The SAVE Board of Directors is comprised of many of the leaders in the national campus due process movement:

Edward E. Bartlett
Founder of SAVE. Received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University. Former faculty member at three universities, and former federal regulator at the Department of Health and Human Services. Author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles and editorials. Proud father of three and an avid bicyclist.
Jesse R. Binnall
Partner in Harvey & Binnall in Alexandria, Virginia. Experienced in Title IX litigation and other areas of the law. He is president of the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University’s Alumni Association, and serves as Director for the American Institute for Law & Liberty. A passionate scuba diver, especially shark diving.
Cynthia P. Garrett
California attorney who has been addressing Title IX sexual misconduct issues since 2014. Garrett is Co-President of Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), served on an American Bar Association task force that developed recommended Title IX procedures, and serves as a liaison for two sexual misconduct projects with the American Law Institute.
Eric Rosenberg, Esq.
Managing Member of Rosenberg & Ball Co., LPA in Granville, Ohio, which has represented hundreds of students in Title IX disciplinary proceedings and lawsuits. Eric also enjoys spending time with his twin daughters and volunteering with his church’s food pantry and prison ministry.