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Percentage of persons answering ‘yes’…..
Group  No. of Respondents % of Respondents Heard of Affirmative Consent Law? Support Ongoing Consent? Support Affirmative, Conscious and Voluntary Consent? Gov’t Have Authority?
All                2,081 100.0% 14.2% 40.7% 55.4% 14.4%
Male                   402 55.6% 21.6% 36.8% 49.3% 15.9%
Female                   321 44.4% 17.1% 44.5% 63.2% 12.8%
Under 40 years                   152 22.2% 25.0% 42.7% 47.4% 19.7%
40 years or older                   534 77.8% 18.7% 39.9% 58.2% 13.5%
Political Affiliation:
Republican                   317 40.6% 16.1% 35.0% 49.5% 1.4%
Democrat                   258 33.1% 20.2% 51.2% 67.1% 22.9%
Independent                   204 26.2% 19.1% 32.4% 47.5% 9.8%