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SAVE Invites Persons to Become Local Watchdogs to Assure Title IX Compliance

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Robert D. Thompson: 301-801-0608

SAVE Invites Persons to Become Local Watchdogs to Assure Title IX Compliance

WASHINGTON / August 5, 2024 – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) today is announcing a new Citizen Watchdog initiative to assure Title IX compliance in 26 states in which judges have ruled against the Biden Administration’s controversial Title IX regulation, and to push back against the Gender Agenda in the other 24 states. (1) 

Over the last two months, federal judges issued a series of strongly worded rulings that blocked the implementation of the Title IX regulation, which redefines sex to include “gender identity.” The judicial decisions currently apply to 26 states around the country: LA, MS, MT, ID, TN, KY, OH, IN, VA, WV, KS, AK, UT, WY, TX. AR, MO, IA, NE, ND, SD, AL, OK, FL, GA and SC. (2) 

In addition, the Kansas ruling exempts over 2,000 schools from the Title IX regulation. (3)  Here is the list of Schools. (4)

On August 1, 2024, the controversial Title IX regulation went into effect in the 24 states not covered by the judicial decisions.  The Department of Education released a statement claiming the new regulation is designed to “ensure that Title IX promotes educational equity and opportunity for all.”  This statement is disingenuous because the new regulation actually serves to remove fundamental civil rights from women competing in athletic events, from students who wish to exercise their free speech rights, and from falsely accused male students who expect to enjoy 14th Amendment due process protections.

While the injunctions handed down against the Title IX rule have been encouraging, some schools are expected to attempt to sidestep the decisions. For example, schools in the 26 states may claim to be following the letter of the law, but individual teachers or counselors may continue their efforts to indoctrinate vulnerable students into Gender Ideology, while school administrators turn a blind eye.

A recent report from the Heritage Foundation reveals that schools in over 1,000 districts are allowed to hide a child’s gender identity from the child’s parents. (5) 

Aaron Lacey, a partner at Thompson Coburn, recently claimed said institutions affected by the injunctions could choose to adopt only certain elements of the new Title IX rule, as long as they remain in compliance with the 2020 Title IX regulation – an approach that could be described as a “disruptive nightmare.” (6) 

In response, SAVE is in the process of identifying hundreds of Citizen Watchdogs around the country who are willing to monitor their schools to assure compliance with the judicial decisions and counter the Gender Agenda. (7) 

If a Citizen Watchdog discovers non-compliance in their local school(s), they should take steps to stop the problem. These approaches include:

  1. Meet with the school principal and/or education superintendent
  2. Speak out at meetings of the local school board
  3. Refer the non-compliance to the state Attorney General office.    

To volunteer for the Watchdog program, persons should send a message to Please indicate your city and state, and your area of concern, such as women’s sports, due process, etc. To learn about the Citizen Watchdog program, visit:  

The Title IX Network consists of 233 organizational members who are working to stop the new Title IX regulation and end the gender agenda.
