
12 Areas of Male Disadvantage in the United States

12 Areas of Male Disadvantage in the United States


January 30, 2025

Debates about “gender equality” typically focus only on issues of concern to women. But what about gender equality as it applies to men?

  1.   Education
  • In 2022, 6.57 million male undergraduate students, compared to 8.82 million female students, were enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions.
  • Now, 47% of U.S. women ages 25 to 34 have a bachelor’s degree, compared with only 37% of men.
  1.   Health

Men face a lifespan gender gap of over five years:

  • Males: 74.8 years
  • Females: 80.2 years


  • The suicide rate among males in 2022 was four times higher than the rate among females. Males make up nearly 80% of suicides:
    • Men: 23 per 100,000 persons
    • Women: 5.9 per 100,000 persons
  1.  Boys

The “Boy Crisis” refers to the worsening academic performance, depression, addiction, and other problems affecting boys.

  1. False Allegations
  • According to a national YouGov survey, 11% of men, compared to 8% of women, have been falsely accused of domestic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse.
  1.   Victims of Violence
  • Men are far more likely to be victims of homicide than women. In 2023, the FBI reported that 13,789 male victims were murdered, compared to 3,849 female victims.
  1.  Equal Shared Parenting
  • The percentage of divorces with shared physical child custody in 2010-2014 was 33.6%. (Source: Meyer et al, Figure 1).
  • This number has improved slowly in recent years.
  1.  Criminal System
  • Men face more severe treatment at every step of the criminal-legal process, especially during the charging, plea-bargaining, and sentencing stages.
  • The bias is so severe that male victims of statutory rape often are required to pay child support to their rapist.
  1. Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse
  • Each year, more men than women experience domestic violence, according to the Centers for Disease Control:
    o Men: 6.5 million victims
    o Women: 5.7 million victims
  • Even though men are frequent victims of domestic violence, only 9% of persons served by VAWA Discretionary Grant Programs are male. (Source: 2022 Biennial Report to Congress, Page 40)
  1.  Homelessness
  1.   Workplace Death and Injuries
  1.   Adoption and Reproductive Rights

Adoption: In many states, unmarried fathers have no say in decisions to put the baby up for adoption.

Reproductive Rights: Men have no legal rights in decisions to abort or save an unborn child.

Paternity Fraud: Paternity fraud is the intentional misidentification of a child’s biological father by the mother. Studies reveal 3.7% of pregnancies involve paternity fraud.

  1.   Media
  • Research conducted in the U.S. and other countries concludes that:
    • 69% of media portrayals of men are unfavorable, often casting them as aggressors, perverts, or incompetents.
    • Positive depictions, such as good fathers or heroes, constitute only 18% of media portrayals.
  • Men are often stereotyped as sexual aggressors, even though in juvenile facilities, female officers commit 95% of all sexual assaults.

Other Resources: 

Editorials and Articles:

Public Opinion Poll: 

Male Disparities Around the World:


AI Chatbot News American Indians Campus Department of Education Due Process False Allegations Feminism Gender Agenda Gender Identity Office for Civil Rights Press Release Title IX

Death Knell Sounds on the Title IX Transgender Movement


Robert Thompson: 301-801-0608


Death Knell Sounds on the Title IX Transgender Movement

WASHINGTON / January 27, 2025 – Following a 2021 Biden Executive Order (1), the transgender movement took root and spread across the United States. The Department of Education set out to draft a new Title IX regulation that would set into law the controversial notion of “gender identity.”

Public opposition to the plan soon arose (2). Specific areas of concern included gender transitioning of minors, campus due process, pronoun mandates and free speech, parental rights, and women’s sports (3).

In response, the Title IX Network was established, eventually consisting of 240 national, state, and local organizations that were united in their opposition to the proposed regulation (4). Dozens of members of Congress, state governors, and state attorneys general spoke out against to the proposal, as well (5). Some even called for the abolition of the Department of Education (6).

One hundred state lawmakers from 32 states signed a pledge to “protect schools, children, and families from the Biden Title IX rule” (7). Numerous states enacted policies designed to thwart the transgender movement. For example, 25 states passed laws banning the participation of men from women’s sports (8). SAVE also established a Citizen Watchdog Program designed to monitor schools at the local level (9).

Despite fierce opposition, on April 19, 2024 the Department of Education issued its Title IX regulation that changed the definition of sex to include “gender identity” and removed key due process protections for the falsely accused (10). Within weeks, nine lawsuits opposing the regulation had been filed (11).

The following developments signaled the demise of the Title IX transgender movement:

  1. August 16, 2024: All nine Supreme Court justices issued a ruling that expressed their unanimous opposition to the Biden plan to redefine sex to include “gender identity.” (12)
  2. December 20: The U.S. Department of Education formally withdrew the plan to enact its controversial Title IX sports rule (13).
  3. January 9, 2025: Federal judge Danny Reeves issued a decision that struck down, across the nation, the Biden Title IX regulation (14). The Department of Education did not seek to appeal the historic ruling.
  4. January 20: President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order stating, “It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female.  These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.” (15)

Marxist Shulamith Firestone once declared, The goal of the feminist revolution must be the elimination of the “sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally…The tyranny of the biological family would be broken.” (16)

Once again, the illogic of Marxist ideology has been revealed.



In Australia, Men and Boys are Lagging on a Broad Range of Indicators

In Australia, Men and Boys are Lagging on a Broad Range of Indicators

By David Maywald

January 24, 2025

Around the world, men and boys are facing important, sometimes life-threatening, disparities in 12 areas:  A similar situation is seen in Australia:

Advocates for gender equality should place particular attention on the plight of men and boys.


As President Trump Issues D.E.I. Order, Private Sector Begins to Phase Out Discriminatory Programs


Robert D. Thompson



As President Trump Issues D.E.I. Order, Private Sector Begins to Phase Out Discriminatory Programs

WASHINGTON / January 22, 2025 – President Trump signed an Executive Order on Monday that ended the widespread but widely criticized Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.) programs in the federal government. (1) The Order reveals, “Pursuant to Executive Order 13985 and follow-on orders, nearly every Federal agency and entity submitted ‘Equity Action Plans’ to detail the ways that they have furthered DEI’s infiltration of the Federal Government.” (2) 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs began several years ago as an effort to build public support, in response to social media campaigns that made claims of discriminatory policies. (3) These D.E.I. programs openly sought to discriminate against men and white persons. For example:

  • Allan Kingsley Wood, a former senior director at software company Red Hat, alleged he was terminated in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for being white and male after he spoke out against the company’s push to hire based on race and gender. (4)  
  • A white former Morgan Stanley & Co managing director filed a lawsuit claiming he was fired to make way for a less-qualified Black woman as the investment bank sought to diversify its senior ranks.  (5) 

Now, Fortune 500 companies are beginning to roll back or eliminate altogether their D.E.I. programs. Some companies are reconsidering their D.E.I. policies based on the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to strike down affirmative action in colleges and universities.(6) 

One of the first major companies to scale back its D.E.I. programs was Tractor Supply, which cut ties in with the Human Rights Campaign and other LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. (7)  In 2024, the following companies eliminated or reduced their D.E.I. initiatives: (8) 

  • American Airlines (9)
  • Boeing(10)  
  • Ford (11) 
  • Harley- Davidson (12)
  • Lowe’s (13) 
  • Nissan (14)  
  • Walmart (15)   

The movement to emphasize merit over a person’s sex or race continued to build momentum as Amazon, (16) META, (17) and McDonalds (18) announced plans in January of this year to curtail their D.E.I. programs, as well.  

But many Fortune 500 businesses are still pushing DEI policies that undermine the importance of merit. (19)  SAVE calls upon all companies to eliminate their discriminatory Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies in 2025.
SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs. 

Apocalypse Now: LA Residents Pay the Price for Corrupt D.E.I. Ideology


Robert D. Thompson


Apocalypse Now: LA Residents Pay the Price for Corrupt D.E.I. Ideology

WASHINGTON / January 15, 2025 — The fires that consumed Southern California during the past week are a direct result of the corrupt DEI policies implemented in recent years in Los Angeles County. Rated as one of the most costly natural disasters in US history, the fire has ignited a storm of criticism against government officials, especially Governor Gavin Newsome, LA Mayor Karen Bass, and D.E.I. hire Fire Chief Kristin Crowley. (1) 

Upon her appointment in 2022, Fire Chief Kristin Crowley launched her Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.) Bureau to “focus on ensuring a safe, diverse and inclusive workplace for all.” (2)  As a result, the Fire Department was able to boast, “of the more than 6,500 applicants to LAFD, 70% were people of color and nearly 8% … were female,” which was double the percentage of female firefighters within the Department at the time. (3) 

While spending heavily on D.E.I. programs, the LA Fire Department budget was cut by $17.6 million — just months prior to the outbreak of the fire. (4) 

Commentator Victor Davis Hanson reveals, “The DEI fire chief, 70% of her hires have been based on DEI. Not muscularity, not experience, not size, not competence. The primary criterion was DEI.” Hanson  concluded the destructive fires “could have been prevented had we had meritocratic hiring.” (5)  

In addition, California leaders were sending firefighting equipment to Ukraine, failing to make sure there was enough water to supply fire hydrants and assure that the strongest, best-trained, most-skilled firefighters are leading the operations. (6) 

Blame should be laid upon the D.E.I. policies and practices of the Los Angles City Fire Department that openly discriminate against white men. 
SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs. 

School Administrators Must Stop Egregious D.E.I. Discrimination Against Male Students and Teachers

Robert D. Thompson
School Administrators Must Stop Egregious D.E.I. Discrimination Against Male Students and Teachers
WASHINGTON / January 9, 2025 – Our Society is suffering from a long-standing neglect of men.  Men are now lagging in 12 major areas, including shorter life spans, unfair treatment in the legal system, homelessness, and more. (1)  In universities, men now comprise only 42% of all undergraduate students. (2)
Inexplicably, certain groups have introduced D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) initiatives in schools in recent years that seek to openly discriminate against male students and teachers. (3)
These are two of many examples:
  • The University of Colorado’s “Underrepresented Minority Visiting Elective Scholarship” excludes white men as potential scholarship recipients because of race. (4)
  • Lawsuit against Northwestern University has been filed alleging discrimination against white males who were candidates as professors at the university’s law school. (5)
Some D.E.I. programs promote discriminatory practices against teachers, as well:
  • Jefferson County Public Schools in Kentucky states that it will “attract, recruit, hire, and retain staff and leadership” that reflects the “diversity of the student body.”  The district defines “diverse” as pertaining to any and all cultures that are NOT heterosexual, male-centered, white, Western, and/or Christian.” (6)

Fortunately, States are beginning to introduce bills that restrict or prohibit D.E.I. initiatives.  As of May 2024, 10 states have passed anti-D.E.I. legislation related to higher education. (7)  And D.E.I. programs are being rolled back at universities in Florida, (8) Texas, (9) North Carolina, (10) and Michigan. (11)

Lawmakers and school administrators are urged to promptly abolish D.E.I. policies and practices.
SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – is a 501(c)3 organization working to assure due process and fairness.  The Title IX Network consists of 240 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Biden Title IX regulation and end D.E.I. programs. 