A wealth of domestic violence books, manuals, and other materials are available to domestic violence service providers. These are three such resources:
- Domestic Violence: Intervention, Prevention, Policies, and Solutions by Richard Davis.
- The Whole Truth About Domestic Violence by James Kline.

Send $25.00 (money orders or cashier’s checks only) and your mailing address to:
James A. Kline
811 Olmstead Lane
Bayfield, CO 81122
Your book will be shipped first class within two working days.
For information about the book or ordering you may call: 970.426.9629 or
Email: jamesakline@hotmail.com
- Poster: Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women.
18” x 11” poster with tear-off coupons. Suggested donation for each poster: $7.50.
Mail check to:
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women
P.O. Box 252
Harmony, ME 04942
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