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Our Impact

Lobbying Meetings

SAVE has had a major impact on federal and state legislation by means of hundreds of meetings with lawmakers and staffers.

Civil Rights Investigations

As a result of complaints filed by SAVE, the Office for Civil Rights has ended hundreds of female-only scholarships.


Each month, the SAVE website receives thousands of page views from persons around the globe.

Press Releases

Sent to media contacts, university officials, lawmakers, and others, SAVE’s press releases address the latest developments in campus due process.


Due process is essential to assure that decisions of “innocence” or “guilt” are accurate and reliable. Due process protections include timely notification of allegations, an impartial investigation, fair hearing, the right to appeal, and the presumption of innocence.

Beginning around 2010, campus activists began to push dubious claims about “rape culture” and “one-in-five.” These claims gave rise to a moral panic that justified the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence. The policy led to the broad revocation of due process protections on college campuses — hence the term, “Kangaroo Courts.”

This moral panic began to fade in 2020 when the new Title IX regulation went into effect. But in June 2022, the Biden released a draft regulation that endangered many of the due process protections of the 2020 policy.

The Title IX Journey

Call to Withdraw

2011: SAVE sent a letter calling on the U.S. Department of Education to rescind its unlawful and harmful Dear Colleague Letter.

Public Awareness Campaign

2012: SAVE launched a high-profile media campaign using TV, radio, print editorials, and social media to challenge the dubious “rape culture” narrative.

Title IX Equity Project

2018: SAVE started the Title IX Equity Project. As a result, hundreds of universities have ended their illegal, female-only scholarships.


2020: The new Title IX regulation finally took effect. The policy represents a civil rights breakthrough for colleges across the country.

Pushing Back…

2024: Joe Biden has issued a Title IX regulation that guts due process. To date, multiple judges have issued decisions against the harmful policy.

Know Before You Go…

News and Commentary

Following Ground-Breaking SCOTUS Statement, Gender Activists Have Faced String of Defeats   

Sharing is caring! Share Tweet Pin PRESS RELEASE     Robert D. Thompson: 1-301-801-0608  Email: Following Ground-Breaking SCOTUS Statement, Gender Activists Have Faced String of Defeats      WASHINGTON / October 16, 2024 – In their August 16 statement, the nine Supreme Court justices unanimously expressed their opposition to three key provisions in the new […]

Spanish Councilor Carla Toscano Calls Out Feminist Hatred and Lies Carla Toscano Councilor and Assistant Spokesperson Vox Party, Madrid City Hall September 24, 2024 Twitter introduction: Feminism has normalized hatred, the violation of rights, and institutional abuse against men. And this must be denounced. For all good men. Statement to the Madrid City Council announcing a new initiative, “Elimination of hateful discourse against men, […]

Surge of Female-Perpetrated Domestic Homicides

Surge of Female-Perpetrated Domestic Homicides SAVE September 21, 2024. Updated October 11, 2024 Thousands of studies over the last 40 years show conclusively that domestic violence is not a gendered phenomenon – men and women commit and are victimized by domestic violence at near equal rates. There is evidence going back 20 years that younger […]

Sexual Assault of Women
Has Fallen in Recent Years

Sexual Assault of Men Remains a Widespread, Hidden Problem