parental right to know if their child is being transitioned in schools:

  • Oklahoma: House Bill 1361 (HB1361) prohibits students and school personnel from using certain pronouns or alternate names in certain situations. (16)
  • Missouri: House Bill 1085 (HB1085) prohibit public school staff from discussing sexual orientation or gender identity in the classroom. (17)

SAVE urges state lawmakers to continue to introduce bills that address these important  issues.

SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process, fairness, and equal opportunities for men.





Three Quarters of Americans Support Special Measures for Men, As Governors Continue to Speak Out


Contact: Robert D. Thompson



Three Quarters of Americans Support Special Measures for Men, As Governors Continue to Speak Out 

WASHINGTON / March 5, 2025 – A recent national survey shows a high level of support to address issues that are affecting men. A SAVE survey, conducted by YouGov between February 27 – 28, reveals a broad mandate from the American public to move forward in this area.

Following are the survey highlights:

  1. Nearly three-quarters — 73% — of respondents agree that society should invest in addressing the societal challenges that men face such as higher rates of suicide, homelessness, and work fatalities.
  2. Mental health support specifically for men (56%), homelessness prevention and support for men (54%), and reducing the stigma around men asking for help (50%) are the top three issues that respondents consider a priority,
  3. No major differences were seen between men and women in their survey responses

A table displaying response differences by sex, race, educational level, and other variables is available online. (1)

Studies show men have fallen behind women in 12 major areas such as health, education, homelessness, and more. (2)

Lawmakers have begun to take note of a situation that many are now describing as a “crisis.” (3)  Last week, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D), long-time advocate for women’s rights, issued a statement to address a range of challenges affecting young men. Whitmer promised, “I’m signing an executive directive that will make an effort to reach more young men and boost their enrollment in our higher education and skills training programs.” (4)

Other lawmakers advocating on behalf of men and boys include: Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D), Senator Josh Hawley, Missouri (R), and U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson 24th District of Florida (D). (5)

The newly established Men’s Equality Network consists of groups seeking to address the crisis of men and boys in America. (6) To date, 23 organizations have joined the Men’s Equality Network as members. (7)

We urge all lawmakers to support special measures for men through legislative action.

The Men’s Equality Network is the U.S. – based affiliate of SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process, fairness, and equal opportunities for men. (8)

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1,169 adults. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).


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Vice President Vance Speaks Out on Behalf of Men, Promises Help with Public Policy


Contact: Robert D. Thompson


Vice President Vance Speaks Out on Behalf of Men, Promises Help with Public Policy

WASHINGTON / February 26, 2025 – The recent 2024 elections brought greater awareness of the problems and concerns of men and boys. In response, Vice President JD Vance spoke out at the CPAC conference held last week in Maryland in support of placing a priority on helping men.

Vance stated, to strong audience applause:

“I think that our culture sends a message to young men that you should suppress every masculine urge, you should try to cast aside your family, you should try to suppress what makes you a young man in the first place, and I think that my message to young men is don’t allow this broken culture to send you a message that you’re a bad person because you’re a man, because you like to tell a joke, because you like to have a beer with your friends, or because you’re competitive.” (1)

Vance concluded with this promise: “we’re going to help with our public policy to make it possible to do that.”

Other supportive comments from both Republican and Democrat lawmakers include:

  • Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) in a recent state of the state address stated, “I will be directing my entire administration to begin implementing targeted solutions to uplift men and boys.” (2)
  • Senator Josh Hawley, Missouri (R): “Of all the things this country needs—stronger borders, better-paying jobs, some basic safety on our streets—above all, America needs stronger men….For America, stronger, better men are the solution.” (3)
  • Rep. Frederica Wilson 24th District of Florida (D):  “The U.S. Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys (CSSBMB) is the culmination of my work as U.S. Congresswoman to empower our Black men and boys.”  (4)

Sensing a dramatic cultural shift, SAVE recently established a new “Men’s Equality Network,” consisting of groups that want to address the crisis of men and boys in America. (5) The Men’s Equality Network has already issued several press releases calling for the elimination of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs that openly discriminate against men. (6)

Studies show men have fallen behind women in 12 major areas such as health, education, homelessness, and more. (7)

SAVE calls on Democrat and Republican lawmakers to establish a Commission on Men and Boys, similar to the one currently being debated in Washington State: HB 1266 and SB 5446. (8)

SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process, fairness, and equal opportunities for men.








Governors Speak Out on Urgent Need to Lift Up Men and Boys


Robert D. Thompson



Governors Speak Out on Urgent Need to Lift Up Men and Boys

WASHINGTON / February 13, 2025 – Last week Maryland Governor Wes Moore, a Democrat, gave a state of the state speech in which he highlighted the problems and challenges facing men and boys in his state. Gov. Moore’s speech highlighted a range of concerns:

“And it’s not just that in Maryland, labor force participation for young men is nearly the lowest it has been in two decades.

“It’s also that suicide rates among men under 30 have risen by more than a third since 2010.

“Across the country, college attainment levels are the same now for men and boys as they were in 1964.

“And Maryland still sends youth under the age of 18 to our state prisons at twice the national rate.

“The data is telling us a clear message: We need to better understand and address what’s happening with our men and boys.”  (1)

Moore concluded by promising, “I will be directing my entire administration to begin implementing targeted solutions to uplift our men and boys.” (2)

In response, lawmakers in attendance expressed their support with repeated rounds of applause and even a bi-partisan standing ovation. (3)

In addition, two other governors are making their own efforts to lift up men and boys:

  • Gov. Ned Lamont of Connecticut, in his state of the state address, stated, “We’re doing outreach to get more men into teaching. Statistically, boys are more likely to be the disconnected youth.  A few more male mentors in the classroom – and coaching – just might help.” (4)
  • Gov. Spencer Cox of Utah has created a Task Force on the Wellbeing of Men and Boys to find solutions to help Utah’s men and boys lead flourishing lives. (5)

Nationwide, data reveal disturbing disparities in 12 areas such as: (6)

  • Education: In 2022, 6.57 million male undergraduate students, compared to 8.82 million female students, were enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions,
  • Health: Men face a lifespan gender gap of over five years:  Males: 74.8 years and Females: 80.2 years,
  • Victims of Violence: Men are far more likely to be victims of homicide than women. In 2023, the FBI reported that 13,789 male victims were murdered, compared to 3,849 female victims.

SAVE calls on all governors to establish a Commission on Men and Boys, similar to the one currently being debated in Washington State: HB 1266 and SB 5446. (7)

SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process, fairness, and equal opportunities for men.


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White Men Targeted by FAA’s Discriminatory DEI Program


Robert D. Thompson




White Men Targeted by FAA’s Discriminatory DEI Program

WASHINGTON / February 5, 2025 – Recent airplane tragedies in Washington, DC and Philadelphia have placed the public spotlight on biased and discriminatory hiring practices in the airline industry. The problem can be traced back to 2011 when the Obama Administration introduced Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies in the federal government via Executive Order 13583, “Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity, and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce.” (1)

The Obama order targeted all federal agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As a result, the FAA’s hiring and training process went from a skilled-based system to hire air traffic controllers, and replacing it with a new approach designed to favor one candidate over another based on race and sex. (2)

In response, a class action lawsuit was brought by the Mountain States Legal Foundation in 2019. The Brigida vs. FAA case represented more than 2,500 aspiring air traffic controllers who they said were harmed by the FAA’s discriminatory policies. (3)

For example, Andrew Brigida scored 100 per cent on his training exam, but alleged that he had been denied a position in an air traffic control tower because the FAA recruitment process favored “diverse” candidates. (4)

The FAA’s DEI program also caught the attention of 11 U.S. attorneys general. (5) In a February 2024, letter, (6) the AGs warned that DEI hiring practices within the Federal Aviation Administration were putting airline passengers in danger.

The letter argues that the FAA “must return to prioritizing safety over diversity and virtue signaling” and “should once again hire based on merit so that only the most qualified aviation experts take care of America’s air travel.” (7)

Individual airlines also implemented hiring practices that were discriminatory against men. Several lawsuits, brought by America First Legal against three of America’s largest airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines and American Airlines, have all resulted in victory: (8)

  • Southwest Airlines agreed to end its illegal race and sex-based discrimination in all hiring and promotional processes, including all DEI quotas, benchmarks, or preferences. (9)
  • United Airlines likewise acknowledged that hiring and employment quotas, preferences, and set asides constitute unlawful discrimination and hinder equal employment opportunities. (10)
  • American Airlines also agreed to abandon the discriminatory employment practices that AFL outlined in its federal civil rights complaint. (11)

On January 22, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order that banned DEI programs throughout the federal government, as well as for federal contracting and spending. (12)  Americans must remain vigilant in rooting out all vestiges of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs in the federal government and in the airline industry.

SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs.





As President Trump Issues D.E.I. Order, Private Sector Begins to Phase Out Discriminatory Programs


Robert D. Thompson



As President Trump Issues D.E.I. Order, Private Sector Begins to Phase Out Discriminatory Programs

WASHINGTON / January 22, 2025 – President Trump signed an Executive Order on Monday that ended the widespread but widely criticized Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.) programs in the federal government. (1) The Order reveals, “Pursuant to Executive Order 13985 and follow-on orders, nearly every Federal agency and entity submitted ‘Equity Action Plans’ to detail the ways that they have furthered DEI’s infiltration of the Federal Government.” (2) 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs began several years ago as an effort to build public support, in response to social media campaigns that made claims of discriminatory policies. (3) These D.E.I. programs openly sought to discriminate against men and white persons. For example:

  • Allan Kingsley Wood, a former senior director at software company Red Hat, alleged he was terminated in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for being white and male after he spoke out against the company’s push to hire based on race and gender. (4)  
  • A white former Morgan Stanley & Co managing director filed a lawsuit claiming he was fired to make way for a less-qualified Black woman as the investment bank sought to diversify its senior ranks.  (5) 

Now, Fortune 500 companies are beginning to roll back or eliminate altogether their D.E.I. programs. Some companies are reconsidering their D.E.I. policies based on the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to strike down affirmative action in colleges and universities.(6) 

One of the first major companies to scale back its D.E.I. programs was Tractor Supply, which cut ties in with the Human Rights Campaign and other LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. (7)  In 2024, the following companies eliminated or reduced their D.E.I. initiatives: (8) 

  • American Airlines (9)
  • Boeing(10)  
  • Ford (11) 
  • Harley- Davidson (12)
  • Lowe’s (13) 
  • Nissan (14)  
  • Walmart (15)   

The movement to emphasize merit over a person’s sex or race continued to build momentum as Amazon, (16) META, (17) and McDonalds (18) announced plans in January of this year to curtail their D.E.I. programs, as well.  

But many Fortune 500 businesses are still pushing DEI policies that undermine the importance of merit. (19)  SAVE calls upon all companies to eliminate their discriminatory Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies in 2025.
SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs. 

Apocalypse Now: LA Residents Pay the Price for Corrupt D.E.I. Ideology


Robert D. Thompson


Apocalypse Now: LA Residents Pay the Price for Corrupt D.E.I. Ideology

WASHINGTON / January 15, 2025 — The fires that consumed Southern California during the past week are a direct result of the corrupt DEI policies implemented in recent years in Los Angeles County. Rated as one of the most costly natural disasters in US history, the fire has ignited a storm of criticism against government officials, especially Governor Gavin Newsome, LA Mayor Karen Bass, and D.E.I. hire Fire Chief Kristin Crowley. (1) 

Upon her appointment in 2022, Fire Chief Kristin Crowley launched her Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.) Bureau to “focus on ensuring a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace for all.” (2)  As a result, the Fire Department was able to boast, “of the more than 6,500 applicants to LAFD, 70% were people of color and nearly 8% … were female,” which was double the percentage of female firefighters within the Department at the time. (3) 

While spending heavily on D.E.I. programs, the LA Fire Department budget was cut by $17.6 million — just months prior to the outbreak of the fire. (4) 

Commentator Victor Davis Hanson reveals, “The DEI fire chief, 70% of her hires have been based on DEI. Not muscularity, not experience, not size, not competence. The primary criterion was DEI.” Hanson  concluded the destructive fires “could have been prevented had we had meritocratic hiring.” (5)  

In addition, California leaders were sending firefighting equipment to Ukraine, failing to make sure there was enough water to supply fire hydrants and assure that the strongest, best-trained, most-skilled firefighters are leading the operations. (6) 

Blame should be laid upon the D.E.I. policies and practices of the Los Angles City Fire Department that openly discriminate against white men. 
SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs. 

School Administrators Must Stop Egregious D.E.I. Discrimination Against Male Students and Teachers

Robert D. Thompson
School Administrators Must Stop Egregious D.E.I. Discrimination Against Male Students and Teachers
WASHINGTON / January 9, 2025 – Our Society is suffering from a long-standing neglect of men.  Men are now lagging in 12 major areas, including shorter life spans, unfair treatment in the legal system, homelessness, and more. (1)  In universities, men now comprise only 42% of all undergraduate students. (2)
Inexplicably, certain groups have introduced D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) initiatives in schools in recent years that seek to openly discriminate against male students and teachers. (3)
These are two of many examples:
  • The University of Colorado’s “Underrepresented Minority Visiting Elective Scholarship” excludes white men as potential scholarship recipients because of race. (4)
  • Lawsuit against Northwestern University has been filed alleging discrimination against white males who were candidates as professors at the university’s law school. (5)
Some D.E.I. programs promote discriminatory practices against teachers, as well:
  • Jefferson County Public Schools in Kentucky states that it will “attract, recruit, hire, and retain staff and leadership” that reflects the “diversity of the student body.”  The district defines “diverse” as pertaining to any and all cultures that are NOT heterosexual, male-centered, white, Western, and/or Christian.” (6)

Fortunately, States are beginning to introduce bills that restrict or prohibit D.E.I. initiatives.  As of May 2024, 10 states have passed anti-D.E.I. legislation related to higher education. (7)  And D.E.I. programs are being rolled back at universities in Florida, (8) Texas, (9) North Carolina, (10) and Michigan. (11)

Lawmakers and school administrators are urged to promptly abolish D.E.I. policies and practices.
SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs. 